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What is a crisis today?

How to be best prepared
Crisis! What Crisis??
Robert Collier Sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we
meet it determines our future happiness and success.

Internal External
Forseeable Surprises
Managable Chaotic
Highly Exposed

Our comfort area -

Products, factories,
Are we ready?
Product recall procedure?

Henry Kissinger There can't be a crisis next week. My schedule is
already full.

Crisis Team & Crisis Lead
Crisis Protocol
Organisational Awareness
Crisis Team

What Level?
Technical or Mangerial Lead?
Crisis Protocol

Provide a framework & keep it simple


Organisational Awareness

Phil McGraw - Don't wait until you're in a crisis to come up with a
crisis plan.

Communications plans
Established external linkages
Notifications and reviews

Communications Plans

Its all about credibility!

Communications Plans

I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

I am not a crook

The products had been rigourously tested and were

safe, Wed identified that these were only minute
traces (Salmonella)
External Linkages

Laboratories, Authorities, Police etc


Notifications & Reviews

Learn from near misses

In Summary

If we are well prepared and practiced

We react quickly and decide effectively

The situation impact is minimised

Credibility and trust is maintained with consumers

Thank You

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