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Presented by : GROUP 1
Significance of Studying
1. Encourages Initiative

Management encourages initiative. Initiative means to do the right thing at the right
time without being told or influenced by the superior. The employees should be
encouraged to make their own plans and also to implement these plans. Initiative
gives satisfaction to employees and success to organization.

2. Encourages Innovation

Management also encourages innovation in the organization. Innovation brings new

ideas, new technology, new methods, new products, new services, etc. This makes the
organization more competitive and efficient.

3. Facilitates growth and expansion

Management makes optimum utilization of available resources. It reduces wastage

and increase efficiency. It encourages team work and motivates employees. It also
reduces absenteeism and labor turnover. All this results in growth, expansion and
diversification of the organization.
4. Improves life of workers

Management shares some of its profits with the workers. It provides the
workers with good working environment and conditions. It also gives
the workers many financial and non-financial incentives. All this
improves the quality of life of the workers.

5. Improves corporate image

If the management is good, then the organization will produce good

quality goods and services. This will improve the goodwill and corporate
image of the organization. A good corporate image brings many added
benefits to the organization.
6. Motivates employees

Management motivates employees by providing financial and non-financial incentives.

These incentives increase the willingness and efficiency of the employees. This results
in boosting productivity and profitability of the organization.
7. Optimum use of resources

Management brings together the available resources. It makes optimum

(best) use of these resources. This brings best results to the organization.

8. Reduces wastage

Management reduces the wastage of human, material and financial

resources. Wastage is reduced by proper production planning and
control. If wastage is reduced then productivity will increase.

9. Increases efficiency

Efficiency is the relationship between returns and cost. Management uses

many techniques to increase returns and to reduce costs. Higher
efficiency brings many benefits to the organization.
10. Improves relations
Management improves relations between individuals, groups,
departments and between levels of management. Better relations
lead to better team work. Better team work brings success to the

11. Reduces absenteeism and labor turnover

Absenteeism means the employee is absent without permission.

Labor Turnover means the employee leaves the organization.
Labor absenteeism and turnover increases the cost and causes many
problems in the smooth functioning of the organization. Management
uses different techniques to reduce absenteeism and labor turnover
in the organization.

12. Encourages Team Work

Management encourages employees to work as a team. It develops a

team spirit in the organization. This unity bring success to the
Define Management

The Process of dealing with or

controlling things or people.
Universally- Accepted
Functions of Management
The 5 functions put forward by Henri Fayol may therefore not completely represent the total complexity
faced by managers, and the normative approach may be too rigid to illustrate which functions managers
need to perform in modern contemporary companies and organizations. However, the 5 functions presented
by Henri Fayol give a structured overview of several tasks needed to be performed by all managers, which
gives managers an initial overview of which main functions they should be focusing on in their daily work.

Managers must plan for future conditions, develop strategic objectives and secure the achievement of future
goals. Therefore, managers must evaluate future contingencies affecting the organization, and shape the future
operational and strategic landscape of the company.

Managers must organize the workforce in an efficient manner and structure and align the activities of the
organization. Managers must also train and recruit the right people for the job, and always secure a sufficiently
skilled and educated workforce.

Managers must supervise subordinates in their daily work, and inspire them to achieve company goals.
Likewise it is the responsibility of managers to communicate company goals and policies to subordinates. The
commanding of subordinates should always be consistent with company policies, and every manager should
treat subordinates in line with the standards of the company.

Managers must harmonize the procedures and activities performed by the company, meaning that every activity
of each organizational unit should complement and enrich the work of another.

Managers must control that company activities are in line with general company policies and objectives. It is
also the responsibility of the manager to observe and report deviations from plans and objectives, and to make
initiatives to correct potential deviations.
Management as a
Science and an Art
Management can be considered as both science as well as an art.

Management is Science because of several reasons like - it has universally accepted

principles, it has cause and effect relationship etc, and at the same time it is art
because it requires perfection through practice, practical knowledge, creativity,
personal skills etc.

Management is both an art and a science. Management combines features of both

science as well as art. It is considered as a science because it has an organized body
of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is called an art because
managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers.
Science provides the knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and

A manager to be successful in his profession must acquire the knowledge of science

& the art of applying it. Therefore management is a judicious blend of science as well
as an art because it proves the principles and the way these principles are applied is
a matter of art. Science teaches to know and art teaches to do. E.g. A person
cannot become a good singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also
applies his personal skill in the art of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for
manager to first know the principles but he must also apply them in solving various
managerial problems that is why, science and art are not mutually exclusive but they
are complementary to each other (like tea and biscuit, bread and butter etc.).
Evolution of
management theories
Management theory originated with "scientific"
and "bureaucratic" management that used
measurement, procedures and routines as the
basis for operations. Organizations developed
hierarchies to apply standardized rules to the
workplace and punished workers for not following
them. With the "human relations" movement,
companies started emphasizing individual
workers. Contemporary management theories,
including system theory, contingency theory and
chaos theory, focus on the whole organization,
with employees as a key part of the system.
Management theories have evolved to acknowledge
that corporate culture can be a contributor to
performance. If you can develop a sense of belonging
to a group for your company, you can manage the
business for improved financial performance and
return on investment. To work well with a positive
corporate culture as a manager, you have to work
through the culture and not try to control it. A
positive corporate culture takes care of a lot of
informal exchange of information and behavioral
Quantitative Methods
All contemporary management theories emphasize
measurement and quantitative analysis. Management has
evolved to focus on fundamental company operating
results and business variables that are relevant, specific
to goals and quantifiable. Information technology allows
you to analyze large data sets and extract trends. You can
evaluate key performance indicators, which track data
affecting your objectives, to tell you how well you are
advancing toward your goals. You can perform these
evaluations independently of the management style and
organizational structure of the company.
Competing Approaches
Management theories have evolved into two competing
orientations. Theory X assumes employees don't want to work
and act out of self-interest. Managers have to put in place a
disciplinary structure to guide employees in the execution of
their work. If you function with theory X, you have to tell
employees what to do and encourage them to do it. Theory Y
assumes employees want to carry out interesting and
rewarding work and seek reward in the achievement.
Managers have to set goals and allow employees to find
creative ways to reach them. If your company culture is in
line with theory Y, you facilitate employee effort and act more
like a coach.

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