Architect's Act 1972

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Architect's Act, 1972

A Statutory body constituted by

Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India,
under the Architects Act, 1972
Submitted By:
Ar. Sheril Chugh
Ar. Radhika Gopinath
Ar. Seema Sharma
Ar. Neha Sardana
The Architects Act, 1972
The Architects Act of 1972 which came into force on 1st
September 1972 has the following objectives as mentioned in
the preamble:
1) To prepare a register of qualified Architects on the basis of
a schedule of approved qualifications to safeguard the interest
of common man.
2) To regulate the profession of Architects by evolving a
"Code of Ethics" and by laying down minimum standards of
architectural education in India.
To achieve these objectives, a statutory body known as
"Council of Architecture" (COA) has been created.
It is headed by its President who is assisted by an Executive
Committee and a Council consisting of 45 odd members
representing the Indian Institute of Architects, Heads of
Architectural Institutions in India, Chief Architects of all states
and Union territories, Union Ministry of Education (which now
forms a pm1 of Union Ministry of Human Resources
Development), Institution of Engineers and Institution of
Surveyors. The Council is assisted by a Registrar - who is a full-
time employee of the Council. The Registrar is empowered to
carry out certain functions prescribed by the Architects Act
The main features of the Act are as under:
A corporate body known as Council of Architecture" is created.
It has powers for registration of Architects.
It enrolls persons holding recognized degree or diploma in
Architecture; or persons who have been practicing as Architects
for a period of 5 years before September I, 1972.
It recommends to Government additional qualifications
acceptable for registration.
It holds enquiries into the misconduct of Architects and takes
suitable action.
It prescribes minimum standards of education and training of
Architects in India.
This Act protects the title "Architect" but does not make the
design, supervision and construction of buildings as an exclusive
responsibility of Architects. Other professionals like Engineers may
engage themselves in their normal vocation in respect of building
construction work provided they do not style themselves as
Chapter I: This chapter contains the short title of the Act- viz
Architects Act. 1972 and definitions of words such as Architect,
Council of Architecture, Indian Institute of Architects, etc.
Chapter II: This chapter deals with Council of Architecture, its
office bearers, their election, meetings of the Council, formation
of committees, officers and staff of COA, its finances, recognition
of architectural qualifications and of architectural institutions.
Chapter III: This chapter deals with the procedure for registration
of Architects, preparation of Register, fees for initial registration,
renewal, re-instatement, removal from register, procedure for
inquiries relating to misconduct etc.
Chapter IV: This chapter deals with matters such as penalty for
claiming to be registered, prohibition against the use of title
"Architect", powers of Central Government to make rules, power
of Council to make regulations, etc.

Schedule: This schedule contains recognized Indian Degrees and

Diplomas in Architecture and some recognized qualifications in
other countries.

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