Aerospace Propulsion Lec 2 5 Thrust

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Aerospace Propulsion

MEC 4280 / 4740

Semester I

Basic Thrust Equations

Lectures (2-3)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740)

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Airbreather Thrust
For thrust production by ramjet and turbojet; and by ducted fans, propellers
and rotors driven by turbine or piston engine.

Newton Second Law for Moving Fluid

Assume one-dimensional (curvilinear or rectilinear), steady flow.
From conservation of mass,
m  AV  constant

Curvilinear flow Rectilinear flow

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 2

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Apply Newton’s second law to the shown fluid element
dFx  mass  acceleration  ( Adx)  ( AV )dV
 m dV  d (m V ) x
Integrating over the control volume R shown, we obtain

 F  (m V )
x leaving  (m V ) entering  x

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 3

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Forces on a Fluid Element
Consider a differential fluid element within an airbreathing engine.
Forces acting on the fluid element:
dFx  dFe , x  dFs , x  dF f , x  dFb , x
end-face friction
side-wall body
End faces
 d ( pA)  d ( pA)
dFe , x  pA   pA  dx    dx
 dx  dx
Side-wall forces

dFs , x  dFs ,n sin   ( pdAs ) sin   pdA

Substituting and rearranging

0 0
pdA  dF f , x  dFb, x  d (m V ) x  d ( pA)
 d  m V  pA x  dFx

( Fx  thrust or impulse function  m V  pA)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 4

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Forces on Finite Fluid Zone
Steady, one dimensional-flow
The total force acting on the fluid within the enclosure between 1 and 2
F  F2  F1
Thrust of the fluid acting on the interior of the engine body (between 2 and 3)
Tint  F3  F2   m V  pA 3   m V  pA 2

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 5

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Total Thrust
External forces on the exterior of the engine body (nacelle) is considered

T ext   pextdA  pa  A max  A3   pa  A max  A 2   pa  A 2  A3 

Total thrust
T  Tint  Text   m V  pA 3   m V  pA 2  pa  A2  A3 

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 6

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
From momentum balance of the region between 1 and 2

 pa  p2  A2  m 2V2  m 1V1
Then, T  m 3V3  m aV1  A3  p3  pa  , m
 a  engine throughput  m 1

From momentum balance of the region between 3 and 4

m 4V4  m 3V3   p3  pa  A3
T  m V4  m aV1 , m 3  m

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 7

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Total Thrust

m a  engine throughput  m 1

m 4V4  m 3V3   p3  pa  A3

m  m 3  m 4

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 8

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Gross Thrust and Net Thrust
Thrust can be rewritten as
 A 
T  m V3   p3  pa  3   m aV1
 m 
Or, net thrust = gross thrust – ram drag

 A 
Net thrust, TN  m V3   p3  pa  3   m aV1
 m 
 A 
Gross (static) thrust, TG  m V3   p3  pa  3 
 m 
Ram drag, RD  m aV1

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 9

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Exhaust velocity (V3)

Characteristic velocity (V4)

c  V4  V3   p3  pa 

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 10

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
TG = 98 kN
c = 515 m/s (constant with altitude)
. .
ma ≈ m  

Calculate for the flight conditions given in the following table

Throughput (ma)
Ram drag (RD)
Net thrust (TN)
Capture cross section of free-stream air (A)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 11

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 12

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Airbreather Performance
Thrust Power = P = T V1

Propulsive Efficiency, p
useful power
p 
rate of energy expenditure

TV1 m (V4  V1 )V1 2V1 2 2

p     
 V4  2 m aV1
1 2 1
m (V4  V1 ) V4  V1 1   1  n
2 2

V1 1
 ,n
V4 
Forward speed parameter

T P 2
 1  2
 2(1  ) p 
m V4 1m V4
2 1 

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 13

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Thermal Efficiency, th

rate of energy expediture

th 
available heat power
1 m (V 2  V 12 )
2 
 4
m f .HV f
V 42  V 12
 (1  AFR )
2HV f

m a Fuel lower
AFR  Air/fuel ratio heating value
m f

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 14

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Airbreather Thrust
Performance Presentation
p = P = 0, and T is a maximum at zero
forward speed, V1 = 0
Maximum thrust, Tmax = m V4
p = 1 and T = P = 0 at  = 1 (i.e. highest
propulsive efficiency is obtained with
the least increase in jet speed above free
stream speed.)
Higher propulsive efficiency is obtained
by increasing mass flow and reducing jet
It is better to move a large mass of air
more slowly than to move a small mass
of air more rapidly.
When  > 1, the airbreather act in the
windmill, wind turbine, braking regime
1m 2
Maximum power Pmax = 4  V4 at  = ½,
that is at V1 = ½ V4 . At which T = ½ Tmax

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 15

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Rocket Thrust
Derivation of Rocket Thrust
Derived from air-breathing thrust equation with no captured airflow
m 2  m a  0
Derived directly from the momentum balance of non-air-breather

T  m V4  m V3  ( p3  pa ) A3
c  T / m  V4  V3  ( p3  pa )

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 16

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Rocket Thrust
Ideal Rocket Performance
Thrust Variation with Altitude

T  m V3  ( p3  pa ) A3
Pressure imbalance thrust
Momentum thrust

Design Altitude

p3  pa
Td  m V3
cd  Td / m  V3  V4

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 17

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Rocket Thrust
Specific Impulse, Isp
Thrust per unit propellant weight flow rate

I sp  T / W p  c / g (s)

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption, tsfc

tsfc w  W p / T  1 / I sp
tsfc m  m p / T  1 / I sp g  1 / c
Lift-off weight/thrust
Propellant/liftoff ratio
weight ratio
Burn Time, 
Wp Wo
  Wp / W p  Wp I sp / T  I sp
Wo T
Wp Wo
( 1,  1)    I sp
Wo T
Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 18
Dr. Raed Kafafy
Rocket Thrust
Total Impulse, I
 
I   Tdt   I spW p dt  I spWp
0 0

Propulsive Efficiency

TV1 2V1V4
p  2
 2
TV1  2 m (V4  V1 )
1 V4  V12
2 2n
 2
 2
,   1 / n  V1 / V4
1  1 n

T P 2
1 2
 2 p 
m V4 1m
 V4 1  2

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 19

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Rocket Thrust
Variation of Rocket Performance with Forward Speed
Forward speed parameter is not restricted to be < 1
Thrust is independent of 
Power has no maximum and increases linearly with 
Propulsive efficiency has a maximum of 1 at  = 1

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 20

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust
It is better to move a large mass of air more slowly
than to move a small mass of air more rapidly

Pratt & Whitney PW4084

turbofan which propels the Boeing
777 (84,000 lb thrust)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 21

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust

Bypass Ratio (BPR)


Jet Speed and Propulsive Efficiency

Rate of kinetic energy loss in core jet exhaust =
2 m (V42  VF2 )
Rate of kinetic energy gain in fan bypass =
 F (VF2  V12 )

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 22

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust
From the mechanical efficiency of the fan-turbine drive

 (V42  VF2 )D  m

m  F (VF2  V12 )
 F V42  VF2
m 1   2 /  F2
BPR   2 D  2 2 D
m VF  V12  /F   2
  V1 /V4 ,  F  V1 /VF

Solving for VF
2 2
 VF     BPR. 2  D
     
 V4    F  BPR  D

As BPR  , then  F  1 and p  1

2(V1 / VF ) 2 F
p  
1  (V1 / VF ) 1   F

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 23

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 24

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust
Core engine thrust (no fan)
T m
 V4 (1  )
Turbofan thrust

TF  (m m  F )(VF  V1 )
m  V4 (1  BPR)(  )
V4 V4

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 25

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust
Takeoff performance (V1 = 0)

 VF  D  TF   VF 
   ,    (1  BPR ) 
 V4  0 BPR  D  T 0  V4  0

Ideally, when D = 1

 VF  1 T 
   ,  F   1  BPR
 V4 0 1  BPR  T 0


TF V V 
 (1  BPR) F  1 
T0  V4 V4 

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 26

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust

 VF  1 T 
   ,  F   1  BPR
 V4 0 1  BPR  T 0

D = 1)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 27

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust

TF  VF V1  2 F 2 /(VF / V4 )
 (1  BPR)  , p  
T0  V4 V4  1   F 1   /(VF / V4 )

D = 1)

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 28

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Turbofan Thrust
E 2-4-1
Compare p of a fanjet with BPR = 5 and D = 0.9 with that of a core jet at its
maximum power condition ( = 0.5).

E 2-4-2
A simple turbojet has constant throughput of 100 kg/s and a constant exhaust of
500 m/s. If it is fitted with a fan to provide a BPR of 1:1, compare the following
engine parameters with and without the fan at flight speeds V1 of 150 knots and
exhaust jet speed (V4 or VF), thrust (T or TF), propulsive efficiency p .

1 knot = 0.514 m/s

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 29

Dr. Raed Kafafy
Assignment #1
Due Date: Monday, January 12, 2009
Quiz #1
Monday, January 12, 2009

Aerospace Propulsion (MEC 4280/4740) 30

Dr. Raed Kafafy

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