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Both operands must be of same type. Why?

Why are logical operators different than bitwise?

What is a mask?

Assignment # 2
Due date: Wed, Feb 8th

Where is Allah?
Allahs Highness:
1. Most High
Glorify the name of your Lord, the most High.
2. Above the Heavens
Do you feel safe that the One who is above the
heavens would not cause the earth to swallow you
during an earthquake?
And We have already created man and know what
3. Above
his thesoul
Throne whispers to him, and We
closer to him than
Merciful rose[his] jugular
above the vein. [Qaaf: 16]
Consensus: closer by virtue of His Knowledge.
Where is Allah?
The Story of the Shepherd Slave Girl:
Malik related that Umar ibn al-Hakam said, I went to the Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said,
'Messenger of Allah, a slave girl of mine was tending my sheep. I
came to her and one of the sheep was lost. I asked her about it and she
said that a wolf had eaten it, so I became angry and I am one of the
children of Adam, so I struck her on the face. As it happens, I have to
set a slave free, shall I free her?' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, questioned her, 'Where is Allah?' She
said, Above the heavens.' He said, 'Who am I?' She said, 'You are the
Messenger of Allah.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said, 'Free her.
Muwatta Imam Malik, Book 38, # 38.6.8
Chapter 6

int calsum (int x, int y, int z) //parameter list
int d; //local variable
d = x + y + z ; int main( )
return d ; {
} int a, b, c, sum ;
cout << "Enter any three
numbers ";
cin >> a >> b >> c;

sum = calsum(a, b, c);

cout <<"\nSum = "<<sum;
double lrgr (double x, double y) //parameter list
double max; //local var

if (x >= y)
max = x; int main( )
else {
max = y; double num1, num2;
cout << "Enter any two numbers ";
return max; cin >> num1 >> num2;
} cout << "\n" << lrgr(num1,num2)
<< " is larger of "
<< num1 << " and " << num2;

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