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Electron configurations

Chlorine: atomic number = 17, so 17 electrons to be placed in
orbitals: 1s22s22p63s23p5
add these to get total no. of
1st 2nd 3rd
shell shell shell

these electrons are higher in energy than

4s, but nearer the nucleus

Manganese: atomic number = 25: 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5

4s and 3d orbitals
half full
Periodic trends in atomic structure
Going across a period
the number of protons increases so electrostatic attraction of the
nucleus for electrons increases

Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon

the electrons go into same shell, which shrinks in size because of

the increased attraction by the nucleus, so atomic size decreases

the sub-shells change from s to p

2s1 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz1 2px2 2py2 2pz2

Periodic trends in atomic structure

Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

First ionization energies

All these trends lead to an increase in ionization energy across
the period.
The first ionization energy is a measure of the attraction an
atom has for its own electrons.
Electronegativity values increase steadily across a period.
Electronegativity is a relative measure of the attraction an atom
has for any electrons in a covalent bond between it and another
Li Be B C N O F Ne
1.0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3
Periodic trends in atomic structure
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Explaining electron attraction

Atoms attract electrons because the nucleus is positively

charged (due to the protons) and the electrons are negatively

The force of attraction between two charged particles is given

by the inverse square law, which states that the force is the
product of the two charges divided by the distance between
them squared. 4
Periodic trends in atomic structure
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Electron affinities
Another useful measure of electron attraction by atoms is
called the electron affinity; this is the energy change when a
mole of electrons is added to a mole of atoms in the gas phase:
X(g) + e- X-(g) E = electron affinity

The electron affinity is a measure of the attraction an atom

has for other electrons apart from its own.

Values of electron affinities do not show a clear trend.

Periodic trends in atomic structure
Two kinds of atom
All these trends lead to the classification of atoms into two kinds:

Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Metalloid ( kim)
Metal atoms: More non-metallic
Relatively large atoms
with weak attraction Non-metal atoms:
for electrons relatively small atoms
with strong attraction
More metallic for electrons

Periodic trends in atomic structure


across the period

shrink: shrinkage; expand
affinity; electron affinity
lead to; result in
metal: metallic; non-metal: non-metallic; metalloid

Metallic bonding

Metallic bonding:
how metal atoms bond together

Phases or states of matter

Phases or states of matter:

The physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases

Phases or states of matter

The particles in a solid are arranged in an ordered lattice.
The kinetic energy of the particles is low and they vibrate about
their lattice position. As the solid is heated the particles move more
and the lattice expands becoming more disordered.
The potential energy of the particles is also low because they are
close together.

Phases or states of matter
Solids may be bonded in different ways:
In metals
The lattice energy depends on the charge on the metallic ions, the
size of the ions, and the type of lattice.
In ionic solids
The lattice energy depends on the charge on the ions, the size of the
ions, and the type of lattice.
In covalently bonded macromolecular solids
The bond energy depends on the size of the atoms and the
arrangement of the lattice.
In covalently bonded molecular solids
The lattice energy depends on the forces between the molecules.
These can be hydrogen bonds in compounds where hydrogen is
bonded to nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine (e.g. H2O); dipole forces
where there is charge separation (e.g. CO2); van der Waals forces
which depend on the number of electrons (e.g. noble gases). 11
Metallic bonding

Most metals exist in close-packed lattices of ions

surrounded by delocalized outer electrons.
delocalized electrons

nucleus and inner shells

Phases or states of matter LIQUIDS
1. The particles in a liquid are fairly well ordered over a short
distance, but there is no long range order.

2. The particles have more kinetic energy than in the solid state
and it is this movement of the particles that disrupts the
arrangement of the lattice.

3. The potential energy of the particles is also greater than in

solids because they have moved apart slightly.

4. At room temperature most substances which are liquid are:

covalently bonded molecular substances with quite strong van

der Waals forces (large molecules with lots of electrons) or 13

In an ideal liquid the behavior of a particle depends only

on the number of other particles around it and not on their
identity. Liquid mixtures which behave in this way are said
to obey Raoults law.
Phases or states of matter
1. The particles in a gas move rapidly and randomly.
2. The kinetic energy of the particles is very high and all order
has been lost.
3. The particles are far apart and so also have high potential
4. Gases are either covalently bonded molecular substances with
weak intermolecular forces (small molecules with few
electrons) or atomic substances like the noble gases.
To simplify the study of gases we assume that the particles:
are moving randomly

do not attract each other

have no volume

and have elastic collisions

Phases or states of matter

These assumptions are known as the postulates of the kinetic

theory and a gas in which the particles behave like this is called
an ideal gas. In such a gas the kinetic energy of the particles is a
measure of their temperature.
For an ideal gas the equation:

PV = nRT can be applied

Real gases approach ideal behavior when the pressure is very low
(the particles are far apart and do not attract each other ) and/or
when the temperature is very high (the particles are moving very
fast and not near each other).

Conversely, gases are least ideal at high pressure and low

Phases or states of matter


condense; freeze
disrupt: cause disorder in (sth).
Raoults law
ideal gas; ideal liquid
randomly: random
postulate v n

Phase equilibria
Phase equilibria:
The behavior of substances as they change state

This shows the conditions under which the different phases or

states of a pure substance exist

Phase equilibria

The magnified portion of the curves, drawn above, shows how

the saturated vapor pressure, often just called the vapor
pressure, of a pure liquid changes with temperature.

Periodic patterns
Periodic patterns
Metals Non- metals
physical conduct physical insulate
ductile/malleable brittle
chemical basic oxides chemical acidic oxides
reducing agents oxidizing agents
form cations form anions

Periodic patterns PATTERN 2. S, D, AND P BLOCKS
S block physical
soft, low m.p. metals; colorless compounds
alkaline in water; strong reducing agents
valency same as group number
unreactive cations: little hydrolysis
d block physical hard, high m.p. metal; colored compounds
chemical unreactive in water; variable valency
form complex ions; cations hydrolyzed
p block metals physical softer and lower m.p. than d block
chemical two valencies except Al
p block non-metals physical solids, liquids or gases depending on
chemical variable valence

Periodic patterns
Similar properties within a group related to the outer shell
Trends and differences going down a group related to the
number of inner electrons and hence the size of the atoms.
The atoms of the elements at the top of a group are often so small
that they have unusual properties.

Periodic patterns


Periodic patterns Words

Words and Expressions

pattern: periodic pattern
down the groups; across the period
variable; vary

Key theory: Brnsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases:
Acid-base reactions are ones in which protons are given and taken.
- Acids are proton donors
- Bases are proton acceptors
- Acids may be cations, neutral molecules, or anions, while bases may
be anions or neutral molecules.

Acids and bases
Conjugate pairs
Every acid has what is called a conjugate base. This is particle left
when the acid has given away its proton. In the same way, every base
has a conjugate acid, which is the particle made when the proton has
arrived. So the conjugate base of HCl is Cl- and the conjugate acid of
ammonia is NH4+.
Familiar conjugate pairs
Acid Base
H3O+ H2O
HSO4- SO42-
HCO3- CO32-
NH4+ NH3
Acids and bases

To be a base, a substance
To be able to give protons, must have a lone pair which
an acid must have a can become a sigma pair as it
hydrogen atom which can accepts a proton
be lost: e.g. :NH3
e.g. HCl; H2SO4

Acids and bases


The water in the first reaction above is acting as a base. One of its
lone pairs accepts a proton.

In the second reaction the water is being an acid, giving one of its
protons to ammonia.

Substances like water, with hydrogens that can be lost and lone
pairs that can be protonated, are called ampholytes. They can be
either acids or bases depending on what they react with.

Even ammonia can be an ampholyte in the right conditions, having

NH4+ as its conjugate acid and NH2- as its conjugate base. 28
Acids and bases


The equilibrium constants for the two reactions above are very
1. The first one, 5.5108, tells us that the reaction lies well over to
the right. That means that there are practically no hydrogen
chloride molecules left because they have almost all become ions.
This solution would conduct strongly and so the hydrochloric
acid is described as a strong acid.
2. In the second reaction the constant is 3.1210-8. This tells us that
about one in a ten thousand ammonia molecules have reacted
with water. There are hardly any ions in this solution and so it
conducts weakly. Ammonia is called a weak base.
So in water strong acids and bases exist mainly as ions, weak acids
and bases exist mainly as molecules.
Polybasic acids dissociate in step:
H3PO4 H+ + H2PO4- (1st step)

H2PO4- H+ + HPO42- (2nd step)

HPO42- H+ + PO43- (3rd step)

The subsequent detachment of an H+ ion from the acid residue
H2PO4- formed in the first step occurs much more difficultly
because of the presence of a negative charge on the anion.

The last, third proton should be detached from the HPO42- anion
(third stage) which has a still greater dispersion of the
negative charge than H2PO4-. This is why the third stage goes on
by only 0.001%.
The amphoteric electrolytes of hydroxides reveal some general
The type of ionization of hydroxides having the general formula
MOH depends on the comparative strength and polarity of the M
O and O H bonds and can proceed in two ways:


MOH M+ + OH- (I)

MOH H+ + MO- (II)

Acids and bases

1. Common strong acids are:

HCl; H2SO4; HNO3

2. Common weak acids are:

ethanoic, CH3COOH; carbonic, H2CO3

3. Common strong bases are:


Ammonia is a weak base.

Acids and bases

Words and Expressions

donor; acceptor; donate; accept

conjugate: conjugate acid; conjugate base


Strength of acids

Strength of acids
The strength of an acid (how well it protonates) is measured by the
equilibrium constant for the reaction:
HA + H2O H3O+ + A-

[H2O] is nearly constant at 55.5 mol

dm-3 in most bench solutions, so this
expression can be simplified

Ka is called the acidity or dissociation constant for the acid.

If Ka is greater than 102 the acid is strong, while if it is less
than 10-2 the acid is weak.

Strength of acids
In the same way, it is possible
For an acid HA: to write a Kb expression for a
base and a Kw expression for
water. Compare the three:

For the conjugate base A-:

For water

Now look what happens

when we multiply the
first two together and
cancel out terms on the
top and bottom lines: Kw is called the dissociation constant for
water and has the value
110-14 mol2 dm-6 at 25oC.
Strength of acids
Complementary strengths of acids and their conjugate bases.
KaKb = Kw, which is a constant. So it follows that if Ka is large, Kb
must be small, and if Ka is small Kb must be large. This means that
if an acid is strong, its conjugate base must be weak, and vice
So strong acids have weak conjugate bases.

Strength of acids


An energy cycle helps us focus on the two key ideas that help us
answer this question:
1. How easy is it to
break the bond
joining the hydrogen
to the rest of the acid
particle? If the bond
is weak, then the
acid is likely to be
2. How stable is the
anion formed? If the
SO42- (sulfate ion) is a more stable anion
anion is stable, the
acid is likely to be than SO32- (sulfite ion).
strong. This is why H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) is a
stronger acid than H SO (sulfurous acid)
Strength of acids

Words and Expressions

protonate: proton; protonation

acid; acidity; base (alkali); basicity; alkaline

bench: bench-scale; pilot-plant-scale; production

Buffer solution

Buffer solutions resist changes in pH on addition of acid or alkali

Buffer solutions tend to resist changes in pH when small amounts of

acid or base are added and their pH is not affected by dilution.
Acidic buffers are made of a solution of a weak acid and its
conjugate base, e.g. a solution of ethanoic acid and sodium ethanoate.
Basic buffers are made of a solution of a weak base and its conjugate
acid, e.g. a solution of ammonia and ammonium chloride.

Buffer solution

A weak acid like this

exists mainly as This salt contains
molecules. These ethanoate ions, the
molecules can provide conjugate base of If the two are
more hydroxonium ions ethanoic acid. If added together a
if the existing ones are acid is added they buffer solution is
removed by adding a can react with it. made.

Sodium ethanoate
Ethanoic acid Buffer solution
Buffer solution


We have seen that a buffer contains particles which can react
with either any acid or any base which is added.

Addition of a base
Addition of acid
Any base that is added reacts with the
Adding acid, that is more
hydroxonium ions, H3O+, and uses them
hydroxonium ions, H3O+, increases
up. This means that there is no back
the rate of the back reaction as
reaction in the equilibrium, but the
ethanoate ions collide more often
forward reaction goes on with more
with acid ions until most of the
ethanoic acid molecules protonating water
extra ones are removed. Once
and replacing most of the hydroxonium
again the pH hardly changes.
ions that were removed by the base. so the
pH hardly changes at all.
Buffer solution


Buffers are vital in almost all biological systems where a change in

pH can have a great effect on the functioning of a cell. To prevent
this, all injections and eye drops, for example, are buffered.

Buffers are also important in industry. Both in the dyeing and

electroplating the pH of the process is essential to its success.

Buffer solution

For any weak acid:

HA + H2O H3O+ + A-
applying the equilibrium law:

Ka = [H3O+] [A-]/[HA]

or rearranging the equation:

Ka/[H3O+] = [A-]/[HA]

The ratio of concentration of conjugate base to acid controls the ratio

of Ka to [H3O+]. Dilution does not affect the value of this ratio
concentrations are changed equally so the pH of a buffer is not
affected by dilution.
Buffer solution words

Words and Expressions

buffer; buffer solution; acidic buffers; basic buffers
hydroxonium ion (H3O+)
ethanoic acid = acetic acid; ethanoate = acetate
forward reaction; back reaction
vital; essential; crucial; key; important
injection; eye drop
Redox reactions

Redox reactions
Reduction and oxidation reactions involve the transfer or loss and
gain of electrons.


Acid-base reactions involve Redox reactions involve electron
proton transfer. Because transfer. Because electrons do not
protons are written as H it is appear in most written equations, it
usually easy to see which is not always obvious which has lost
particle has lost a proton and or gained electrons. But it is not hard
which has gained one. to work this out.

H2O + HCl H3O+ + Cl SO2+2H2S 3S+2H2O

gains a proton oxidized or lost or gained

loses a proton reduced? electrons? 45
Redox reactions

Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons
Reduction is defined as the gain of electrons
Remember OIL RIG!
Oxidation is loss: reduction is gain

The nucleus of every atom is surrounded by electrons.

The electron density around the nucleus of an atom in a pure element

is taken as the standard or normal situation.
When an element reacts or combines with other elements, the
electrons around the nucleus of each atom are rearranged so that the
atom either:
(i) loses some control over the electrons in its outer shell compared to
the standard situation in the pure element
Na Na+ + e
(ii) or gains some control over the electrons in its outer shell compared
to the standard situation in the pure element.
Cl + e- Cl 47
Redox reactions

Words and Expressions

Redox: reduction-oxidation

Oxidation numbers

Oxidation numbers
The electron density around an atom in a substance is shown by
oxidation numbers. These numbers indicate the electron density
around an atom compared to its situation in the pure element.

Oxidation numbers


(i) the sign
if the sign is positive, the atom has lost control of electrons

if the sign is negative, the atom has gained control of electrons

(ii) the number is always written as a Roman number

this gives the number of electrons over which electron control

has changed compared to the situation in the pure element

Oxidation numbers


1. The oxidation number of atoms in a pure element is zero.
2. In hydrogen compounds, the oxidation number of hydrogen is
always +I, except in metal hydrides where it is I.
3. In oxygen compounds the oxidation number of oxygen is always
II, except in peroxides where it is I and in fluorine compounds
where it is +II.
4. The oxidation number of an ion made from a single atom equals
the value of the charge on the ion.
5. The sum of all the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the
formula of a compound is zero.
6. The sum of all the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the
formula of a molecular ion equals the charge on the ion.

Oxidation numbers


Redox equations are recognized by:
(i) working out all the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the equation;
(ii) seeing if the oxidation number of any atom has changed. If it has
the reaction is a redox one.

+II -II +I -I +II -I +I -II

PbO + 2HCl PbCl2 + H2O
No change not redox

+IV -II +I -I +II I +I -II 0

PbO2 + 4HCl PbCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
Oxidation numbers this is redox
do change

Oxidation numbers

Words and Expressions

oxidation numbers
hydride: metal hydride
oxide; peroxide; superoxide (Na2O; Na2O2; NaO2)

Recognizing reduction and oxidation

Recognizing reduction and oxidation

A change in the oxidation number of an atom during a reaction
means that the atom has either lost or gained electron control.

If the oxidation number of an atom has become more negative,
control over electrons has been gained. The substance containing that
atom has been reduced.

If the oxidation number of an atom has become more positive, control
over electrons has been lost. The substance containing that atom has
been oxidized.

Recognizing reduction and oxidation


Electron control lost by one atom is gained by another. For this
reason, reduction and oxidation always happen at the same time.
This is why the term redox is usually used. If the words oxidation or
reduction are used it is because we are only focusing on one

Recognizing reduction and oxidation


Oxidizing agents are substances that cause oxidation in the substance
they react with.

The substance being oxidized loses electrons to the oxidizing agent. As

the oxidizing agent gains these electrons it is being reduced.

So oxidizing agents can be defined as electron acceptors

Common oxidizing agents are:

reactive non-metals: i.e. oxygen and the halogens
oxo-compounds e.g. potassium dichromate and
especially in acid conditions: potassium manganate (VII)

Recognizing reduction and oxidation


Reducing agents are substances that cause reduction in the substance
they react with.

The substance being reduced gains electrons from the reducing agent.
As the reducing agent loses these electrons it is being oxidized.

So reducing agents can be defined as electron donors

Common reducing agents are:

reactive metals: i.e. group 1 and 2 metals: zinc; iron; tin

hydrogen, carbon, and carbon monoxide

hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide

Recognizing reduction and oxidation


Acids and bases are tested for using indicators. Indicators are weak
acids whose conjugate base is a different color.

Oxidizing and reducing agents are tested for in a similar way by using
a reducing or oxidizing agent whose conjugate partner is a different

Recognizing reduction and oxidation

Tests for reducing agents

Add the substance to Look for the color change Oxidizing agent Conjugate
reducing agent
acidified potassium manganate
(VII) solution purple colorless MnO 4-(aq) Mn2+(aq)
acidified potassium dichromate
solution orange green/blue Cr 2O72-(aq) Cr3+(aq)

Tests for oxidizing agents

Add the substance to Look for the color change Reducing agent Conjugate

oxidizing agent
iron (II) sulphate solution green yellow Fe 2+ (aq) Fe3+(aq)
potassium iodide solution colorless yellow/brown I -(aq) I2(aq)

Recognizing reduction and oxidation

Words and Expressions

two-way: a two-way process
oxidant: oxidizing agent; reductant: reducing agent
acidified: acidify; basified; basify
potassium dichromate
potassium manganate

Chemistry Lab Safety Rules

Bakersfield College
Chemistry 2A
Physical Science 12
Safety Rules
1. Safety goggles must be worn during
chemistry experiments at all times. Wear
sensible clothing (confine long hair and fuzzy
clothing) and enclosed shoes, particularly
when doing chemistry labs.
Safety Rules
2. Know the locations and operating
instructions for the fire extinguishers, fire
blankets, fire alarms, fire hoses, first aid kit,
eye washes and showers. Wash eyes for at
least 15 minutes.
Safety Rules
3. Know the locations of the nearest available
telephones and emergency phone numbers
to use to call for help in case of an
Emergency (395)-4555 or 9-911
Escort (395)-4554
You are in SE12 (395)-4242
Safety Rules
4. Keep burners in the middle of the lab table, not
on the edge. When heating liquids in test tubes,
never point the tube toward yourself or anyone
else. Never heat the test tube directly at the
bottom but tilt the tube and heat it gently
between the bottom of the tube and the top of
the liquid. Use boiling chips when boiling
liquids in a flask or beaker to prevent bumping.
Safety Rules
5. Follow instructions carefully. Know the
safety hazards of each experiment before
starting. Do not perform unauthorized
experiments. Only work in the laboratory
when supervised by an instructor.
Safety Rules
6. Keep tabletops clean. Return all equipment
to its original location before leaving the lab.
Clean all spills immediately.
Safety Rules
7. Report all accidents, no matter how minor,
to the instructor. If you break something
made of glass, be sure to use dustpan and
hand broom to sweep it up and dispose of it
in the glass waste receptacle.
Safety Rules
8. Never return chemicals to bottles of their
origin. If you have excess, give it to another
student or throw it away. Check labels on
containers twice to make sure you use the
right chemical and of the correct
concentration. Dispose of chemicals in
proper receptacle.

Safety Rules
9. Always add concentrated acids or bases to
water, never water to concentrated acids or
bases. Water holds more heat and if it
splatters it is more dilute. Use fume hoods
when noxious fumes may be present in an
experiment or use waffing.
Safety Rules
10. Do not stick objects into bottle except spatula
or dropper provided for that bottle. Do not set
the spatula or dropper down on the counter
(you may contaminate it). Keep each spatula or
dropper with the proper bottle. Return the
spatula or dropper to the tube attached to the
bottle to avoid switching.
Safety Rules
11. In case of an emergency where we have to
evacuate, proceed out the nearest exit and
stand away from the building. In case of
earthquake duck up against lab table and
cover face.
Safety Rules
12. Never put anything in your mouth while in the
lab (including chemicals, solutions, equipment,
cigarettes, food, drink, or gum). Put all food
and drinks in your bag.
Material Safety Data Sheets
Material Safety Data Sheets
Are to be provided by
Suppliers with all
MUST be Accessible to
Must be current
Must be made available to
attending physician in the
event of exposure
Flammable: ANY substance
easily ignited and quick burning,
including liquids with a flash point
below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
Toxic: ANY substance (alone
or via chemical reaction) able
to cause harm/produce injury
to the body through
absorption, ingestion,
inhalation, or injection.
Caustic: ANY substance able
to burn, damage or destroy
organic tissue by chemical
reaction; Corrosive.
Definition contd
Flash point--the lowest
temperature at which a liquid
produces enough vapor to
Density--(% of Water & Air);
Specific Gravity
Definition contd
PEL-Permissible Exposure Limit is the
standard recognized by industry as the
maximum amount or concentration of a
chemical that a worker may be exposed to.
TLVThreshold Limit Value is a
recommended limit for chemical substance
exposures, similar to the PEL but most often
more restrictive than the PEL.
TWA-an 8-hour Time-Weighted Average
is the concentration the average worker can
be exposed during an 8-hour workday, day
after day, without harmful effects.
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit is a
15 minute period.
Ceilingthe maximum (C) concentration
never to be exceeded.
Definition contd
Lethal Dose50 (LD50) is the
amount of a substance that,
when administered by a defined
route of entry (e.g. oral or
dermal) over a specified period
of time, is expected to cause
the death of 50% of a defined
animal population.
Definition contd
Lethal Concentration50 (LC50) is
the amount of a substance in
air that, when given by
inhalation over a specified
period of time, is expected to
cause the death in 50% of a
defined animal population.

Identity The chemical name, trade

name and manufacturers name, address
and emergency phone number can be
found here.
Ingredients Includes: substance,
% content, CAS Number, Classification,
Hazards Identification Dangers for
humans and the environment such as:
Most important hazards & Specific hazards

First Aid gives instructions on what to

do in case of eye contact, skin contact or


Fire Fighting Suitable extinguishing

media, Unsuitable extinguishing
media, Special hazards in fire,
Required special protective equipment
for fire-fighters
Accidental Release Measures/Spill
Clean-up Personal precautions,
Environmental precautions, Methods
for cleaning
Handling and Storage Exposure
Controls and Personal Protection
Information on proper PPE to use, how
to store and temperature limits
Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance, Odor, pH, Boiling point,
Melting point, Flashpoint, Explosive
properties, Vapor pressure, Relative
density, Solubility
Stability and Reactivity Conditions
to avoid, Materials to avoid,
Hazardous decomposition products
Toxicology Acute toxicity, Local
effects. Excessive exposure may
affect human health as follows: Skin
contact, Eye contact,
Ecological Information Lists any
dangers to the environment
Disposal Lists any special disposal
Reading the MSDS contd

Transport Information lists codes

indicating the dangers and the type of
transport which may be needed
Regulations Lists any agency that may
regulate this product
Other Information
Recommendations/restrictions, Sources of
key data used to compile Safety Data Sheet
Chapter 5: Chemical Technologies

Definition of chemical technology

The chemical technology comprises all knowledge which
enables the industrial utilisation of chemical reactions.
Chemical technologies are working in the chemical
industry and outside of it: energy production, metallurgy,
building materials, food industry, transportation, water
technologies, and corrosion control.

Metallurgy /metldi/: s luyn kim, ngh luyn kim

Chemical industry
Industrial chemistry deals with
commercial production of chemicals
and related products from natural
raw materials (oil, wood, minerals,
petroleum, metals, water) and their
derivatives. It enables humanity to
experience the benefits of chemistry
when we apply it in the exploitation
of materials and energy.
Chapter 5: Chemical Technologies
Characterisation of chemical technologies
They are working with large number of variables
The leading variable is expense
Large and costly equipment
Organisation is decisive
The most important divisions of industry where chemical
technologies are working:
Paper and packing
Chemicals (fertilizers, plant protection, pharmaceuticals,
detergents, cosmetics, paints, dyestuffs)
Hydrocarbons, coal industry
Polymer and rubber
Chemical industry: inorganic chemical industries and
industrial organic chemical industries
Inorganic chemical industries extract inorganic chemical
substances, make composites of the same and also synthesize
inorganic chemicals.
Heavy industrial organic chemical industries produce petroleum
fuels, polymers, petrochemicals and other synthetic materials,
mostly from petroleum.
Light organic industries produce specialty chemicals which
include pharmaceuticals, dyes, pigments and paints, pesticides,
soaps and detergents, cosmetic products and miscellaneous
Commodity Chemicals
The global chemical industry is founded on basic
inorganic chemicals (BIC) and basic organic chemicals
(BOC) and their intermediates. Because they are
produced directly from natural resources or immediate
derivatives of natural resources, they are produced in
large quantities.

In the top ten BIC, almost all the time, sulphuric acid,
nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia, lime, sodium hydroxide,
phosphoric acid and chlorine dominate.
The reason sulphuric acid is always number one is because
it is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, polymers, drugs,
paints, detergents and paper. It is also used in petroleum
refining, metallurgy and in many other processes.
The top ranking of oxygen is to do with its use in the steel
Ethylene and propylene are usually among the top ten BOC.
They are used in the production of many organic chemicals
including polymers.
BIC and BOC are referred to as commodity or industrial
Commodity chemicals are therefore defined as low-valued
products produced in large quantities mostly in continuous
processes. They are of technical or general purpose grade.
Specialty Chemicals are high value-added products produced in
low volumes and sold on the basis of a specific function.
Examples: medicinal chemicals, agrochemi-cals, pigments, flavour
and fragrances, personal care products, surfactants and adhesives.
Performance chemicals are specialty chemicals, judged by
performance and efficiency, e.g. enzymes and dyes.
Fine Chemicals
At times you will find that the raw materials for your product need
to be very pure for the product to function as desired. they are
high value-added pure organic chemical substances produced in
relatively low volumes and sold on the basis of exact
specifications of purity rather than functional characteristics.
The global market share for each type is roughly as
Commodities 80%
Specialties 18%
Fine 2%
Coal, oil and natural gas (NG) are the primary raw materials for
production of most bulk chemicals.
Each stage adds value:
Relative value
Crude oil 1
Fuel 2
Typical petrochemical 10
5.1.3. Chemical Processes
Every industrial process is designed to produce a desired
product from a variety of starting raw materials using energy
through a succession of treatment steps integrated in a
rational fashion. The treatments steps are either physical or
chemical in nature.
The layout of a chemical process indicates areas where:
raw materials are pre-treated
conversion takes place
separation of products from by-products is carried out
refining/purification of products takes place
entry and exit points of services such as cooling water and
Units that make up a chemical process
A chemical process consists of a combination of chemical
reactions such as synthesis, calcination, ion exchange,
electrolysis, oxidation, hydration and operations based on
physical phenomena such as evaporation, crystallization,
Units that make up a chemical process
A chemical process consists of a combination of chemical
reactions such as synthesis, calcination, ion exchange,
electrolysis, oxidation, hydration and operations based on
physical phenomena such as evaporation, crystallization,
distillation and extraction
Unit processes
Unit processes are the chemical transformations or
conversions that are performed in a process.
Unit Operations
There are many types of chemical processes that make up
the global chemical industry. However, each may be broken
down into a series of steps called unit operations. These
are the physical treatment steps, which are required to:
- put the raw materials in a form in which they can be reacted
- put the product in a form which is suitable for the market
Analytical Chemistry
Qualitative analysis
A qualitative analysis determines the presence or
absence of a particular compound, but not the mass or
concentration. By definition, qualitative analyses do not
measure quantity.

Chemical tests
There are numerous qualitative chemical tests, for
example, the acid test for gold and the Kastle-Meyer test
for the presence of blood.
Flame test
Inorganic qualitative analysis generally refers to a
systematic scheme to confirm the presence of certain,
usually aqueous, ions or elements by performing a series of
reactions that eliminate ranges of possibilities and then
confirms suspected ions with a confirming test. Sometimes
small carbon containing ions are included in such schemes.
With modern instrumentation these tests are rarely used but
can be useful for educational purposes and in field work or
other situations where access to state-of-the-art instruments
are not available or expedient
Quantitative analysis
Gravimetric analysis
Gravimetric analysis involves determining the amount of
material present by weighing the sample before and/or
after some transformation. A common example used in
undergraduate education is the determination of the
amount of water in a hydrate by heating the sample to
remove the water such that the difference in weight is
due to the loss of water.
Volumetric analysis
Titration involves the addition of a reactant to a solution
being analyzed until some equivalence point is reached.
Often the amount of material in the solution being
analyzed may be determined. Most familiar to those
who have taken chemistry during secondary education
is the acid-base titration involving a color changing
indicator. There are many other types of titrations, for
example potentiometric titrations. These titrations may
use different types of indicators to reach some
equivalence point.
Instrumental methods
Spectroscopy measures the interaction of the molecules
with electromagnetic radiation. Spectroscopy consists of
many different applications such as atomic absorption
spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, ultraviolet-
visible spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy,
infrared spectroscopy,Raman spectroscopy, dual
polarisation interferometry, nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, photoemission spectroscopy, Mssbauer
spectroscopy and so on.
Mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry measures mass-to-charge ratio of
molecules using electric andmagnetic fields. There are
several ionization methods: electron impact, chemical
ionization, electrospray, fast atom bombardment, matrix
assisted laser desorption ionization, and others. Also,
mass spectrometry is categorized by approaches of
mass analyzers: magnetic-sector,quadrupole mass
analyzer, quadrupole ion trap, time-of-flight, Fourier
transform ion cyclotron resonance, and so on.
Electrochemical analysis
Electroanalytical methods measure the potential (volts)
and/or current(amps) in an electrochemical cell
containing the analyte. These methods can be
categorized according to which aspects of the cell are
controlled and which are measured. The three main
categories arepotentiometry (the difference in electrode
potentials is measured),coulometry (the cell's current is
measured over time), and voltammetry(the cell's current
is measured while actively altering the cell's potential).
Thermal analysis
Calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis measure the
interaction of a material and heat.
Separation processes are used to decrease the
complexity of material mixtures. Chromatography,
electrophoresis and Field Flow Fractionation are
representative of this field.
Hybrid techniques
Combinations of the above techniques produce a
"hybrid" or "hyphenated" technique. Several examples
are in popular use today and new hybrid techniques are
under development. For example, gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry, gas chromatography-infrared
spectroscopy, liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry, liquid chromatography-NMR
spectroscopy, liquid chromagraphy-infrared
spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis-mass

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