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Chapter 12

Work Motivation


Dr. Steve

Performance = Ability x Opportunity x Motivation

Ability KSAs
Opportunity supportive environment, equipment,
Motivation Willingness to exert effort
What motivates you?

Sense of accomplishment
Theories of Motivation
Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory
Behavior is determined by the lowest unmet need
Spend our lives trying reach Self-Actualization

Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory
Self-Actualization is poorly defined (measure?)
Others proposed fewer levels of need
Question whether needs must be met in order
Little if any empirical support
More descriptive of life than theory of motivation
in the workplace
Theories of Motivation
Equity Theory (Adams)
Equity Theory A social comparison theory that
asks, Is the ratio of what you receive from your job
as compared to what you put in the same
proportion as that of other workers?
Is (Input / Outcome) self = (Input / Outcome) other?
Inputs education level, intelligence, experience,
effort, skill, expertise
Outcomes pay, benefits, status, recognition,
working conditions
Equity Theory

Self Other Comparison

20 / 20 20 / 20 Fair no inequity
20 / 10 40 / 20 Fair no inequity
20 / 20 20 / 40 Unfair underpaid
20 / 40 20 / 20 Unfair overpaid
Equity Theory

How do you fix inequity? (How does inequity motivate

If overpaid hourly rate reduce inequity by increasing
If overpaid on piecemeal rate improve quality, without
increasing quantity
If underpaid on hourly rate reduce effort, lower quality
or fewer products
If underpaid on piecemeal rate produce more at lower
Equity Theory
Some empirical evidence individuals found to reduce
effort when believed they were underpaid
Other ways to fix inequity when perceive underpayment:
Ask for more $$
Pressure others to change their efforts
Find other comparison
Think of bad things comparison person puts up with
Rationalize overpayment
Not everyone makes comparisons
Not a lot of empirical support in overpayment condition
Theories of Motivation
Expectancy Theory (Vroom)
Effort Performance Reward Goals
Five Part model
1. Job Outcomes (O) pay, promotion, satisfaction, transfer,
fired, etc.
2. Valence (V) Rated attractiveness of outcome (value)
Example: Promotion = +10, Fired = -10, Transfer = -5
3. Instrumentality (I) Relationship between performance
and outcome. (probability 0 1.0)
4. Expectancy (E) Perception that effort leads to
performance (probability 0 1.0)
5. Force (F) Motivation as a function of other 4 variables
Force = E ( V I)
Expectancy Theory

Outcomes Valence Instrumentality Expectancy Force

Promotion 10 .5
Raise 8 .1 .5
Transfer -5 0

Force = .5 [(10 x .5) + (8 x .1) + (-5 x 0)] = 2.9

Expectancy Theory
Force = 2.9, So What?
Correlate force score with other measure of effort to
validate theory (e.g., hrs spent on job, peer ratings, etc.).
Between Subjects experiment compare different individuals
doing the same job (Who)
Are those with high force score, rated as high in motivation?
Within Subjects experiment compare same individual across
tasks (What)
Are tasks associated with higher force scores the ones on which
individuals give most effort?
Results: theory predicts what tasks are motivating to
individuals better than who is most motivated to do task
Expectancy Theory
Placement vs. Selection
Theory better predicts what tasks a person is most
motivated to perform than who is most motivated
Placement validities: .5 to .6
Selection validities: .3 to .4
How to make theory work for you (as a Mgr.)
1. Ensure positive job outcomes are valued (high
2. Ensure workers know what it takes to obtain outcomes
(high Expectancy)
3. Ensure workers know that performing well leads to
rewards (high Instrumentality)
Theories of Motivation
Reinforcement Theory (Skinner)
Based on Thorndikes Law of Effect
When good things happen as a result of a behavior, that behavior
is more likely to be repeated (opposite is true as well).
Skinner suggests not a theory at all, but a description of
the cause of behaviors
SD--- R Sr+
SD = Discriminative Stimulus Antecedent event that sets
stage for behavior to occur
R = Response Behavior
Sr+ = Reinforcing Stimulus Consequence of behavior
Reinforcement Theory
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed Interval receive Sr+ for correct behavior after fixed time period
has elapsed
Scalloping response pattern
Example paycheck every 2 weeks
Fixed Ratio receive Sr+ given # of correct responses
Post-reinforcement pauses
Example Bonus for every 10 vacuum cleaners sold
Variable Interval receive Sr+ after average amount of time, exact
time varies
Fairly steady responding
Example Pop quizzes
Variable Ratio receive Sr+ after average # of correct responses,
exact # varies
Continuous, rapid responding
Example slot machines
Reinforcement Theory
Schedules of Reinforcement
Variable Ratio
Cumulative Responses

Fixed Ratio
Variable Interval

200 Fixed Interval


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (Minutes)
Reinforcement Theory
Which Schedules Work Best?
Continuous reinforcement to acquire new skill
Intermittent reinforcement to maintain skill
Ratio better than Interval (more rapid responding)
Variable better than fixed (higher resistance to
Theories of Motivation
Goal Setting Theory
Goal Setting Theory based on premise that
people are motivated to reach their goals
Goals help tell how much effort must be exerted
Goals are most motivating when they are:
1. Specific
2. Challenging
3. Accepted
4. Feedback provided
Goal Setting Theory
Experimental Results

Percent of possible


Do your best
Specific hard goal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Blocks of four weeks
From Latham & Baldes (1975), The Practical Significance of Lockes Theory of Goal Setting, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, p.123
Job Characteristics Model

Five core job dimensions (Hackman & Oldham)

1. Skill Variety number of different skills required
2. Task Identity completion of task provides a
clearly identified outcome
3. Task Significance job has impact on other
4. Autonomy freedom to complete task as one
sees fit
5. Feedback job provides information about
Job Characteristics Model

Core Job Critical Personal and

Dimensions Psychological Work Outcomes

Skill Variety High internal

Task Identity Experienced work motivation
Task Significance meaningfulness of work
High quality work
Experienced performance
Autonomy responsibility for
outcomes of work High satisfaction
with work
Feedback Knowledge of actual
results of work activities Low absenteeism
and turnover
Employee Growth Need Strength
Job Characteristics Model

Formula to determine motivating potential of job

Skill Task Task
Motivating + +
Variety Identity Significance
Potential Score = x Autonomy x Feedback
(MPS) 3
Comparison of Motivation Theories
Theory Source of Motivation Empirical Support Industrial Applicability

Need Theory Unconscious, innate Weak: Little support for Very limited: Theory lacks
needs proposed relationships among sufficient specificity to guide
needs behavior
Equity Theory Drive to reduce feelings of Mixed: Good support for Limited: Social comparisons
tension caused by underpayment inequity, weak are made, but feelings of
perceived inequity support for overpayment inequity can be reduced
inequity through means other than
increased motivation

Expectancy Relationship among Moderate-strong: More Strong: Theory provides a

Theory desired outcomes, strongly supported in within- rational basis for why people
performance-reward, and subject (placement) than expend effort, although not all
effort-performance between-subject (selection) behavior is as consciously
variables experiments determined as postulated

Reinforcement Schedule of reinforcement Moderate: Ratio reinforcement Moderate: Contingent

Theory used to reward people for schedules evoke superior payment for performance is
their performance performance compared to possible in some jobs,
interval schedules, but little although ethical problems can
difference exists among be present in an organizations
various ratio schedules attempt to shape employee

Goal Setting Intention to direct behavior Moderate-strong: Performance Strong: Ability to set goals is
Theory in pursuit of acceptable under goal-setting conditions not restricted to certain types
goals usually superior to conditions of people or jobs
under which no goals are set
7 Things Needed to Motivate
1. Ensure workers motives are appropriate for job
2. Make jobs attractive and consistent with workers
3. Define clear, challenging goals (goal setting)
4. Provide necessary resources to do job (opportunity)
5. Create social support systems (respectful environment)
6. Use positive reinforcement for good performance
7. Combine previous 6 into one system

Katzell and Thompson

The DeMotivational
Series 1 &
Series 2

When you dont care any more

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