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Le Corbusier



Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris was
born in La Chaux de Fonds,
Switzerland, 1887. Trained as an
artist, he travelled extensively
through Germany and the East. In
Paris he studied under Auguste Perret
and absorbed the cultural and artistic
life of the city. During this period he
developed a keen interest in the
synthesis of the various arts.
Jeanneret-Gris adopted the name Le
Corbusier in the early 1920s.
In 1917 he settled in Paris where he
issued his book Vers une architecture
[Towards a New Architecture], based
on his earlier articles in L'Esprit
Nouveau. . He believed that
architecture had lost its way. From
1922 Le Corbusier worked with his
cousin Pierre Jeanneret. During this
During World War II, Le Corbusier
produced little beyond some theories
on his utopian ideals and on his
modular building scale. In 1947, he
started his Unite d'habitation.
Although relieved with sculptural
roof-lines and highly colored walls,
these massive post-war dwelling
blocks received justifiable criticism.
Le Corbusier's post-war buildings
rejected his earlier industrial forms
and utilized vernacular materials,
brute concrete and articulated
structure. Near the end of his career
he worked on several projects in
India, which utilized brutal materials
and sculptural forms. In these
buildings he readopted the recessed
structural column, the expressive
exhibition of Arts
1913- First exposure of the ten watercolours " the
language of
1916- Construction of the villa Schwob (Lime-of-
Bottoms) and of
1923- Publication of "Worms an Architecture" -
1929- Voyages in South America - Cycle of ten
1938- Exposure of painting to Kunsthaus of Zurich
and the Gallery nces
1944- "Discussions with the students of the Schools
of Architecture" and "the Charter of Athens" -
Research on the Housing units .
1946- Travel to the United States - Meeting with
Albert Einstein
1965- Le passes away
Capitol Complex, Chandigarh (1951-62)
The Capitol Complex is Le Corbusier's most spectacular work. The
magnificent edifices, set against the Shivalik peaks, stand as massive
concrete sculptures, representing the monumental character and
authority that the complex represents. It is the seat of the government of
the States of Punjab and Haryana.

Capitol Complex birds eye-view

Capitol Complex, Chandigarh (1951-62)
Layout Plan of
1. Assembly Hall
2. Secretariat
3. High Court
4. Museum of
5. Open Hand
View from leisure valley 6. Rajendra Park
7. Sukhna Lake
The Open Hand
The Open Hand Monument is
a symbolic structure located in
the Indian Union
Territory of Chandigarh, India,
designed by the architect Le
Corbusier. It is the emblem or
symbol of the Government
of Chandigarh and symbolizes
"the hand to give and the
hand to take; peace and
prosperity, and the unity
of mankind". The largest
example of Le Corbusier's
many Open Hand sculptures, it
stands 26 metres (85 ft) high.
The Open Hand

The open hand monument has a rich historical significance associated

with it. The establishment of the monument has quite an important
purpose owing to which it is considered as a major structure in
Chandigarh over the years. The designer of the monument was
intended to establish a place where people can come together and talks
about different issues and problems in an around the city. The
monument which is located specifically in sector 1 Capitol complex, it
is believed to be built after India got independence i.e. 1947. The
foundation of the monument was a matter of extreme debate in the
political domain of the country. This is because of the fact that the
monument placed for collective decision making by the citizens of the
city of Chandigarh against the societal and the political issues for the
overall betterment. The monument includes a hand like structure

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