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Heavenly Father, we

thank you for the gift of

our vocation to be
among those whom
you called
to minister to our sick
brothers and sisters and
to those who are most
in need of healing and
We acknowledge our
unworthiness and
limitations as we strive to
fulfill our responsibilities
and the tasks entrusted
to each one of us.
We are aware that we
too, have our own needs
and concerns which
oftentimes get in the way
in the conduct of our
We come before
you today,
humbled by the
immensity of our
Make us worthy dear
Lord of such a call and
make our lives the
extension and channel
of your healing
and merciful love to
all especially to the
people you have
entrusted us with.
Whatever is lacking in
our efforts for the
ministry, we ask you
most merciful God to
supply it with plenteous
When we get tired,
become for us the
energy that can
sustain and enliven
When we get
weary, be our
consolation and joy.
When fear strikes us
Strengthen our faith
in your providence
and give us hope.
When all else fails,
teach us the
beauty of silence
and contemplation
that we may
experience your
peace. We make this
prayer through our
Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son who lives and
reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and
ever, Amen.
Jesus, the great

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