Dear MR Kilmer - Exam Practices

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Dear Mr Kilmer Exam Practices

Steps to answer the novel question.

1. Read carefully to understand the question.

2. Underline the keywords.
3. Map your ideas.
4. Write a compelling introduction!
An excellent introduction shows that you
understand the question & know what you
are going to write!
5. Write the response.
Question 1 (SPM 2007)
It is important to have a person you look up to in
your life.
From the novel that you have read, write about one
character that you look up to. Give reasons why you
choose him/her.
[look up to means = admire / respect]

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. ONE character that you look up to.
2. Give reasons. (Give 2 or 3 reasons)
Character: Richard
Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:
He has a soft spot He is sympathetic He is brave.
for animals. and kind.

Event 1: Event 2: Event 3:

Richard Mrs Hansen Richard tells
purposely asks her class people that he
misses to sign a card writes poetry.
shooting a for the
buck. Schermers.
Write your response in 5 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Elaborate Point 1.
Firstly, (state Reason 1)
Paragraph 3: Elaborate Point 2
Secondly, (state Reason 2)
Paragraph 4: Elaborate Point 3
Thirdly, (state Reason 3)
Paragraph 5: Conclusion (rephrase the
Write the response using either the Simple
Present Tense or Past Tense.
Refer to the question & the
brainstorming map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr Kilmer
written by Anne Schraff. The character that I
look up to is Richard Knight. There are 3 reasons
why I choose Richard.
Refer to the question & the brainstorming

The novel that I have read is Dear Mr

Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. One character
that I look up to is Richard. There are three
reasons why I look up to Richard.
Firstly, he has a soft spot for animals. This is
shown in the event where Richard purposely
misses shooting a buck. Richard cannot bring
himself to kill the buck. This event happens
when Richard goes hunting with Pa and Gus
during a winter season. From this event, we
learn that Richard has affection for animals.

Secondly, he is sympathetic and kind. This is

shown in the event where Mrs Hansen asks her
class to sign a card for the Schermers.
Some Turtle Lake citizens hate the Schermers
because they are originally from Germany. During
that time, the United States is at war with
Germany. So, some people think that it is
patriotic to harass an innocent German family.
In the card, Richard writes a message. He says
sorry for what has happened and asks Hannah not
to judge all Turtle Lake citizens as being rude and
disrespectful. He goes to the Schermers tavern to
deliver the card himself. He hopes that the card
will make the Schermers feel better. Richard cares
for his classmate regardless of her race and
In the card, Richard writes a message. He
says sorry for what has happened and asks
Hannah not to judge all Turtle Lake citizens
as being rude and disrespectful. He goes to
the Schermers tavern to deliver the card
himself. He hopes that the card will make
the Schermers feel better. This event shows
that Richard cares for his classmate
regardless of her race and origin.
Thirdly, he is brave. His bravery is portrayed
when he tells people that he writes poetry.
In conclusion, Richard is a character that we
should admire and respect because he has
noble / great personalities.
Firstly, was he has a soft spot for animals. This is shown
in the event where Richard purposely misses shooting a
buck. Richard cannot bring himself to kill the buck.

Secondly, Richard was kind. This was shown when

Richard was the only student who signed a sympathy card
for Hannah. [choose RELEVANT points from your notes]

Thirdly, Richard was brave. This was shown when

Richard told his family and Mrs Hansen that he wrote
poetry. [choose RELEVANT points from your notes]

In conclusion, I admired and respected Richard

because he had noble/good personalities.
Refer to the marking scheme for
Question 33 (Page 64)
Question 2 (SPM 2008)
Using the details from the novel that you have
Describe what happens at the end of the
Explain why you find the ending either happy
or sad.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. What happens at the end of the story.
2. Ending - happy or sad?

What happens at the end of the story:

Richards father finally supported his passion in
writing poetry.

Happy ending.

Event 1: Event 2:
Richard told his father Richard wrote a
that he wrote poetry. poem as a tribute to
Mr Kilmer.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. At the end of
the story, Richards father finally supported his
passion in writing poetry. This is a happy
Question 3 (SPM 2009)
Using the details from the novel that you have
studied, write about a difficult decision made by one
of the characters.
With close reference to the text, do you think this was
the right decision?

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. a difficult decision (ONE decision ONLY!)
2. made by one of the characters.
(ONE character ONLY!)
3. right decision?

A character: Richard

A difficult decision: To tell people / his family,

teacher and classmates that he writes poetry
Right decision!

Event 1: Event 2:
Richard writes his first Richard tells his family,
letter to Mr Kilmer teacher and classmates
that he writes poetry
The novel that I have studied is Dear Mr
Kilmer by Anne Schraff. Richard makes a
difficult decision of telling his family, teacher and
classmates that he writes poetry. I think this is
the right decision.
Richard writes poetry. However, he keeps it as
a secret. He is afraid that everyone will mock and
bash/criticize him. This is because, boys are
considered sissies if they write poetry. One day,
he decides to write a letter to Mr Kilmer. Mr
Kilmer is a poet, a soldier and Richards penpal. In
his letter, Richard asks for Mr Kilmers advice
whether he should tell his secret to everyone or
continue hiding it. Then, Mr Kilmer replies
Richards letter and tells Richard to overcome his
Richard follows Mr Kilmers advice (nasihat -
noun). First, he tells his family. (Refer to page 20 &
21 Module 1)

In conclusion, the hardest decision that Richard

made is telling people that he writes poetry.

In conclusion, we learn that we must be brave

to overcome our fear in making the right decision
in our life.
Richard follows Mr Kilmers advice (nasihat - noun). First, he tells
his family.

Mr Kilmer advises (menasihati - verb) Richard to overcome his fear.

Richard decides (membuat keputusan verb) to follow Mr Kilmers


Richards decision (Keputusan) to follow Mr Kilmers advice

In conclusion, the hardest decision that Richard made is telling

people that he writes poetry.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have studied is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. A difficult
decision made by Richard was to tell people
that he wrote poetry.
Question 4 (SPM 2012)
Based on the novel you have studied, write
about an event that makes you angry?
With close reference to the text, give reasons
why the event makes you feel this way.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. an event that makes you angry (ONE event)
2. give reasons
An event that makes me angry: When the
Schermers tavern was vandalised.
Reason 1: Reason 2:
Some Turtle Lake people Richards classmates
were being unfair to the were being unkind to the
Schermers. Schermers.

Event 2:
Event 1: Richards classmate
When the Schermers did not want to sign a
tavern was vandalised. sympathy card to the
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have studied is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. An event that
makes me angry is when the Schermers tavern
was vandalised. I am angry because of two
Question 5 (SPM 2015)
Suggest one character in the novel you have read
who you think is a good role model for teenagers.
Briefly describe the character and give reasons
for your choice with close reference to the text.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. One character Similar to
good role model 2007
2. Briefly describe the character
3. Give reasons.

A character: Richard

Briefly describe Richard

Mr Knights Mr Kilmers Loved

15 years old. son. penpal. poetry.
Tall, pale and Angie and Hannah
slender. Guss Schermers
younger best friend.


Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:

He was kind. He was brave. He was supportive

Event 2:
Event 1: Event 3:
Richard told his
Richard was the Hannah declined
family and Mrs
only student who the role of Lady
Hansen that he
signed a Liberty. Richard
wrote poetry and
sympathy card for declined his part
wrote a letter to
Hannah. as the Doughboy.
Mr Kilmer.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. A good role
model for teenagers is Richard. Richard is Mr
Knights son. He is Angie and Guss younger
brother. He is Mr Kilmers penpal and Hannahs
best friend. He loves poetry. There are three
reasons why I choose Richard.
Question 6 (SBP Trial 2016)
Which character in the novel do you sympathize
with? Explain why you sympathize with this
character with close reference to the text.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. character you sympathize with.
(ONE character)
2. Explain why.
Character: Hannah

Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:

Her schoolmates Her parents People unfairly
called her Dirty tavern was denied her role as
Hun vandalised. Lady Liberty.

Event 1: Event 2: Event 3:

Hannah Richard was the Hannah declined
Schermer cried at only student who the role of Lady
the school signed a Liberty. Richard
hallway sympathy card for declined his part
the Schermers. as the Doughboy.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. The character I
sympathize with is Hannah Schermer. There are
three reasons why I sympathize with her.
Question 7 (Kedah Trial 2016)
It is important to stand up for what is right. Discuss
how this is portrayed in the novel you have read.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. stand up for what is right (Meaning?)
2. how this is portrayed

Which character(s) portrayed

this value?
Which events?

Character who portrayed this value:


Event 2: Event 3:
Event 1: Richard was the Hannah declined
Richard purposely only student who the role of Lady
missed shooting a signed a Liberty. Richard
buck. sympathy card for declined his part
the Schermers. as the Doughboy.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. The statement
It is important to stand up for what is right is
portrayed by Richard in three different events.
Question 8 (N9 Trial 2016)
People should be allowed to follow their
Write about a character who wants to realise his
or her dream.

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. a character
2. wants to realise his / her dream

A character: Richard

Dream: Wanted to be a poet

Event 1: Event 2: Event 3:

Richard wrote Richard told his Richard wrote a
his first letter family and Mrs poem as a
to Mr Kilmer. Hansen that he tribute to Mr
wrote poetry Kilmer.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. A character
who wants to realise his dream is Richard.
Richard wants to be a poet.
Question 9 (Kelantan Trial 2016)
Family supports family.
With close reference to the text, how far is this
true of the novel you have studied?

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. Family supports family
2. how far is this true

Family supports family

This statement
This statement was NOT true
was TRUE

Event 1: Event 2: Event 3:

Richard Richard Richard Event 1:
purposely told his declined Richard wrote a
missed family that his part as poem as a tribute
shooting a he wrote the to Mr Kilmer.
buck. poetry Doughboy.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr
Kilmer written by Anne Schraff. The statement
Family supports family is not true in the
beginning of the story. However, it becomes
true at the end of the story.
Question 10 (Pulau Pinang Trial 2016)
The main character is a strong-willed person.
How is this shown in the novel? Support your
answer with close reference to the text.
[strong-willed - knowing exactly what you want
to do and being determined to achieve it, even if
other people advise you against it]

Keywords Refer to the question:

1. a strong-willed person
2. How is this shown
Character: Richard

When did Richard show that he was strong-willed?

When he stood up for what was When he wanted to realise his

right dream

Events: Events:
1. Richard purposely missed 1. Richard wrote his first letter
shooting a buck. to Mr Kilmer.
2. Richard was the only student 2. Richard told his family and
who signed a sympathy card for Mrs Hansen that he wrote
the Schermers. poetry
3. Hannah declined the role of 3. Richard wrote a poem as a
Lady Liberty. Richard declined tribute to Mr Kilmer.
his part as the Doughboy.
Introduction Refer to the question & the
brainstorm map!
The novel that I have read is Dear Mr Kilmer
written by Anne Schraff. Richard is a strong-
willed person. This is shown in three different
events when Richard wants to stand up for what
is right.
The first event was when Richard
purposely missed shooting a buck.
The second event was when Richard was the
only student who signed a sympathy card for the
The third event was when Richard declined his
part as the Doughboy after Hannah declined the
role of Lady Liberty.
In conclusion, we must stand up for what is
right even though other people advise you
against it.
Other SPM questions
SPM 2010
Based on the novel that you have read write
about an important incident that you
remember. Give reasons why you remember the

SPM 2011
Which part of the story do you like most?
Give reasons for your choice with close
reference to the text
SPM 2013
Write about an important decision made by
one of the characters. With close reference to
the text, explain how if affects the other


SPM 2014
One has to struggle to improve ones life.
With close reference to the text, how far is this
true of the novel you have read?

One = people in general

Struggle = to try extremely hard to achieve
something, even though it is very difficult
Improve = to become better


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