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Concept of Idea
The idea that we thought would be best to use was the Tv that
breaks down and starts to melt away and drips down onto the
table to form our E4 logo.

The colours in our ident are multicolor and then turns into the
colour purple (pantone 2145 purple). The reason we are using
the purple pantone colour is because it is the nearest we could
find to the original logo colour.

The location that we will be shooting our ident is in the media

class rooms, this is because they can provide us with all the
equipment to shoot and to make our ident.
The effect we are trying to portray to the audience is the type of
programes that E4 show on a daily basis. We are trying to make
E4 enjoyable to watch and more entertaining for our target

Were trying to make our target audience want to watch the

channel more, and to target the people who enjoy the lifestyles
of our programmes.
Key Content
The length of our Ident is going to be 15-20 seconds lopng as it is
the average time for an ident to be shown on E4.
In our Ident the TV starts to break down and melt down, the drips
form our chosen E4 logo.
The location we are shooting our Ident is going to be in the media
department because they can provide us with all the equipment
and software to make and design the best Ident we can possible
In our Ident their is going to be no characters but the objects we
will be making are out of clay (TV and the E4 Logo).
The cameras we are going to be using are going to be provided
by the media department. These cameras are very good quality
and can help us create a high quality Ident.
The sound in the background of our Ident is going to be calm and
quite music with sound affects of the TV melting and dripping
onto the table also with the splat of the E4 Logo.
Target Audience
Our target audience for our E4 Ident is 15-34 years old because
of the programmes that are being shown on the E4 channel.
Our Ident will appeal to our target audience because its a very
simple and straight forward Ident that everyone will be able to
understand and recognize as E4.
The genre of E4 has a wide variety of programmes (comedy,
sci-fi and sitcoms), our Ident will appeal to this because when
the TV melts the different colour will represent different
programmes for different ages.
The people we are aiming our Ident at are between the ages of
15-34 years old because the TV channels are aimed at the
same ages so it will be relevant to the audience.
Were aiming our Ident at both genders because of the
programmes and the colours that are used in the Ident. We try
to make our ident not to feminim and not to masculine by using
the colour purple as its a unisex colour.
We think this idea will be successful because its a simple
and gets straight to the point ident that promotes E4 by
using the colour purple and the logo the whole way

The convention of our advert is the colour purple that is

always used, its going to be 10 seconds long and always
have the E4 logo in the corner or the middle of the screen.

Our Ident will appeal to the target audience because the

Ident is attractive and the audience will be drawn into it.

We came up with his idea for our Ident because I saw

advert similar to the Ident that we wanted to create and
this brought us to our final idea.

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