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Spring , Hibernate and Web Services

13th September 2014

Software Framework
Refers to set of libraries or classes, which are used in the creation of
an application.

An application framework provides a foundation for developing the

application and alleviates from putting additional efforts for it.

Techniques used in framework

Configuration files
Central Controller
Presentation System
What does Spring offer?
Dependency Injection
Also known as IoC (Inversion of Control)
Inversion of control takes the integration and configuration of the
system out of the application, and instead performs dependency
Aspect Oriented Programming
Runtime injection-based
Service Abstractions
ORM, DAO, Web MVC etc.
Allows access to these without knowing how they actually work
Open source project on SourceForge
founded by Rod Johnson & Jrgen Hller
Apache license
What does Spring offer?
Enable applications to be coded from POJOs
Allow enterprise services to be applied to those POJOs in a
declarative, non-invasive way
POJOs can be made transactional without the need to know
about transaction APIs
Collaborating instances are injected using plain Java constructors
or setter methods
True POJOs are testable in isolation
Decouples your application objects from their environment
Switch to global transactions over JTA
Export your business objects in different environments
Switch between SLSB, web service etc.
What does Spring offer?
Core Lightweight Container(The heart of Spring)
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) framework
Modularizes behavior that would otherwise be scattered through
different methods
Decorates your POJOs with cross-cutting behavior in a
transparent manner
Container instantiates objects and injects dependencies on
collaborating objects and configuration properties through Java
Uses Hollywood Principle - Dont call me, Ill call you
Your core business logic is implemented once and runs anywhere
Your core code is decoupled from volatile infrastructure
Common configuration strategy everywhere
Test-driven development
Dont need to reinvent your own infrastructure
Struts Vs Spring - MVC
Spring Struts

A model-view-controller A model-view-controller
framework framework
Made to simplify the writing and Made to simplify the writing
testing Open Source
Fully integrates with the Spring Difficult to set up RESTful web
dependency services
injection framework No control on Model layer
Open Source
All other Spring features can also
be used with other web
frameworks such as Struts or JSF
Spring Modules
JSP, JSF,Velocity,
Jasper Reports
Remote Presentation
exporters tier

Service objects / Business

Domain objects
DAO interfaces

DAO implementations

Middle tier

Dependency Injection
public class Department{ You must create dependencies to pass
private Employee employee; along

public Department(Employee Pros

emp) { Easy to understand

employee= emp; Testable

Enforces separation of interface from
Code is simple and clear

Spring is a framework for wiring up your entire application

What does hibernate offer?
Open Source light-weight ORM solution
Java Object/Relational Mapping, Maps JavaBeans (POJOs) to
Lets you avoid SQL
Works with (almost) all relational Databases, Easy migration from
one vendor database to another
Hibernate generates the JDBC Code based on the underlying
vendor database
Support CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations
Very well matured and adopted by a large developer community
ORM Hibernate Introduction
Traditional Solutions
JDBC/SQL code embedded in Class, EJB (J2EE) solution etc.

More coding, container dependent etc. are the issues

Best practice would be to keep the Persistence separate from classes

Webservice Introduction
SOA is a software design principle and an architectural pattern for
implementing loosely coupled, reusable and coarse grained services.
You can implement SOA using any protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS,
JMS. Messages can be in XML or Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
Web service is an implementation technology and one of the ways
to implement SOA.
Web services offer is the standards based and platform-independent
service via HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, thus allowing
interoperability between heterogeneous technologies such as J2EE
and .NET
Webservice Introduction
Web Services support loosely coupled connections.
The loosely coupled applications reduce the cost of maintenance
and increases re-usability.
Web Services present a new form of middle-ware based on XML
and HTTP.
Web services are language and platform independent.
Styles of Web Services used for application integration
SOAP WS and RESTful Web Service
Webservice Integration

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