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FAASTeam Federal Aviation


The Flight Review

Presented to: Central Florida Pilots

By: FAASTeam
Date: 2012

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We are here to discuss the Flight Review

specified in 14 CFR 61.56.
We will review the basic requirements
We will discuss FAA recommendations for
conducting an effective Flight Review
This will be an interactive presentation and
your participation is encouraged!

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Wings Program

The FAASTeam promotes the use of the

Wings provides a general aviation pilot with
a continuous proficiency program
Pilots phased in WINGS have fewer
However, this presentation will focus on the
basic flight review that is taken once every
24 months

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Using 14 CFR 61.56, AC-61-98A, and The

Aviation Instructors Handbook (FAA-H-
8083-9A) as reference, we will discuss the
basic requirements of a Flight Review
As a group, we will answer participant
questions and solicit suggestions on how to
obtain the best results for your general
aviation clients who take Flight Reviews

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14 CFR 61.56

Flight Review
1 hour of flight training
1 hour of ground training
Must include
A review of current general operating rules (91)
A review of those maneuvers and procedures that,
at the discretion of the person giving the review, are
necessary for the pilot to demonstrate the safe
exercise of the privileges of the pilot certificate

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14 CFR 61.56

The flight review is required by

Federal Aviation Regulations
for all pilots who intend to act as
pilot in command of an aircraft.

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14 CFR 61.56

PIC Requirements
Accomplish a flight review in an aircraft the PIC is
rated in
Given by an authorized instructor
Obtain a log book endorsement certifying
satisfactory completion of a flight review
Must be accomplished since the beginning of the
24th month before the month in which the pilot acts
as PIC

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14 CFR 61.56

Exceptions (Flight Review not required)

Pass a pilot proficiency check by an examiner, an
approved pilot check airman, a US Armed Force, for
a pilot certificate, rating, or operating privilege
Accomplish one or more phases of an FAA
sponsored pilot proficiency program (WINGS)
A CFI who has renewed under 14 CFR 61.197
(1 hour ground training credit)
A student pilot undergoing training with a current
solo endorsement

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14 CFR 61.56

Simulators and Flight Training Devices

Must be used in an approved course by a Part 142
Training Center
Must represent an aircraft or set of aircraft for which
the pilot is rated
If not approved for takeoff and landing
The pilot must meet takeoff and landing
requirements of 14 CFR 61.57 (a) or (b)

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Any comments or questions?

Lets discuss the phrase At the discretion
of the person giving the review
What does satisfactorily completed the
review mean to you?
If the review is not satisfactory, how do you
log it?
Un-Sat: can the pilot continue to act as PIC?

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Planning the Flight Review

Find out the pilots flight practices and set

up a plan that is appropriate
Should be conducted at the level of
certification the pilot holds
Both pilot and instructor should agree on
objectives and standards
The goal is to ensure the pilot can operate
with an acceptable level of safety

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Planning the Flight Review

Step 1: Preparation

Step 2: Ground Review

Step 3: Flight Activities

Step 4: Post flight Debriefing

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What are some of the knowledge areas you

find are in need of attention on a typical
flight review?
How do you select maneuvers and
Do you find that most pilots are in need of
recurrent training to brush up on skills?
Are any bad habits observed during your
flight reviews?

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Best Practices

A flight review is an excellent opportunity

for a CFI to evaluate a Pilots Decision
Making (PDM) skills.
Many GA pilots have not been exposed to
the principals of risk management
CFIs can make a contribution to aviation
safety by conducting training on this
subject if needed

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Risk Management Process

Good aeronautical decision-making includes

risk management, a process that
systematically identifies hazards, assesses
the degree of risk, and determines
the best course of action.

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Do you agree that aeronautical decision

making (ADM) should be evaluated?
How do you do it?
Stall/Spin awareness is a critical component
of general aviation accident prevention
Can we say the same about ADM?
Do you practice and teach Single Pilot
Resource Management?

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Thank you for your participation in this

Flight Reviews are an industry managed
FAA monitored currency program for pilots
24 months is a minimum period for
maintaining currency
Please put effort into making the Flight
Review count!

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Except as otherwise provided in 14 CFR 61.56,
a person acting as PIC in an aircraft must
A. Complete a flight review in the category and class of aircraft
B. Complete a flight review in an aircraft in which they are rated
within the 24 months preceding the month in which they act as
C. Complete a flight review to the Practical Test Standards of their
highest certificate held.
D. Demonstrate instrument competency if instrument privileges
are held.

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True or False
A flight review is not a test or a check ride but an
instructional service designed to assess a pilots
knowledge and skill

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A CFI planning a flight review should

(select the best answer)
A. Allow the pilot to determine how it will be
B. Set precise performance standards and make sure
the pilot knows what is expected
C. Set up scenarios that will test the pilots ability to
handle unexpected emergencies
D. Collaborate with the pilot and ensure he or she
understands and agrees with the objectives and
standards being sought

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A flight review is an excellent opportunity for

a CFI to (select the best answer)
A. Review pilot decision making skills and provide
instruction as necessary in how effective
aeronautical decision making can help prevent
B. Try out new instructional techniques
C. Get a general aviation pilots attention and remind
him or her on how dangerous flying can be
D. Remind general aviation pilots they must pass a
test every 2 years

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If a flight review can not be completed due to a pilots

unsatisfactory performance,
A. The CFI should inform the pilot that he or she is automatically
B. The pilot must return to that CFI for further instruction
C. The CFI should contact a Designated Pilot Examiner or FAA
Inspector for further direction
D. The CFI should debrief the pilot and provide specific
feedback on his or her performance including suggestions on
further instruction needed

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Except as otherwise provided in 14 CFR 61.56,
a person acting as PIC in an aircraft must
A. Complete a flight review in the category and class of
aircraft flown
B. Complete a flight review in an aircraft in which they
are rated within the 24 months preceding the month
in which they act as PIC. (14 CFR 61.56)
C. Complete a flight review to the Practical Test
Standards of their highest certificate held.
D. Demonstrate instrument competency if instrument
privileges are held.

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True or False
A flight review is not a test or a check ride but an
instructional service designed to assess a pilots
knowledge and skill

(FAA-H-8083-9A Appendix C Flight Reviews)

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A CFI planning a flight review should

(select the best answer)
A. Allow the pilot to determine how it will be
B. Set precise performance standards and make sure
the pilot knows what is expected
C. Set up scenarios that will test the pilots ability to
handle unexpected emergencies
D. Collaborate with the pilot and ensure he or she
understands and agrees with the objectives and
standards being sought (FAA-H-8083-9A)

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A flight review is an excellent opportunity for

a CFI to (select the best answer)
A. Review pilot decision making skills and provide
instruction as necessary in how effective
aeronautical decision making can help prevent
accidents (FAA-H-8083-9A)
B. Try out new instructional techniques
C. Get a general aviation pilots attention and remind
him or her on how dangerous flying can be
D. Remind general aviation pilots they must pass a
test every 2 years

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If a flight review can not be completed due to

a pilots unsatisfactory performance, (select
the best answer)
A. The CFI should inform the pilot that he or she is
automatically grounded
B. The pilot must return to that CFI for further instruction
C. The CFI should contact a Designated Pilot Examiner or FAA
Inspector for further direction
D. The CFI should debrief the pilot and provide specific
feedback on his or her performance including suggestions
on further instruction needed (AC-61-98A)

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