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English Today


English is now the official language in
over 60 countries that represented in
every continent. From this fact, it can be
understood that the English language is a
vital means of communication for
millions of people around the
world. During the twentieth century,
numerous technological inventions and
developments, such as the telephone, fax,
electronic mail, internet, etc have
In every country on earth, even the ones that are not recognized by any
other country, you can find English speakers. They might speak English
a little different then you and me and have a thick accent, but we can
still communicate.
Here is a map of countries that have substantial English-speaking populations.
How English use
English as a lingua franca (ELF) is
the use of the English language "as a
common means of communication for
speakers of different first
English as a lingua franca (ELF) plays
an important role in former
Anglophone colonies such as India,
Pakistan, Nigeria, Uganda, and
Zimbabwe, among many others.
How did English reach the
special position in which it
finds itself today?


1. British Colonialism
Britain was the world's most
active colonial nation in the
19th century, it dominated the
world and spread the English
language to all corners of the
globe. British explorers and
colonists use English a tool of
imperial expansion, and end up
by gaining a special place in
the history of a significant
number of countries.
The imperialism of Britain rise the colonists countries
of britain to make "Commonwealth Nation", which
recognize Quen Elizabeth as Leader of nations.
Many other countries with different cultures,
languages and faiths now want to be part of the
Commonwealth club. Big countries, small countries,
rich countries, poor countries are all treated the
same. There are 53 nations in the Commonwealth,
spread over every continent and ocean in the
world. This is why English is the common language
Member of Commonwealth nation
2. Industrial Revolution
Industrial revolution is a
fundamental economic
change between 1770 and
1850 the economy
of England. changed from
mostly agricultural to
mostly industrial. Industrial
revolution was an increase
in production brought about
Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose
machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and
textile industries, along with the development of the
steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial
Revolution, which also saw improved systems of
transportation, communication and banking. With these
technologies the industry took off by 1833 237,000
people were employed in cotton textile factories in
England his was a whole new way of life
Example ;
Spinning machine
James Watts improvements to the steam engine
Britains cotton and metalworking industries became internationally
3. The rise of America as economic, politic
leadership, technological superiority

By the end of the 19th and the

early 20th centuries America
rise as an economic and
political superpower. During
this time, the countries in the
world began to came together
in international organizations.
Such League of Nation and
After the World War II and
particularly in the 1980s and 1990s,
the computer revolution began all over
the world. It was due to the American
technology. Such computer
technology, Microsoft invention, or
iphone invention it has developed in
America and also push it into the
4. Europe and America educations
lead the world
top ten universities in the world is

dominated by UK and US universities

5. American and English entertainment spread all
over the world
American and English music has brought English into the
worlds discotheques and homes. British bands including
the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Queen,

Not only music, English and Hollywood movies also

promote the spreading of English language. Because in
recent times many films in the world are dominated by
English and Hollywood movies, due they have great
technology to create great movies, such as, Spiderman,
Avatar, Mocking Jay, Star Wash and so on.
6. Other Factors

Language of internet
Pull not push
Development Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling,
Pronunciation and Dialect between
British English vs American English
in Nowadays

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