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In FSCM PeopleSoft VAT applicability are used on user priority basis just
like applicable on Item, Vendor, PO and over Voucher and services.
VAT Default Setup at BU Level(AP)
VAT Transaction Type

VAT transaction types classify each transaction for use in VAT reporting
and accounting.
Tax Authorities

You create one VAT authority for each different VAT rate that you require, then associate one or more of
these VAT authorities with a VAT code. The VAT rate associated with the VAT code is the total of the rates
specified on all the associated VAT authorities. In most countries, you would specify only one VAT authority
with a given VAT code.

Vat Code is useful for accounting purpose just like mapping the
VAT chart fields.
VAT Country Option
It is provide the information related to applicability over country and
which type VAT consider in transaction like Input or Output.
VAT Entity
VAT Entity contain combine information related all useful VAT setup.
VAT Use Type
A VAT use type categorizes the use of a good or service by the tax
status of the activity in which it is usedthe tax status of the goods
or services ultimately produced from those procured. VAT use is one
of the main determinants in the recoverability of input VAT.
VAT Driver
Default applicability of VAT according to requirement.

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