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Introduction to Mantis

About Mantis

Efficient bug tracking system

Multiple projects
Multiple languages
Easy to install and use

Issue Workflow
Select Project
View Issues
Filter Issues
Report Issue
View Issue Detail
Change Issue Status
Assign Issue
Login Page
Landing Page
Select Project

Click to select project to view

View Issues
Filter Issues by Clicking
Filter Issues

Click to filter

Select filter option

Report Issue

Click to report an issue

Report Issue (contd.)

Check to stay on page after submitting

Click to submit issue

View Issue Detail

Click on ID to view issue

View Issue Details (Contd.)
View Issue Details (Contd.)

Enter Note here

Click to add note to issue

Issue Status Issue Resolution

new open
assigned fixed
feedback reopened
acknowledged unable to reproduce
confirmed not fixable
resolved duplicate
closed no change required
wont fix
Change Issue Status

Click to change after selection

Select Status to change to

Change Issue Status (Contd.)

Add note here

Click to change status

Assign Issue

Click to choose user to assign to

Click to Assign

Click to view issues by these filters

Summary (Contd.)

Ensure the right project is selected

Click to view other summary reports

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