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Serbian education


United nation school

Mathematical gymnasium
University of Physics

Serbia southeast Europes Balkan

Population -7.1milion
Goverment Parlamentary constitutional
History founded in late 8th century
Serbian Empire,Kingdom 1217-1346
Serbian Despotate 1459 in Otoman Empire
Kingdom of Serbia - Independence 1878
Unification 1912-18 Jugoslavian Republic
Republic of Serbia 2006
Belgrade - capital city (white city)
Population 1.7milion
Located at the confluence of rivers
Sava&Danube where Panonian
plane meet Balkan
Prehistoric culture of Europe ,the
Vina culture evolved in Belgrade
area in the 6th millennium BC.
It was conquered by
ThracoDacians, Celts, Romans,
Slavs, Byzantine Empire, Frankish
Empire, Ottoman Empire and
Kingdom of Hungary.

Preschool education
Start at age 5 or 6. It lasts 4 hours a day for at least 6 months. After it, students pass an exam of ability to attend primary school

Primary education
Start at age 6 or 7 till 15.Consist from grades 1-8.

Highschool education
Start from age 14-18 .Consist from grades 1-4,sometimes 1-3

Colleague and University education

Last from 2-6 years

Interesting facts
The school year for primary and high schools lasts for 9 months. It begins on 1st September and ends around 20th June

The school year is split into 2 semesters and semesters are split into 2 quarters

Students have 5 holidays a school year: one in November ( lasts for 2 days), one in January New Year / Christmas holiday; lasts for 15 days), one in February
(Serbia National Day; last for 2 days), one in April ( Easter holiday; lasts for about 10 days) and one in May (International workers day last for 2 days).

Between school years, in summer, there is summer holiday which last for 2 months

Scholls are divided into two shifts,morning 8-14h and afternoon 14-20h

Classes last 45 min,pause 5 min,big brake 30 min,5-7 classes per day

Red book for every class

Red book

The grading system is numeric

1. Insufficient (1) corresponds to American F grade

2. Sufficient (2) corresponds to American D and C

3. Good (3) corresponds to American C and B

4. Very good (4) corresponds to American B+ and A-

5. Excellent (5) corresponds to American A and A+ g

Higher schools and universities use grades from 5 to 10. All students have to acquire at least 6 (the lowest passing grade).


1. 2 main tests each semester

2. Many mini tests whenever

3. Questioning in front of tavla

4. Own wish questionnaire

5. Activity or inactivity
Educational system
Primary education
Children enroll in primary schools at the age of 6 or 7
Lower grades (grades 1-4 ) students are sorted into classes randomly and have only one teacher and classroom for all subjects
1. Serbian language
2. Mathematics
3. Fine art (drawing and painting; art theory only in higher grades)
4. English language
5. Music (singing, reading notes and playing instruments )
6. Sport (basic exercises, running, sports and P.E. equipment usage)
7. Nature and society
8. An elective: Civil or Religious education , (students must choose one of the two subjects)
Higher grades (grades 5-8 )students get a whole range of teachers and classrooms for the school subjects
9. Math
11. Chemistry
12.Serbian l
13.English l.
14.Second foreign language
18.Tehnical science
Final Exam for Primary schools
After graduating from the primary school, students take a test called Matura. The test covers subjects that were taught in
primary school. They are awarded the maximum of 40 points at the test.But average grade from 6,7,8 grades are calculated in
max 60-70 points.
Matura test
1. Serbian language 1st day
2. Mathematic 2nd day
3. Combination test (Physic, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography ) 3 rd day

Both the points from Matura and from average marks are totallized into the maximum of 100 points. Then, students make a list
of their preferred schools and are sorted according to how much points they had gained - every secondary school has a limited
number of students it takes. After students make lists for preferred schools, they get into the first school that suits them
according to the points. If they fail to get into any of the schools they had listed (ex. if they don't have enough points, but they
had chosen very competitive schools), they make another list for the Second Enrollment Deadline.
There are secondary schools that don't require the classical point system for entrance. This schools sort students out based on
their talent, ballet school,music schools, Mathematical gymnasium and Language gymnasium
High school education
Secondary schools are divided into three types - gymnasiums, professional and craft schools.
Gymnasiums take akes four years to complete and after graduation students get a Highschool diplomas But they are advised to
continue their education as it is very hard to find a job with a gymnasium diploma.
There are also two types of special gymnasiums : The Gymnasium of Mathematics and The Gymnasium of Philology.
Gymnasiums have its courses and the most common ones are the Socio-Linguistics Course, Science-Mathematics Course,
Every course has the same number and list of classes, but the difference is in their schedules (for example, the Socio-Linguistic
Course might have English classes five times a week, while the Science-Mathematics Course offers two English classes a
Serbian language Math Geography Art
English lang. Physic History Music
Second foreign lang. Chemistry Civil low Sport
Latin language Biology Computer sc Psihology

Professional schools specializes students in a particular field and awards them with a First Professional Degree. It also takes
four years to complete. Some examples of such schools are Economy School, Medicine School, Chemistry School, Technical
School, Graphics School, etc.
Vocational schools also have courses. Usually, they teach 11-12general subjects
A few professional subjects that are different for almost every course (hygiene in a nurse-technician course at medical schools,
for example)
There are two types of craft schools : courses four-year courses and three-year courses. Three-year courses are crafts and if a
student that has a craft diploma wants to attend a university, they must enroll in the fourth year of a four-year course inordinately.
Universities, Colleges (upper schools), Academies

This institutions accept students based on their grades in high school and Entrance Exams (general exam )results.
Upper schools last for 2-3 years. The difference is that professional universities last 4-6 years and offer common tertiary
Faculties&Universities and art academies last for 4-5 years, 5 years until magistracy and 8 years until doctorate. Only
exception are the Medical University lasting for 6 years
Serbia has 17 universities, 63 colleges of applied sciences,and 8 colleges of academic studies. Serbian citizens can study at
public universities for free IF they reach good scores on entrance exsm.

Entrance exam for University is obligatory. It differs at different faculties (for e.g. when enrolling at Law faculty students take a
test in history and Serbian,if they wish to enroll on Physic Univ than they take test from math & physic ). The entrance exam is
60% of their final score. 40% is based on secondary school grades.

Only a small number of students with the best final score can attend public University free of charge. The state finances this.
Others have to pay from 10.000 30.000 kr per year.
Parents provide everything for our education
-books for all subjects and all nessesery equipment
-transportation cards
-literature for reading
-calculstors&computers (not alowed on class or test and formulas papers dont exist)
Classes look diferent
There is a looooooootttttt of homework
My way...

United Nations primary school

Intrest for physic &chemistry
Competitions on many levels
Average grade 5,00
Matematical gymnasium school of special national intrest
It is a special school for gifted and talented students of mathematics, physics and computer science, aged 13-18. It was
established in 1966, and extended in 2004 to include the two final grades of primary school (age 13-14).
It is ranked World number one at International Science Olympiads by the number of medals won by its students (more than 400).
Students are carefully selected through a specific admission process, which includes a specialised entry exam and the results
of previous achievements.
A specialised teachers ensures that teaching in mathematics, physics and computer science is delivered on a highly advanced
Knowing that a gifted student needs a gifted teachers,they choose most specific ones.. Many staff members are the former
students of the Mathematical G School.
Two-way cooperation with eminent educational and scientific institutions, including the University of Belgrade, Mathematical
Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciencesand the Physics Institute. This cooperation is valuable to pupild since school
recruit the members of these institutions as our part-time teachers and as many for the extra learning activities.
What students get:
small-size classes, usually 20 students per class (which are sometimes further divided into four or five smaller groups for
variety of teaching methods, including mentoring;
nurturing active knowledge, creativity, originality, integrity and criticism as greatly valued attributes; developing profound moral
continuous enhancement of curriculum and teaching, based on our own experience and research, as well as on the
experience of the world leading educational and scientific institutions, individual scientists and teaching experts.
University of Physics

Theoretical &Experimental Physic (50 students max,all on budget )
General Ph (25 students max,all on budget )
Computer &applied ph (40 students max, on budget and 10 self fInancing )
Meteorology (25 students max on budget and 5 self fanincing

-Theoretical lectures with professor
-Calculation lectures with assistant of profesor
- Experimental labaratory exercise (80% of subjets)
*entrance kolokvium
* closure kolokvium
Experimental Physic
Average grade 9.26

1st Year subjects I 3nd Year subjects

Mechanics& Thermodynamics Mathematical physics II
Chemistry Electronic
Mathematic I Quantum physic
Waves& structure of matter Statistical physic
Methods of measurements and Molecular physic
data processing English language II
The defence& protection Modern Physic research

2nd Year subjects 4th Year subjects

Mathematic II Nuclear physic
Electromagnetism Particle physic
Mathematical physics I Quantum optic-lasers
Theoretical Mechanic Solid state physic
History of philosophy of science Physic of ionized gases
English language I Metrology
Time of sanction,wars,demonstrations,bombing 1999y,fights for ideals to try to change political
system of the country,hoping for better future.
Open door -1h per week
List of literature for each subject, no particular book
-Labaratory exercises,calculations and general kolokvium
- Calculation exam 4h
- Theoretical exam in front of bord ( lottery)
Work experience
Preparation classes for General exam
Pooling of knowledge in mathematics, physic and chemistry acquired during whole high school studies , for the main test for applying
into the University of Electrical engineering, or University of Physics, Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Civil engineering etc.
Classes for University and Colleague students
-Individual classes in
Atomic& molecular physic
Optic and quantum optic
Mathematical physics
Physic of solid state
Classes for Gymnasium students
Mathematic (Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus...)
Classes with students with special needs
- Working with students from age 11 to age 19 with some kind of learning's disorders ,teaching them mathematic and physic
Classes in Mathematical-Physical Society for advanced students
- Preparation classes for advanced students in maths and phy sics and chemistry ,mostly practice for competitions.

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