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By-Renu Bala
Central University of Rajasthan

0 á Goodness of Fit Test
0 á Test for Independence

Chi Square Test:
Used where researcher has questions about
the proportion or relative frequency for a

E.g., Soft Drink Preference, Number of

women compared to men who are lawyers,
To what extent are different racial or ethnic
groups represented on campus.

Chi Square Test:
Uses sample data to test hypotheses about
the shape or proportions of a sample
distribution. Test determines how well the
obtained sample fits the population
proportions specified by the null hypothesis.
0 The chi square analysis allows you to use
statistics to determine if your data ³good´ or
0 In our fruit fly labs we are using laws of
probability to determine possible outcomes
for genetic crosses.
0 How will we know if our fruit fly data is
0 The following formula is used

If your hypothesis is supported by data

‡you are claiming that something is random and
and independent assortment.
If your hypothesis is not supported by data
‡you are seeing that the deviation between
observed and expected is very far
apart«something non-random must be
0 The test statistic is compared to a
theoretical probability distribution
0 In order to use this distribution properly
you need to determine the degrees of
0 Degrees of freedom is the number of
phenotypic possibilities in your cross
minus one.
0 If the level of significance read from the
table is greater than .05 or 5% then your
hypothesis is accepted and the data is
0 The hypothesis is termed the null hypothesis
which states that there is no substantial
statistical deviation between observed and
expected data.
!" ##$!%!%&#
|  #%! !
0 „nce the numbers are in, you have to
determine the cross that you were using.
0 What is the expected outcome of this cross?
0 9/16 wild type: 3/16 normal body eyeless:
3/16 black body wild eyes: 1/16 black body
##'&!!|  (

#!) *  ' )#! 

+' ,-./


& *#' .01-

 2*& *#' -33

#! .///1

To compute the hypothesis value take

10009/16 = 626
##'&!!|  (
#!   '  #!  
'  4 
&  #'  55
 2 &  #'  

To compute the hypothesis value take

10009/16 = 626
0 Using the chi square formula compute the chi
square total for this cross:
0 (5610 - 5630)2/ 5630 = .07
0 (1881 - 1877)2/ 1877 = .01
0 (1896 - 1877 )2/ 1877 = .20
0 (622 - 626) 2/ 626 = .02
0 G 2= .30
0 How many degrees of freedom?
0 Using the chi square formula compute the chi
square total for this cross:
0 (5610 - 5630)2/ 5630 = .07
0 (1881 - 1877)2/ 1877 = .01
0 (1896 - 1877 )2/ 1877 = .20
0 (622 - 626) 2/ 626 = .02
0 G 2= .30
0 How many degrees of freedom? 3

|ccept Hypothesis 


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( ,',- /'.+ )',* 0',( *',/ .&'00 .-'-/ ./'0*
 -.'0+ -+'**
.& ,'(/ /'*0 0'.* +'-+ (',/ ..'+* .,'// .)'((    -,'-. -(')(
0 pooking this statistic up on the chi square
distribution table tells us the following:
0 the P value read off the table places our
chi square number of .30 close to .95 or
0 This means that 95% of the time when our
observed data is this close to our expected
data, this deviation is due to random
0 We therefore accept our null hypothesis.
0 What is the critical value at which we
would reject the null hypothesis?
0 For three degrees of freedom this value for
our chi square is <7.815.
0 So we accept the hypothesis.
0 How can we use the chi square test in a
different sort of lab?
0 If we were testing the effect of light on plant
growth, how could the chi square analysis be
0 In this case our experimental group is plants
grown in the dark and the control plants are
grown in the light.
0 What would your expected data be?
0 Control plants grown in the light.
0 What would your observed data be?
0 Plants grown in the dark.
0 Do you expect to accept or reject the null
0 reject
Chi Square Test for
Independence :-
67 ('!
0 Cialdini Study:
0 or 1 2 or 4 8 or 16
pittering 17 28 49
Not pittering 102 91 71

When 0 or 1: 17/119 or 14% litter

2 or 4: 28/119 or 24% litter
8 or 16: 49/120 or 41% litter
67 (!!8!
0 or 1 2 or 4 8 or 16
pittering 17 28 49
Not pittering 102 91 71

Ho: No relationship between amount of litter strewn about

and people¶s tendency to litter (ie, the variables are
H1: The variables are not independent
67 ( &6 &!'
&6 &!'½
0 %
# &#&!2# #''#7 7 #%9  
' ! !':


;<#%! 7 
67 (
0 or 1 2 or 4 8 or 16
pittering 9 X
Not pittering †  † † R
67 (
0 or 1 2 or 4 8 or 16

pittering X

Not pittering R

X X R N=

Note: ½e values are given in red


67 (!7!&
0 For the chi square test for independence: df =
0 For the present example: df = (3-1)(2-1) = 2
0 For df=2 and M = .05, Ȥ2 crit = 5.99
67 (#7 !! !
!! !&
 R  R R  U  R
R R 

R     U


Reject Ho since obtained > critical value

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