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Emergency Report

February 3rd February 4th

Chief on Duty:

Coass on duty
Ahmad, Tommy, Fachrul,
Adli, Nandita, Elma, Risa,
Mutia, Ellsa, Shana
General Surgery : 2

Digestive Surgery : 1

Thorax Cardiovascular Surgery : -

Plastic Surgery : -

Urology Surgery : 2

Neuro Surgery : 1

Pediatric Surgery : -

Oncology Surgery : 1

Orthopaedy : 1

Total : 8
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

1 Mrs. Maimunah January 3rd Carsinoma O2 8 LPM With NRM

/48 y.o 12.50 Mamae dextra IVFD RL 2 L in 1 hour
post mastectomy Obs VS, Urine output per hour
+ fracture VT 5 ec Antiemetic
bone metastase + Proton Pump Inhibitor
pneumony+ DC
Septic Shock

Co to oncology surgery:
Education, Information,
Consultation to Patients
family about patients
condition now
Observation VS and urine
output on Emergency Unit

After resucitation, consult to

oncology surgery:
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

2 Ch. Wahyu/9 February 3rd Working diagnose Observation

y.o 15.35 : disuria
Etiology diagnose Co to urology surgery:
: Fimosis Outpatient clinic
Complication Pro circumcision
diagnose : (-)
diagnose : (-)
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

3 Mr. Pasha/22 February 3rd Open tuft fracture Wound care

y.o 18.00 of the right IVFD RL 20 tpm
middle finger with Analgetic
nail bed injury H2 blocker

Co to orthopaedi:
Pro debridement + repair nail
bed + primary sutura
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

4 Mr. Suhaedi/41 February 3rd Working diagnose IVFD RL 20 tpm

y.o 18.30 : urine retention Antibiotic
Etiology diagnose
: Stricture urethra Co to urology surgery:
Complication Hospitalized
diagnose : (-) USG Urology
Additional Bipolar voiding
diagnose : urethrocystography
Hematuria et
cause open
DD : suspect Ca
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

5 Mr. February 3rd Hematoscezia IVFD RL

Alfiannoor/31 19.00 Et causa suspect Analgetic
y.o tumor recti Antibiotic
H2 blocker

Co to digestive surgery:
Outpatient clinic
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

6 Mrs. Teti February 3rd Vulnus morsum et IVFD RL

Abinora 20.00 regio pedis dextra H2 blocker
Simanurung/37 Analgetic
y.o Observation
Patient discharge by permission
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

7 Ch. Maulana/5 February 4th Vulnus ictum e.c Extraction corpus alienum
y.o 00.20 corpus alienum et Wound care
regio dorsum Antibiotik
pedis dextra Analgetic
Patient List
No Identity Admission to ER Diagnose Treatment

8. Mr Fajeri/ 22 y.o Februari 4th 2017 Moderate Head Obs VS

05.10 Injury Antibiotic
+ Analgetic
Sub galileal H2 blocker
-Co. To Neurology Surgery:
1. Mrs. Maimunah/ 48 y.o / 0-69-82-46

Chief Complain:
Hard to breath
History of Current Disease:
Patient bought with her family because she has complain hard to
breath since 8 hours before admission. Hard to breath appear slowly
and became hardly. The complain decrease slightly if the patient sit
down. The patients breath look faster than usual. Patient not has
complain about chest pain. Now patient have fever too. The hard of
breath appear after she has complain of nausea and vomiting since 1
days before admission. The content of vomite is pouridge and drink
that she consumtion. The vomiting is about 5 times. There is no blood
and slime. Patient cannot defecate since one weeks before admission.
Since 2 weeks before admission patient just rest at bed because she
felt numb from waist to leg and has back pain. History of Trauma at
back and spine (-) History of stroke (-).
History of past illness
November, 2010: Patient has complain about mass at right breast
size like marble, solid, and there is not pain
February, 2011: The mass grew bigger like chickens egg and then
patients got biopsy procedure at Islams Hospital and diagnose with
Ca mamae stage IIIb and patient suggest to mastectomy but family
November, 2012: Patient has got Modified Radical Mastectomy by
general surgeon at Ansari Saleh Hospital and the result of biopsy is
Carsinoma ductal invasive grade III with Lymph node metastase and
then patient got chemotherapy six times.
March, 2015: Patient have complain there is new mass from old
scars of last operation size like nut, the colour is red, pain (-) and
then got operation by Oncology surgery with Biopsy procedure and
the result is invasive ca mamae residive. Patient suggest to got
radiotherapy but the device is error until now.
Vital Sign
BP: 90/50 mmHg
Temp: 38,1 celcius degree
RR: 37 times/minutes, fast and deep with abdominal
HR: 94 beat/minutes, weak and hard to palpable
SpO2: 96% with NRM 10 LPM
Karnofsky Score: 40
Head : simetric, normocephal, mass (-), scar (-)
Eye : Anaemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-), edem palpebra (-/-),
Head brill haematoma (-/-)
Mouth : Moist mucous membrane (-)
Neck : Increasion level of JVP (-) lacerated (-)
General State
I : symmetric respiratory movement, scars post mastectomy
Chest P : decrease of fremitus vocal at lower lung fields
P : Sonor
A : symmetric, rhonchi at all regio of lung, no wheezing

I : distension (-) wound (-) hematoma(-) lacerated (-)

A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : tenderness (aesthesia) mass (-) skin turgor decrease
P : Tymphani (+)

Extremities Cold extremities

Local State
A/r Mamae Dextra
I: skars post op (+), pus(-), turgor (-) color(-) dolor(-)
P: mass (-), tenderness (-)

Neurologis state:
Ligth Reflex: DLR/IDLR (+/+)
Motoric : +5 +5 clonus: -/-
1 1
Sensoric: aestesia at T5 dermatom
Physiological: BPR +2 +2 APR +2 +2
TPR +2 +2 KPR +1 +1
Local State
Neurologis state:
Phatological Reflex
Babinski: -/+ Gordon: -/-
Chaddok: -/- Hoffman: -/-
Openheim: -/- Tromner: -/-
Scuffner: -/-
Ganda: -/-

Meningial Reflex
Neck stiffness: (-) Brudzinski I: (-)
Lasque: (-) Brudzinski II: (-)
Kerniq: (-)
Clinical Picture
Laboratory, January, 31th 2017
Examination Result Normal value
hemoglobin 13.3 11.00-16.70 g/dl
leucocyte 13.0 4.0-10.5 103 /ul
erythrocyte 4,44 4.50-6.00 106 /ul
hematocrit 40,9 42.00-52.00 Vol%
thrombocyte 175 150-450 103 /ul
Random Blood 266 <200 Mg/dL
SGOT 170 0-46 U/I
SGPT 181 0-45 U/I
Urea 79 10-50 Mg/dL
Creatinine 1.7 0.7-1.4 Mg/dL
Working Diagnosis

Carsinoma Mamae dextra post

mastectomy + fracture VT 5 ec
bone metastase + pneumony+
Septic Shock
O2 8 LPM With NRM
IVFD RL 2 L in 1 hour
Obs VS, Urine output per hour
Proton Pump Inhibitor

Co to oncology surgery:
Education, Information, Consultation to Patients family about
patients condition now
Observation VS and urine output on Emergency Unit

After resucitation, consult to oncology surgery:

2. Ch. Wahyu / 9 y.o

Chief Complain :
Pain urination
History of Current Disease:
Since 2 months before admission, appears slowly, the pain felt
when the patient starting to urinate, the pain felt on the tip of penis.
The patient also complain poor stream. Blood (-) Pain on the waist (-)
incomplete voiding (-).
The pain was getting worse 12 hours before admission and the patient
cant urinate at all, then the patien brought to RS Anshari Saleh, and
got treatment antibiotic, analgetic and suggested to do circumcission,
but aborted, then revert to RS Ulin.
Vital Sign
HR : 79x/m
RR : 20x/m
T : 36,6 0C
Sp O2 99%
Head : simetric, normocephal
Eye : Anemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-), Haematom (-/-), pupil
Head isokor (+/+)
Mouth : Moist mucous membrane, blood (-)
General State
Neck :mass(-)

I : Symmetric respiratory movement, no retraction

P : Symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi , no wheezing

I : distension (-)
A : Bowel sound decline
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-) tenderness (-) mass (-)
P : Tymphani (+)

Extremities warm extremities

Clinical Picture (Localized state)

Working diagnose : disuria

Etiology diagnose : Fimosis
Complication diagnose : (-)
Additional diagnose : (-)


Consult to urology surger :

Outpatient clinic
Pro circumcission
3. Mr. Pasha / 22 y.o

Chief Complain:
History of Current Disease:
since 30 minutes before admission, wounded by the gear of
motorcycle machine and injured middle finger on right hand,
nail loss (+) bleeding (+), the finger still can moved and felt
the sensation.
Vital sign
BP : 120/90 mmHg
HR : 90 x/m
RR : 19 x/m
T : 36.5 0C
SpO2 : 99% with O2
Physical Examination
Head :simetric, normocephal
Eye : Anemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-),
Head Mouth : Moist mucous membrane
Neck :Increasion level of JVP (-)

I : Symmetric respiratory movement, no retraction

P : Symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi, no wheezing

I : distension (-)
A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-)
P : Tymphani

warm extremities, middle finger on right hand bleeding (+)

Extremities nail loss (+)
Clinical Picture (look feel move)

At regio digiti manus 3 dextra

L : swelling (+) deformity (+)
F : tenderness (+)
M : ROM limited due to pain
Laboratory 3-02-2017

Examination Result Normal value

hemoglobin 14,7 11.00-16.00 g/dl
leucocyte 11,2 4.0-10.5 103 /ul
erythrocyte 5,19 4.50-6.00 106 /ul
hematocrit 44,1 42.00-52.00 Vol%
thrombocyte 341 150-450 103 /ul
Chlorida 110 95-100 Mmol/l
Natrium 142 135-146 Mmol/l
Kalium 4,7 3,4-5,4 Mmol/l
PT 10,1 9,9-13,5 Mg/dL
APTT 19,1 22,2- 37,0 Mg/dL
Working Diagnosis

Open tuft fracture of the right middle

finger with nail bed injury
Obs VS
H2 Blocker

Consult to orthopaedy
Pro debridement + repair nail bed + primary
4. Mr. Suhaedi/ 41 y.o

Chief Complain :
Bloodish urinate
History of Current Disease:
since 2 days before admission after patient got cystostomy
procedure and the blood found at catether tube. Since 1 month ago
before admission the patient complain about sandy urinate (white
like crystal) Pain felt when the patient started to urinate and
sometime patient must strain and incomplete voiding (+), poor
stream (+). But the bloodish urinate is not found yet. History of
trauma at abdomen, waist, and genitalia (-)

History of past illnes:

Patient got ESWL procedure 9 month ago because of kidney
Vital Sign
BP: 130/80 mmHg
HR: 93 beat/minutes
RR: 21 times/minutes
T: 36,7 celcius degree
Physical examination
Head :simetric, normocephal,
Eye : Anaemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-),
Head Mouth : Moist mucous membrane,
General State
Neck :Increasion level of JVP (-)

I : Symmetric respiratory movement, no retraction

P : Symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi , no wheezing

I : distension (-)
A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-) tenderness (+) at regio suprapubic, mass (-), ascites (-)
P : tympani

Extremities warm extremities, edema (-)

Urology state:
( De jangan lupa di edit juga :* )
RT :
TSA strong
Ampula noncollapse
Mass (-) smooth surface, rubbery
Tenderness (-)

Handscoon : blood (-) feses (-)

Clinical Picture
Localize State
Examination Result Normal value
hemoglobin 13,1 11.00-16.00 g/dl
leucocyte 5.0 4.0-10.5 103 /ul
erythrocyte 4,15 4.50-6.00 106 /ul
hematocrit 43.00 42.00-52.00 Vol%
thrombocyte 201 150-450 103 /ul
Random Blood Glucose 150 <200 Mg/dL
SGOT 34 0-46 U/I
SGPT 33 0-45 U/I
Urea 14 10-50 Mg/dL
Creatinine 0,8 0.7-1.4 Mg/dL
( ini juga yaaa )
Working Diagnosis

Working diagnose : urine retention

Etiology diagnose : Stricture urethra
Complication diagnose : (-)
Additional diagnose : Hematuria et cause
open cystostomy
DD : suspect Ca bladder

IVFD RL 20 tpm

Co to urology surgery:
USG Urology
Bipolar voiding urethrocystography
5. Mr. Alfiannoor/31 y.o

Chief Complain:
pain in anus
History of Current Disease:
since 10 days before admission, patient felt pain after defecated
and then pain felt continuesly. The first symptom appears was
bloodish feses, every single time the patient defecated. His feses
shape like goats feses. after that, patient came to central of
public health, and then patient reffered to Boejasin hospital at
tanah laut. patient hospitalized for 6 days but there was no good
outcome. Patient reffered to ulin hospital for futher modality of
diagnose and treatment.
urinate was normal, there is no nausea and vomit, abdominal
pain (-)
Vital Sign

Blood Pressure : 130/90 mmHg

HR 97 beat/minutes
RR 20 times/minutes
T 36.5 celcius degree
Physical examination
Head :simetric, normocephal,
Eye : Anaemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-),
Head Mouth : Moist mucous membrane
Neck :Increasion level of JVP (-) enlargement of lypm node (-)
I : Symmetric respiratory movement, no retraction
P : Symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi , no wheezing
I : distension (-)
A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-) tenderness (-) mass (-), ascites (-)
P : Tympani

Extremities warm extremities, edema (-)

Digital-Rectal Examination
Ins: blood (+) not active, haemoroid (-),
changes of skin colour (-)
RT: Spincter Ani Tones is weak, rectums lumen
there is multiple bulge, there is a restrained at
2/3 finger.
Handscoon: faeces (-) slime (+) blood (+)
Localize State
Working Diagnosis

Haematoskezia et causa susp Ca rectum

Co to Digestive Surgery:
Outpatient clinic
6. Mrs. Tati Abinora Simanurung

Chief Complain:
bites wound
History of Current Disease:
Patient has wound caused by snake bites since 1 days before
admission. 10 hour before admission, patient felt nausea
vomiting. Patient vomit 2 times and contain food and water has
been eated. There is no blood and slime in the vomit contain. 8
hour before admission, patient felt numb at her right foot to
knee. There is no fever.
Clinical Picture
Localize state
Morsum at
regio pedis
Working Diagnosed

Vulnus morsum et regio pedis dextra

H2 blocker
Patient discharge by permission
7. Ch. Maulana/5 y.o

Chief Complain:
Pain at right foot
History of Current Disease:
The patient complain felt pain at right foot since 7 hours before
admission. Patients right foot sink in the yard home. After that,
patient punctured with wood chips. Fever (-), blood (-), pus (-).
Vital Sign

BP: 110/70
HR: 98x/m
RR 22x/m
T 36,9
SpO2: 98%
Physical examination
Head :simetric, normocephal
Eye : Anaemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-),
General State

Mouth : Moist mucous membrane,
Neck :Increasion level of JVP (-)
I : Symmetric respiratory movement, no retraction
P : Symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi , no wheezing
I : distension (-)
A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-) tenderness (-) mass (-), ascites (-)
P : tymphani

Extremities warm extremities, edema (-/-)

Localize State
vulnus ictum at regio
dorsal pedis dextra et
causa corpus alienum
Working Diagnosed

Vulnus ictum e.c corpus

alienum et regio dorsum
pedis dextra
Extraction corpus alienum
Wound care
7. Mr. Fajeri/22th

Chief Complain:
Decrease of consciousness
History of Current Disease:
The patient decrease of consciousness since 7.5 hour. The patient
falling on motorcycle when he try to dodged truck from different
direction. Helmet (-). History of unsciousness (-) seizure (-)
nausea/ vomitting (+/+) 2 times contain blood and food, nose, ear
mouth bleeding (+/-/+)
The family didnt know the mechanism of accident.
Primary survey:
A : clear, without c-spine control
B : Spontaneous, RR 20x/m, regular, Rh (-/-), Wh (-/-)
C : HR : 78 x/m, regular, strong, BP 100/70 mmHg
D : GCS 12: E3V4M5, pupil anisokhor, round 3mm/2mm, light
reflex +/+, Lateralization (-/-) , BH (-/-), BS (-/-), BR (-/+), BO (-/-)

Secondary survey:
A = Allergy (-)
M = Medication (-)
P = Past illness (-)
L = Last meal 9 hours before accident
E = Environment on the street
Head : simetric, normocephal, mass (-), vulnus eskoriatum at regio frontalis sinistra 8x3cm
Face : vulnus eskoriatum at regio mandibula sinistra 5x8cm
Eye : Anaemic conj. (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-), edem palpebra (-/+), brill haematoma (-/-)
Head vulnus eskoriatum at regio rima orbita inferior sinistra 5x5cm

General State
Mouth : Moist mucous membrane, edema at labium superior(+)
Neck : Increasion level of JVP (-) lacerated (-)

I : symmetric respiratory movement, retraction (-)

P : symmetric VF
Chest P : Sonor at all lung fields
A : symmetric VBS, no rhonchi, no wheezing

I : distension (-) wound (-) hematoma(-) lacerated (-)

A : Bowel sound normal
Abdomen P : defence muscular (-) tenderness (-) mass (-)
P : Tymphani (+)

warm extremities, CRT < 2, vulnus eskoriatum at regio

Extremities patella sinistra
Local State
L ook : vulnus eskoriatum at regio frontalis sinistra 8x3cm
Feel : tenderness (+)
Move : normal

Look : vulnus eskoriatum at regio mandibula sinistra 5x8cm

Feel : tenderness (+)
Move : normal

Look : Vulnus eskoriatum at regio rima orbita inferior sinistra 5x5cm

Feel : tenderness (+)
Move : normal

Look : vulnus eskoriatum at regio patella sinistra 3x4cm

Feel : tenderness (+)
Move : normal
Neurological state
Pupil reflex : (+/+) anishokor 3mm/2mm
Light reflex : direct/indirect (+/+)
Motoric : 5
lateralization (-)

5 5

Sensoric : hard to evaluated

Physiologhy reflex : BPR +2 +2 KPR +2 +2

TPR +2 +2 APR +2 +2

Pathology reflex : (-)

Clinical picture
Working diagnosed
Moderate head Injury GCS E3V4M5 + Sub Galeal
H2 blocker

Consult to neurosurgery : conservative

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