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Case (19)

A 30 years old Female farmer
Complaining of hyper
pigmented lesions on her face
and neck
of 1 year duration.
Lesions are not itchy
Bilateral Symmetrical
hyper pigmented , grey brown
macules & patches
affecting : check , nose ,
forehead , back and sides of
the neck.
Case (19)
Actinic Lichen planus
( melasma like )
Actinic Lichen planus
Actinic lichen planus
A rare variant of lichen planus characterized by the development of
photo-distributed lesions.
More common in dark-skinned populations, particularly in young
Indurated plaques or papules erupt on the face, neck, and the
dorsal surface of hands
Different morphological subtypes have been described:
the classic form (violaceous papules),
a granuloma annular-like form (annular erythematous
hyperpigmented plaques),
a dyschromic form (white angular coalescent papules on the neck
and dorsa of the hands),
a pigmented melasma-like form (dark patches on the face and
There is no mucosal or nail involvement

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