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(Church of God Intl)

Mr. Eliseo F. Soriano

Formerly Church of God in
Christ, the Pillar and Ground
of the Truth or Mga Kaanib sa
Iglesia Ng Dios kay Kristo
Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng
Katotohanan sa Bansang
Pilipinas, Inc.

Born from a poor family in Pasay

City, Philippines, Soriano claim to
be an exceptional, consistently
receiving the highest honors and
was awarded the highest possible
grade in the entire history of his grade
Unfortunately, he did not
finish his secondary
schooling due to an alleged
skirmish with his acting
school directress over a
topic on religion.
Sorianos follower took this
not as a twist of fate but
rather [an alleged]
manifestation of Gods work of
hand bringing him to his real
His parents were members
of Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo
Hesus, Haligi at Suhay ng
Katotohanan founded in
1936 by a former Iglesia ni
Cristo (1914) follower
namely Nicolaz Perez
Perez along with Teofila Ora left
the I.N.C. fold in 1922 probably
after learning that Jesus Christ
was Mighty God but not the
Almighty God and proceeded to
establish the Iglesia Verdadero de
It did not took long for the two
former leaders of I.N.C. (1914) to
develop discord among
This occurrence drove Perez to
register his new group under the
name, Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo
Hesus, Haligi at Suhay ng
Sorianos desire to read and
memorize the Scripture was
prompted by his
membership in Perez group
at a young age of 17 years
He was even believed to be a special
confidante of Perez, explaining to him
the teachings and the mysteries of
the word of God.
Unknown to many, he was said
rumored to be groomed as the
successor of Perez after he dies.
In 1975 just after Perez death,
some members were stunned
when the leadership was passed
on to Levita Gugulan, a woman.
At first, Soriano might have yielded
to that decision but it did not take
long before he along with a few
others rebelled against Gugulans
They believed that women as
leaders in church are not
biblically supported. It was
reported that in 1976, Soriano
and his allies were
excommunicated by Gugulan.
And the following year (1977), he
registered a new group namely, Iglesia
ng Dios kay Kristo Hesus, Haligi at
Saligan ng Katotohanan. Which later
evolved to, Mga Kaanib sa Iglesia ng
Dios kay Kristo Hesus, Haligi at
Saligan ng Katotohanan sa Bansang
Pilipinas, Inc. (1990) and Bayan ng
Katotohanan (1993).
Most likely because of a lawsuit filed by
Gugulans group with reference to the
name of Sorianos newly founded
organization called,Iglesia ng Dios kay
Kristo Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng
Katotohanan which is somewhat similar
with the formers group name
Iglesia ng Dios kay Kristo Hesus, Haligi
at Suhay ng Katotohanan.
In January 4, 2003, since the the
Philippine Supreme Court ruled, once
in for all, in favor of Gugulan's group,
the name of Soriano's church was
drastrically changed to: "Iglesia Ni
(Church of YHWH and YHWSA
Update 4-Nov-2004: Now they prefer
to be known as, Members Church of
God International.
Method of Evangelization
He spreads his teachings through
the radio waves and lately used the
television and internet facilities. He
is fond of vehemently opposing
various religious groups by attacking
their non-essential doctrines like
tithing and church appellations, as
well as, personalities of a number of
religious leaders.
Method of Evangelization

One effective methodology of

Soriano in captivating many
gullible individuals into his fold
by means of philosophical
debates where he normally sets
it up in their home turf (i.e.
Method of Evangelization

It can be observed that majority

of the live audiences are from
the Ang Dating Daan group
capable of yelling instead of
listening intently to what the
opponent speaker is saying.
Method of Evangelization
Soriano on the other hand is a
skilled heckler who tends to annoy
and harass his opponent. As a
result, this poor fellow who has
really no idea totally whatsoever
about Sorianos tactics will be
prompted to either abandon the
subject that he started or just leave
the spiritual arena.
Method of Evangelization

Many Eliserians will

immediately assume that their
self-styled messenger won
the religious debate not
knowing that it was just his
being a skilled heckler that
made him triumph.
Method of Evangelization

A Christian apologist needs

to be wary with every
statement he utters because
Soriano has a reputation of
focusing on minor word
details propelling him to
neglect the whole subject of
the debate.
Method of Evangelization

This is done by playing back a

particular video taped segment
recorded by an accomplice
ADD camera man so the whole
audience would know how the
speaker allegedly contradicts

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