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Gas absorption involves the transfer of a

soluble component of a gas phase into a
relatively non volatile liquid absorbent.
In gas absorption a soluble vapor is
absorbed from its mixture with an inert gas
by means of a liquid in which the solute gas
is more or less soluble. (McCabe)

When the two contacting phases are a gas and
a liquid, the unit operation is called
absorption. A solute A or several solutes are
absorbed from the gas phase into a liquid
phase. (Geankoplis)

Gas absorption is a unit operation in which
soluble components of a gas mixture are
dissolved in a liquid. (Perrys Handbook)

Desorption is the reverse process, removal of a
component of a liquid by contact with a gas
In this case the soluble gas is transferred
from the liquid to the gas phase , because the
concentration in the liquid is greater than in
equilibrium with the gas.

Absorption and Desorption

Stripping or desorption is employed when it
is desired to transfer volatile components from a
liquid mixture into a gas.
Both absorption and stripping, in common
with distillation makes use of a special equipment
for bringing gas and liquid phases into intimate

Absorption and Desorption

For absorption, stripping, and distillation, there are three main
steps involved in design:
1. Data on the gas-liquid or vapor-liquid equilibrium for the
system at hand.
If absorption, stripping, and distillation operations are
considered equilibrium-limited processes, which is the usual
approach, these data are critical for determining the maximum
possible separation. In some cases, the operations are considered
rate-based (see Sec. 13) but require knowledge of equilibrium at
the phase interface. Other data required include physical properties
such as viscosity and density and thermodynamic properties such
as enthalpy. Section 2 deals with sources of such data.

Design Procedures
2. Information on the liquid- and gas-handling capacity of
the contacting device chosen for the particular separation
Such information includes pressure drop
characteristics of the device, in order that an optimum
balance between capital cost (column cross section) and
energy requirements might be achieved. Capacity and
pressure drop characteristics of the available devices.
3. Determination of the required height of contacting zone for
the separation to be made as a function of properties of the
fluid mixtures and mass-transfer efficiency of the contacting
This determination involves the calculation of mass-
transfer parameters such as heights of transfer units and plate
efficiencies as well as equilibrium or rate parameters such as
theoretical stages or numbers of transfer units. An additional
consideration for systems in which chemical reaction occurs is
the provision of adequate residence time for desired reactions to
occur, or minimal residence time to prevent undesired reactions
from occurring. For equilibrium-based operations, the parameters
for required height are covered in the present section.
The design engineer usually is required to determine:
the best solvent
the best gas velocity through the absorber, or,
equivalently, the vessel diameter
The height of the vessel and its internal members, which
is the height and type of packing or the number of
contacting trays
the optimum solvent circulation rate through the absorber
and stripper
temperatures of streams entering and leaving the absorber
and stripper, and the quantity of heat to be removed to
account for the heat of solution and other thermal effects
pressures at which the absorber and stripper will operate
mechanical design of the absorber and stripper vessels
(predominantly columns or towers), including flow
distributors and packing supports. This section covers
these aspects

Design Procedures Cont.

The problem presented to the designer of a gas absorption
system usually specifies the following quantities:
gas flow rate
Gas composition of the component or components to be
operating pressure and allowable pressure drop across the
minimum recovery of one or more of the solutes; and,
the solvent to be employed.
Selection of Solvent and Nature of Solvents
The solvent should have the advantages of
low volatility,
low cost
low corrosive tendencies
high stability
low viscosity
low tendency to foam
low flammability

Design Procedures Cont.

Characteristic Physical solvent Chemical solvent

Solubility Relatively linear Highly nonlinear

variation with Low High
pressure Continuous to Levels off
Low-pressure increase Relatively high
solubility Relatively low and decreases
High-pressure and somewhat with
solubility approximately increased solute
Heat of solution constant with
related to loading
variation of
solubility with
temperature at
fixed pressure
Selection of Solubility Data
Equilibrium data generally will be found in one of three
(1) solubility data expressed either as weight or
mole percent or as Henrys law coefficients
(2) pure-component vapor pressures
(3) equilibrium distribution coefficients (K values).
Calculation of Liquid-to-Gas Ratio
When the solvent concentration in the inlet gas is
low and when a significant fraction of the solute is absorbed
(this often the case), the approximation
y1GM = x1LM = (yo1/m)LM
leads to the conclusion that the ratio mGM/LM represents
the fractional approach of the exit liquid to saturation with
the inlet gas, i.e.,
mGM/LM = yo1/y1
Selection of Equipment

Column Diameter and Pressure Drop

Computation of Tower Height

Selection of Stripper Operating Conditions

Design of Absorber-Stripper Systems

Importance of Design Diagrams

Heat effects that cause temperatures to
vary from point to point in a gas absorber are
(1) the heat of solution (including heat of
condensation, heat of mixing, and heat of reaction)
(2) the heat of vaporization or condensation of the
(3) the exchange of sensible heat between the gas
and liquid phases
(4) the loss of sensible heat from the fluids to
internal or external coils.
Heat effects in gas absorption
Conditions that give rise to significant heat effects
(1) an appreciable heat of solution and/or
(2) absorption of large amounts of solute in the
liquid phase

Effects of operating variables

Operating Pressure
Raising the pressure may increase the separation
effectiveness considerably. Calculations for the absorption
of methanol in water from water-saturated air showed that
doubling the pressure doubles the allowable concentration
of methanol in the feed gas while still achieving the
required concentration specification in the off gas.
Temperature of Lean Solvent
The temperature of the entering (lean)
solvent has surprisingly little influence upon the
temperature profile in an absorber since any
temperature changes are usually caused by the heat
of solution or the solvent vaporization. In these
cases, the temperature profile in the liquid phase is
usually dictated solely by the internal-heat effects.
Temperature and Humidity of the Rich Gas
Cooling and consequent dehumidification of the
feed gas to an absorption tower can be very beneficial.
A high humidity (or relative saturation with the
solvent) limits the capacity of the gas to take up latent
heat and hence is unfavorable to absorption. Thus
dehumidification of the inlet gas is worth considering
in the design of absorbers with large heat effects.
Liquid-to-Gas Ratio
As the L/G ratio is increased, the operating line moves
away from the equilibrium line and more solute is
absorbed prestige or packing segment. However, there is
a compensating effect; since more heat is liberated in
each stage or packing segment, the temperatures will rise,
which causes the equilibrium line to shift up.
As the L/G ratio is decreased, the concentration of solute
tends to build up in the upper part of the absorber, and the
point of highest temperature tends to move upward in the
tower until finally the maximum temperature occurs at
the top of the tower. Of course, the capacity of the liquid
to absorb solute falls progressively as L/G is reduced
Number of Stages or Packing Height
When the heat effects combine to produce an
extended zone in the tower where little absorption
takes place (i.e., a pinch zone), the addition of trays or
packing height will have no useful effect on separation
efficiency. In this case, increases in absorption may be
obtained by increasing solvent flow, introducing
strategically placed coolers, cooling and dehumidifying
the inlet gas, and/or raising the tower pressure.
Equipment Considerations
When the solute has a large heat of solution and
the feed gas contains a high concentration of solute, as
in absorption of HCl in water, the effects of heat
release during absorption may be so pronounced that
the installation of heat-transfer surface to remove the
heat of absorption may be as important as providing
sufficient interfacial area for the mass-transfer process
itself. The added heat-transfer area may consist of
internal cooling coils on the trays, or the liquid may be
withdrawn from the tower, cooled in an external heat
exchanger, and then returned to the tower
Chemical absorption or reactive absorption is a
chemical reaction between the absorbed and the absorbing
substances. Sometimes it combines with physical
absorption. This type of absorption depends upon
the stoichiometry of the reaction and the concentration of its

Absorption with chemical reaction

Plate Tower Liquid Solvent
Waste Gas
ya, Va xa, La
Ya,V Xa, L

Feed Gas
Liquid Solvent + Solute
Lb, xb
yb, Vb
L, Xb
Yb, V

Principles of gas absorption

V = total molal gas rate
y = mole fractions of solute in V
L = total molal liquid rate
x = mole fraction of solute in L
V = solute free molal gas rate
Y = mole of solute / mole of solute free gas
L = pure solvent molal rate constant
= if no water or solvent evaporation
X = mole of solute / mole of pure solvent
VYb = Vaya
Y = y y = Y
1y 1+Y

L X = Lx
x = X X = x
1+X 1x
to get V & L,

V = Va ( 1 ya) = Vb ( 1-yb )
L = La ( 1 xa) = Lb ( 1-xb )
Stream Balance: Vb + La = Va + Lb
Solute Balance: Vb yb + La xa = Vaya + Lb xb
LXa + VYb = VYa + LXb
V(Yb -Ya) = L (Xb-Xa)
Equilibrium Relations: y = mX
Working Equation: KREMSER EQTN

N = ln ( Yb Yb*) A = L
Ya Ya* Vm
ln A

Balance around the tower

Liquid Extraction (stripping)
Components: A solute; B diluent ; S solvent
Nomenclature: La feed rate
Vb fresh solvent rate
x solute fraction in L
y solute fraction in V
X solute per diluent in L
Y solute per diluent in V
Ln raffinate rate from stage h
Vn extract rate from stage h

L = B = pure solvent
V = S = pure solvent rate

A = B/(Skd) Lx = Bx Vy = SY
La = Feed Rate
Vb = fresh solvent rate
Bn = inert solids rate (constant)
Ln = total underflow rate from any stage n
xn = solute fraction in Ln
Vn = total overflow rate from any stage n
yn = solute fraction in Vn
Lsn = retained solvent rate in Ln ; constant for case 1
Ly = retained solvent rate in Ln; constant for case 2
x = solute fraction in retained solution
X = solute to solvent ratio in Ln
Y = solute to sovent ratio in Vn
Vn = solvent rate in underflow rate from stage n
Solubility Data or Solubility Curves
These information can be obtained from various
references especially Perrys Handbook. A specified total
pressure and temperature, the usual data given involve
values of the partial pressure of the solute in the gas phase,
pA in mm Hg corresponding to the solubility in the liquid
phase represented by cA in mass of A per 100 mass units of
the solvent B. To express these concentrations in terms of
the mole fraction, the following relationships can be

Henrys Constants. If the mixture is somewhat dilute
such that Henrys Law can be applied, the equilibrium
concentrations can be related in terms of the Henrys
constant, HA.

. Vapor Pressure. If the solution can be considered and
ideal solution, Raoults Law can be applied in
determining the partial pressure of A from the vapor
pressure pAo, thus

The vapor pressure-temperature data can easily be

obtained from references or the Antoine Equation may be
used to estimate this value.

Distribution Coefficients. If the other sources mentioned
are not available for the system under consideration and
the distribution coefficient, KA is known, the equilibrium
relationship can also be obtained using the equation

Absorption Equipment
Gas absorption involves the transfer of a soluble component of a gas phase
into a relatively nonvolatile liquid absorbent (Foust et al.,1980).
A process where soluble vapor is absorbed from its mixture with an inert
gas by means of a liquid in which the solute gas is more or less soluble
(McCabe et al.,2001).
It is a mass-transfer process in which a vapor solute A in a gas mixture is
absorbed by means of a liquid in which the solute is more or less soluble
(Geankolpis, 1995).
Desorption or stripping

It is the reverse process of gas absorption in which a component of liquid is

being removed by contact with a gas phase (Foust et al.,1980)
A soluble Distillati and Transfer of
vapor is on condensation Adsorption
absorbed of a of fluid to
component in
from a gas a liquid the surface
mixture by a mixture having of a solid
liquideffects Heat effects phase
are due to are due to
boiling points.
the heat of the heat of
solution of vaporization
the absorbed and
gas condensation

Ammonia is absorbed from an air-ammonia mixture by contacting the gas with liquid
water at room temperature.
Removal of CO2 and H2S from natural gas or synthesis gas by absorption in solutions
of amines or alkaline salts.
Absorption of sulfur trioxide in the manufacture of sulfuric acid and oleum.
Scrubbing of plant exit gases to free them from hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide
before discharging them into the atmosphere.
The liquid absorbent is below
its bubble point and the gas
phase is well above its dew
Packed Beds or
Packed Tower
Used for continuous
countercurrent contacting of gas
and liquid in absorption and also
for vapor-liquid contacting in
Tower packings
Weak liquor Geankoplis
Rich gas et el.,1995

Strong liquor
3 principal types of tower packings
Dumped at
Stacked by
random into
the tower
The primary
purpose of the
packing material
is to provide a
Structured or
large surface area
for mass transfer. ordered
Dumped packing
Consists of units 6-75 mm in major
Made of clay, porcelain, plastics,
thin-walled metal rings of steel or
High void spaces of 60-90% is
achieved by providing large
volumes of liquid to pass
countercurrently to the gas
Stacked by hand

Consists of units 50-200 mm in size

Less commonly used than dumped
Lower pressure drop of gas
Usually made of wood grids, drip-point grids and spiral partition rings
Structured or
Before, fabricated from wire
gauze, now made of sheets of
perforated corrugated metal
The channels are set at an angle
of 45o with the horizontal
Packed bed column
Contains a support plate, a liquid
distributor and a mist eliminator.
The liquid stream flows down the
column due to gravity, resulting in
counter-flow, cross flow or co-
current flow within the column.
Used to
condense any Support plates
vaporized hold the
scrubbing packing in place
The liquid flow through the distributor.
Advantages Disadvantages
Low pressure drop required Fewer stages compared to other columns
Small diameters possible Channeling, which must be controlled by
Can handle foaming systems redistributing liquid
Low capital, operating and maintenance cost Cannot handle extremely high or low flow
Simple construction rates
Can handle corrosive materials Cannot handle liquids with high viscosities
Reduces backmixing in comparison to spray Need to be preferentially wetted to avoid
columns reduction of the interfacial area to volume
Better mass transfer than in spray columns ratio
Spray columns are differential contractors
The liquid stream enters the column
Spray through spray nozzles
column The droplets formed provide a large surface
area for exposure to the gas stream, with
smaller droplets resulting in a greater
exchange area.
Optimum droplet velocity is essential
because low velocity will lead to low contact
or turbulence and high velocity may cause
Spray columns are used to absorb sulfur
dioxide from coal-fired boiler exhaust gases.
Advantages Disadvantages
Low pressure drop High pumping cost
Entrainment; gas carries liquid as mist
Poor mass transfer
Low residence times
Few stages
Droplets may form improperly or coalesce
differential contractors
Falling mainly used when the heat released during
film absorption is high
absorbers Vertical shell and tube heat exchangers with the
cooling medium in the shell and the vapor and the
solvent contacting streams in the tubes
The solvent enters the top and falls by gravity in
films down the tube
Gas enters at the bottom or top to produce
counter-current or co-current flow
The absorption of contaminants from the gas to
the solvent depends on gas velocity, liquid-gas
distribution, and the tube surface condition
Advantages Disadvantages
Low pressure drop Flooding
Minimal static head and residence Restricted by pressure drop
time Film break-up
Ideal for heat-sensitive fluids Need continuous heat removal
Easy clean-up Evaporation may deteriorate components

Continuous heat removal Liquid must be uniformly supplied

Sparged tank
Gas enters at the bottom through a gas
Bubble distributor or sparger and is dispersed
through the liquid stream in the form of
Column bubbles
The bubble rise at a velocity determined by
the bubble size; the larger the bubbles, the
faster they rise
Spargers are designed to produce even
bubble sizes, so that the bubble rise at the
same velocity
Used for radioactive elements because there
are no moving parts
Bubble Column

Advantages Disadvantages
High thermal stability
Uniform distribution because of high liquid circulation Low contact efficiency
Low energy input requirements
Two gases that form an explosive mixture may be used
Long liquid residence time
Short gas residence time
Low investment cost
Large mass transfer area High gas pressure drop
Can handle radioactive materials because there are no
moving parts
Sample problem No. 1

1000L/min of a gas mixture containing 10% solute gas, 90% air by mole is
to be treated in a gas absorption plate tower in order to recover 90% of the
solute. Pure solvent enters the top of the tower at a rate which is 1.35 times
the minimum. Operating conditions are; P = 760 torrs & T = 300C. Assume
that the equilibrium relation is: y = 0.8x where x & y are mole ratios.
Determine : solvent rate (moles/min)
no. of ideal stages / plates
mole of solute in the liquid and gas leaving each plate.
a. L = 1.35Lmin

Get first Lmin


Given : Xa = 0


Xb* = 0.138875
Ya = 0.0111
Yb = 0.1111
Ya* = 0
Yb*= 0.8Xb

Xb = 0.1029
Yb* = 0.0823
N Yn yn Xn xn
1 0.0111 0.01098 0.013875 0.013605
2 0.0246 0.024009 0.03075 0.02983
3 0.04098 0.03936 0.051225 0.04873
4 0.06089 0.057396 0.0761125 0.07073
5 0.0851 0.078426 0.106375 0.0901
Sample Problem No.2

Absorption of Acetone in a Packed Tower

Acetone is being absorbed by water in a packed tower having cross-sectional
area of 0.186 m2 at 293 K and 101.32 kPa (1 atm). The inlet air contains 2.6
mol % acetone and outlet 0.5 %. The gas flow is 13.65 kg mol inert air/h. The
pure water inlet flow is 45.36 kg mol water/h. Film coefficients of the given
flows in the tower are kya = 3.78 x 10-2 kg mol/s m3 mol frac and kxa = 6.16
x 10-2 kg mol/s m3 mol frac. Equilibrium data are given in Appendix A.3
a. Calculate the tower
height using kya
b. Repeat using kxa
c. Calculte Kya and the
tower height

A. z = 1.9366 m
B. z = 1.9432 m
C. Kya = 2.1860 x 10-2 kg mol/s m3 mol frac
z= 1.9314 m

Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P., Handbook of Chemical Process Equipment, 2000

Geankoplis, Christi J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 1995
McCabe, Warren L., Smith, Julian C., Harriott, Peter., Unit Operations of
Chemical Engineering, 2001
Foust, Allan S., Wenzel, Leonard A., Clump, Curtis W., Maus, Louis and
Andersen, Bryce L., Principles of Unit Operations, 1980
Sample problem no.3

Design of an Absorption Tower with a Concentrated Gas Mixture

A tower packed with 25.4 mm ceramic rings is to be designed to absorb SO2
from air by using pure water at 293 K and 1.013 x 105 Pa abs pressure. The
entering gas contains 20 mol % SO2 and that leaving 2 mol %. The inert air
flow is 6.53 x 10-4 kg mol air/s and the inert water flow is 4.20 x 10-2 kg mol
water/s. The tower cross-sectional area is 0.0929 m2. For dilute SO2, the film
mass-transfer coefficients at 293 K are for 25.4 mm rings
kya = 0.0594G0.7yG0.25x kxa = 0.152G0.82x
Where kya is kg mol/s m3 mol frac, kxa is kg mol/s m3 mol frac, and Gx and
Gy are kkg total liquid or gas, respectively, per sec per m2 tower cross section.
Calculate the tower height.
Gas absorption

an operation in which a gas mixture is

contacted with a liquid for the purpose
of preferentially dissolving one or more
components of the gas mixture and to
provide a solution of them in the liquid
Gas absorption
also known as scrubbing

a mass transfer of the component of the gas

from the gas phase to the liquid phase
Gas desorption
also known as stripping

the mass transfer is in the opposite

direction, from the liquid phase to the
gas phase
Other types of Absorbers
Tray-Tower Absorbers
Venturi Absorbers
Wet Scrubbers
Tray-Tower Absorbers

A tray-tower absorber is a vertical

column with one or more trays mounted
horizontally inside for gas-liquid
Tray-tower Absorbers

Mass transfer occurs in the liquid spray

created by the gas velocity through the
openings in the tray
Tray-tower Absorbers
The gas stream enters at
the bottom and flows
upward, passing through
openings in the trays

Liquid enters at the top of

the tower, and travels
across each tray and then
through a downcomer to
the tray below until it
reaches the bottom of the
Types of tray towers for
Sieve tray

Valve tray

Bubble-cap tray
Sieve tray
In sieve tray, vapor
bubbles up through
simples holes(3 to 12 mm
in diameter) in the tray
through thr flowing liquid
vapor area of the holes
varies between 5 to 15
% of the tray area
Sieve tray

Sieve tray
the liquid is maintained on
the tray surface and
prevented from flowing
downthrough the holes by
Sieve tray
the kinetic energy of the gas
or vapor

the depth of liquid on the

tray is maintained by an
overflow, outlet weir
Valve tray
a modification of sieve consists of openings in the
tray and a lift -valve cover

for each opening, providing a

variable open area which is
varied by the vapor flow
inhibiting leakage of liquid
down the opening at low
vapor rates
Bubble-cap tray
in bubble tray, the vapor or
gas rises through the opening
in the tray into the bubble

the gas flows through slots in

the periphery of each cap
and bubbles upward through
the flowing liquid
Tray-tower Absorbers

higher pressure drop than

can handle high or low liquid PACKED COLUMNS


slow reaction rate process

can handle solids

plugging and fouling may

easily costumized tospecific occur

Material Balance
xo y N 1 xN y1
1 xo 1 y N 1 1 xN 1 y1

xo-mole fraction A in the liquid(initial)

xN-mole fraction A in the liquid(final)

yN+1-mole fraction of A in the gas(initial)

y1-mole fraction of A in the gas(final)

L-total moles of liquid/s

V-total moles of gas/s

Venturi absorbers are
used primarily when
there is a need to
simultaneously remove
particulate matter and
absorb gaseous
In venturi scrubbers,the gas
and liquid streams enter
from the top

The liquid jet enters through

a nozzle to a wet-approach or
flooded wall entry.

Below the entry is a throat

where droplets are formed
by shearing.

Gas contaminants are

absorbed into these droplets
Below the venturi is a
flooded below or
entrainment,that prevents
The flow is circulated in the
entrainment by a pump
The gas stream and the
droplets are further
separated in a cyclone
The lighter gas flows out
the top, where they exit
with the entrained liquid.
Venturi Scrubbers
Efficient atomization. Pump is needed to
circulate flow through
the entrainment.
Good contacting
between the gas and Large gas pressure drop.
Large power
Good for removal of
particulate matter as Limited to cocurrent
well as soluble vapor. flow.
Wet Scrubbers
The liquid spray in a wet
scrubber removes fine
particles or liquid mists
entrained in a gas stream.

In wet scrubber ,
contaminated gas enters
through an inlet at the
bottom of the column.
Wet Scrubbers
Liquid enters through a
nozzle or pipe, flowing in a
counter-flow, cross flow
or cocurrent manner.

The gas flows in a circular

path within the cyclone
portion of the
scrubber,forcing heavier
dust particles against the
Wet Scrubbers
Any liquid entrained
within the remaining
vapor is removed by the
Lighter particles hit the
vane stages, where much
of the vapor liquid
contact take place
Gas exits at the top,
while liquid and dust
particles leaves at he
Wet Scrubbers
can also recover waste
heat complex design

can be used in multi stage

configuration high maintenance
no secondary dust sources
corrosion problems
can handle high
temperture, high-humidity
gas streams
Problem:Absorption of SO2
in a tray tower
A tray tower tower is to be designed to absorb SO2
from an air stream by using pure water at 293K.The
entering gas contains 20 mol% SO2 and the leaving 2
mol% at a total pressure of 101.3 kPa. The inert air
flow rate is 150 kg air/h m 2 ,and the entering water
flowrate is 6000 kgwater/h m 2 . Assuming an overall
tray efficiency of 25%, how many theoretical trays
and actual trays are needed? Assume that the tower
operattes at 293K.
Material Balance
xo y N 1 xN y1
1 xo 1 y N 1 1 xN 1 y1

xo-mole fraction A in the liquid(initial)

xN-mole fraction A in the liquid(final)

yN+1-mole fraction of A in the gas(initial)

y1-mole fraction of A in the gas(final)

L-total moles of liquid/s

V-total moles of gas/s

GIVEN(solve for molar flowrates)
=5.18 kg mol inert air/ h m2
=333 kg mol inert water / h m2
x0=0(pure water)

ASK:Find: number of theoretical and actual

=5.18 kg mol inert air/ h m2
=333 kg mol inert water / h m2 o
YN+1=0.20 V1, y1 LO, xo
xo=0(pure water)

Vn+1, yn+1 ----------------------------------------- Ln,xn

VN+1, yN+1 LN, xN

Solve for x N using the formula

xo y N 1 xN y1
1 xo 1 y N 1 1 xN 1 y1
Solve for x n using the formula
0 xn
0.20 0.02
333 5.18( ) 333
1 0 1 0.20 1 xn 1 0.02
xN 0.00355
Step 3

Plot an operating-line equation as y

vs x.

xo y N 1 xN y1
1 xo 1 y N 1 1 xN 1 y1

Get for other values of x n , setting yn+1 to

0.13 and 0.07.

Yn+1 Xn

0.20 0.0036
0.13 0.0021
0.07 0.0009
Yn+1 Xn
0.20 0.0061
0.13 0.00447

0.07 0.00255
0.02 0.000894

Draw and interpret the graph.

Number of theoretical trays=2.4
Actual number of trays=2.4/0.25
=10 trays
THANK YIU!!!!!aa

Straight operating lines and approximately straight
equilibrium lines are obtained in the absorption of
dilute gases in packed towers when the mole
fractions in the gas and liquid streams were less than
about 10%.

In concentrated gas mixtures the operating line and

usually the equilibrium lines will be substantially
curved and kxa and kya may vary with total flows.
The operating line and the equilibrium line are
The values of film coefficients kya and kxa are
obtained from empirical equations.
These two films are functions of Gyn and Gxm,
where n and m are in the range of 0.2 and 0.8.
Using the operating line equation values, total V
and l are calculated for different values of x and y
in the tower and converted to Gy and Gx. Then
values of kxa and kya are calculated.
If the variation between kxa and kya at the top
and bottom of the the tower is small, an average
value can be used.
Starting with the tower bottom at point P1
(y1, x1), the interface compositions yi1, xi1 are
determined by plotting a line P1, M1 with a
slope calculated. This line intersects the
equilibrium line at the interface
concentrations at point M1; where (1-y)im
and (1-x)im are determined.
Using the values of xi and yi determined
graphically integrate the tower height by
plotting f(y) versus y between y2 and y1.
Then determine the area under the curve to
give the tower height.
Sample Problem
A tower packed with 25.4 mm ceramic rings is to be designed
to absorb SO2 from air by using pure water at 293 K and
101325 Pa abs pressure. The entering gas contains 20 mol %
SO2 and that leaving 2 mol%. The inert air flow is 6.53E-04 kg
mol air/s and the inert water flow is 4.20E-02 kg mol water/s.
the tower cross sectional are is 0.0929m2. For dilute SO2 the
film mass transfer coefficients at 293K are of 25.4 mm rings;
Kya= 0.0594Gy0.7Gx0.25 kxa=0.152Gx0.82
Where kya and kxa are in kg mol/s m3 mol fraction, Gx and Gy
are total kg liquid or gas per second per m2 tower cross section
respectively. Calculate the tower height

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