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HTTP5105 Database Design and

Install Oracle SQL Developer

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 1 September 4, 2014


In order to work with your data in the database you

do need to be able to connect to the database
This will point you in the right direction to be able to
accomplish this
Follow the steps in this presentation in order to install
SQL Developer
It is not a complicated process

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 2 September 4, 2014


I have received verification from Jeff Smith at Oracle

Jeff is one of the development managers at Oracle
who is responsible for SQL Developer
SQL Developer is compatible with Windows 7, 8 and
even 10
It is dependent on the Java JDK version since Java 8
functions in Windows 10 this means SQL Developer
will function just fine in Windows 10

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 3 September 4, 2014

Step 1

Use your browser and point to this URL:

You will need to create an account with Oracle, they

do want to know who is downloading their product
It is free

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Step 1

You will connect to this page:

Click the Sign In/Register to create your account, follow the

Create Account details on the page that will open
HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 5 September 4, 2014
Step 1

Create your account for the Oracle

Technology Network (OTN)

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Step 2

Click the Downloads tab, and select SQL Developer:

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Step 2

You will need to accept the license

The choose the version you need
Either Windows 64-bit or Mac OS X
if you are using the Mac OS
If you use the Mac OS you will have
extra steps, select the Installation
Notes entry for these
The Windows 64-bit includes your
Java JDK 8, you need to download
and install Java separately if you
choose Mac OS X

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 8 September 4, 2014

Step 2

I selected Windows 64-bit download, it is a 374 MB download

I am using Firefox so in the top right of the screen I can check
the progress of my download

When the download is finished I dragged the downloaded file

to my desktop

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 9 September 4, 2014

Step 2 Optional

The following steps here only apply if

you have chosen Windows 32-bit or
MAC installs where you need to
install your Java JDK.
Click Installation Notes

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 10 September 4, 2014

Step 2 Optional

This will open a window for you the word here is

If you need to download a
separate JDK for your install
please refer to the Word
document I have also placed
on Blackboard
There are several steps to
install your JDK

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 11 September 4, 2014

Step 3

I found where I copied the downloaded file on

my desktop
I double-click it to open the file
It is a ZIP file that needs to be extracted

Click the Extract all Files link

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 12 September 4, 2014

Step 3

This will copy the files to the specified location:

After the extraction or installation is finished you will see the folder
sqldeveloper in your list of folders, in my case off of the root directory.
HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 13 September 4, 2014
Step 3

When the location that is shown is displayed I usually change it so the

extraction is done right of the root of my C:\ drive.

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Step 4

Find the folder in the location you copied it to

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Step 4

If you double-click this item you will invoke SQL Developer

Can also add it as an icon in your tray or on your desktop

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Step 4
Click Pin to Taskbar to place in your
system tray

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Step 4

Right-click again and you can

Send to Desktop to create a

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Step 5

When you first

open SQL
Developer you are
prompted to
associate various
file extensions to
SQL Developer
I generally do not
associate any file
extensions to SQL

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 19 September 4, 2014

Step 5

You could associate .sql extensions. If you click on a file that has a .sql
extension it would open SQL Developer for you automatically

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 20 September 4, 2014

Step 6

Once SQL Developer is installed you ned to establish a

connection to your database account
I am demonstrating this with my own SQL Developer
so bare in mind I have several connections already
established, yours will only show your connection

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 21 September 4, 2014

Step 6

Click the green plus sign to add

a connection

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Step 6

You will be presented with this screen

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Step 6

Again bare in mind I have many prior connections, after I entered my

details here I clicked on Test, I should see the Status: Success if
everything was OK
HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 24 September 4, 2014
Step 6

Connection Name: Dilbert (could be anything)

Username: n12345678 (your student number)
Password: oracle (lowercase)
Port: 1521
SID: grok

These are the values you will need to enter

Click Test, if OK then click Save to store the connection details

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 25 September 4, 2014

Step 7
You will need to
set some
preferences to
ensure that the
results of certain
data are in the
correct format
Click the Tools
menu option and
select Preferences

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 26 September 4, 2014

Step 7

Expand the Database option, and select NLS Parameters

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 27 September 4, 2014

Step 7
You should
see a set of
that look like
It is possible
yours could
be different
reads your
settings and
based on
and Territory
settings it
HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 28 September 4, 2014
Step 7
Change the
values so they
appear as shown
to the left
These will ensure
that your output
will be in the
correct format
Click OK when
you have finished
to save the

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 29 September 4, 2014

Another useful tip is to
add line numbers to
your code.
They can be set from
the Preferences menu,
Code Editor option and
Line Gutter
Click the check box for
Show Line Numbers
Click OK to save

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 30 September 4, 2014

You may set this
option to change the
appearance of the grid
output so it displays
every second row in
an alternate colour
Makes the output
easier to read

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 31 September 4, 2014


Hopefully this will help you to install SQL Developer

on your own computer system
It will make your life easier
SQL Developer is installed in the labs

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Connect to Your Database Account

Once you have SQL Developer installed you will need

to establish a connection to your database account
that exists on a server called Dilbert
You will need to start SQL Developer on your system

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Start SQL Developer

I have an icon on my desktop, and in my system tray

at the bottom of Windows
Click on the icon to begin SQL Developer

This will load SQL Developer

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Load SQL Developer

You will see the following as SQL Developer is loaded

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Initial SQL Developer Screen

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Create a Connection

On the left side of your SQL Developer screen you will

see the following icon

Click this icon

This will open a screen to allow you to enter the
details to create a connection to your database

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 37 September 4, 2014

Establish a Connection

Connection Name is what appears under the list to the left, Username is your Humber ID
value, Password is oracle in lowercase, click Save Password, Hostname is, Port is 1521, and SID is GROK, Click Test to make sure it works, if so
click Save, then Click Connect, this is only done once
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If you have any errors please let me know

I administer the database you are connecting to
Assuming all went find you will see the following:

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This is the work area of SQL Developer, this is called a worksheet

You enter your SQL commands in this window

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Right-click the connection you created in
the tree on the left of the screen

It will open the following screen

Select Disconnect for the list of options,

this will close your connection

This is the proper way to do this

HTTP5105 Database Design and Development 41 September 4, 2014

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