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As the era of colonialism ended, the view that colonialism was

morally unacceptable became a public opinion, and the resistance
against the foreign occupiers ended.

Independence followed for most of the colonized nations.

Independence had removed the physical occupation but the

exploitation remained.

Neocolonialism started immediately after the decolonization of

African and Asian nations.
What is Neo-Colonialism?
The essence of neo-colonialism is
that the State which is subject to
it is, in theory, independent and
has all the outward trappings of
international sovereignty. In
reality its economic system and
thus its political policy is directed
from outside.

-Kwame Nkrumah
The continuation of the economic model of
colonialism after a colonized territory has
achieved formal political independence.

Developed countries involvement in the

developing world through indirect means.

Coined by Ghanaian President (1960-1966)

Kwame Nkrumah, in his book Neo-
Colonialism, the last stage of Imperialism
Methods Used by Neo-Colonialism to
Exploit Developing Countries

Economic Social Cultural Political

Economic Methods
Mass investment

World market control

Foreign aid

Unequal exchange

Rule by foreign-based multinational corporations

The Role of IMF and WB
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB)
are major implementers of the neocolonial policies in the third

They give developing countries loans and grants with very

high interest rates and unrealistic conditions.
Social and Cultural Methods




Mass Tourism
Political Methods
Establishing relations with ruling class

Establishment of military base

Indonesia has built up massive external debts, the main debtors being
IMF, WB, and Japan. Most of these debts were incurred during the 30 year
reign of Suharto, that started from 1967. From 1967 onwards, the
economic policy depended heavily on the decisions of foreign parties.

These parties were gathered in a consortium called the

Intergovernmental Group on Indonesia (IGGI), later reformed as the
Consultative Group on Indonesia (disbanded in 2007). This consortium of
mainly western lenders, including the IMF, had to approve the
Indonesian budget and assess how much aid (loans) would be
provided. It resulted in economic growth, but the strict conditions (e.g.
forced privatization in many sectors) and immense interest rates kept
(and still keeps) Indonesia more or less imprisoned.
Indonesia is rich of crude oil, natural gas, tin, copper, and gold. Most of
these materials however, were exploited by developed countries like the

In return for foreign investments, developed countries often obtained

monopolies on these exploitations. Moreover, large-scale exploitation of
these materials claimed massive land areas in Indonesia and other poor
countries, threatening livelihood of local farmers.
Mass Tourism in Indonesia
Mass tourism in Southeast Asia
becomes more and more associated
with sex tourism. In Indonesia, it has
grown into a massive industry.

In popular tourist destinations like

Bali, mass tourism is rapidly turning
local culture into a global commodity.
China in Africa
China in Africa
China has become by far, Africas
biggest trading partner, exchanging
about $160 billion-worth of goods a

More than 1M Chinese have moved to

the continent in the past decade.

In 2014, China signed more than $70

billion in infrastructure contracts in the
continent, and Chinese banks now
provide more loans to African nations
than does the World Bank

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