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Topic 8:

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.2

Scope and Coverage

This topic will cover:
Creating tables
More on the select statement
Fixing errors and optimisation

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.3

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this topic, students will be able to:
Understand the syntax of the create statement
Understand the construction of more complex
Recognise the issues around error messaging and
query optimisation

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.4

Data Definition - 1
Create table departments

(dept_no integer not null,

department_name varchar(30),
location varchar2(3)
primary key dept_no);

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.5

Data Definition - 2
The table name

Create table departments Here the columns

are defined. The
(dept_no integer not null, are specified along
with the length in
department_name varchar(30),
location varchar2(3) If a column is
specified as NOT
primary key dept_no); NULL, then it
is mandatory and
must be populated
when a
new row is created.

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.6

Primary Key
Create table departments
Create table departments (dept_no integer not null primary
(dept_no integer not null, key,
department_name department_name varchar(30),
varchar(30), location varchar(3));
location varchar2(3)
primary key dept_no);
Primary Key
defined in

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.7

Foreign Key
Create table workers

(emp_no number(5) not null,

first_name varchar(30),
last_name varchar(30),
job_title varchar(30),
age number(3),
dept_no number(5),
primary key emp_no,
foreign key (dept_no) references departments(dept_no));

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.8

Modifying Tables Using SQL

Add an extra column
Drop a column from a table
Modify the maximum length of the table
Add a new constraint
Drop a constraint
Set a default for a column
Drop a default for a column

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.9

Example of Adding a Column

Using Alter Table
ALTER TABLE job_type
ADD salary FLOAT;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.10

Data Manipulation
Order By
Aggregate functions
Group by

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.11

SELECT first_name

FROM Students

WHERE Student_type = Overseas;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.12

All the Columns or Some of Them

Select *
from Students
Where student_type = Overseas;

Select student_id, first_name, last_name,

From Students
Where student_type = Overseas;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.13

Order By - 1
Select first_name, last_name, stu_id

From Students

Where student_type = Overseas

Order by last_name;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.14

Order By - 2
Select first_name, last_name, stu_id

From Students

Where student_type = Overseas

Order by last_name desc;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.15

Aggregate Functions - 1

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.16

Aggregate Functions - 2
Count returns number of values in a column
Sum returns the sum total of values of a column
Avg returns the mean average of values in
Min returns the lowest value in a column
Max returns the highest value in a column

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.17

Example of Aggregate Function

Select branchID, Count(staff_id)
From workers
Where branchType = Main
Group by branchID
Having Count (staff_id) > 1
Order by branchID

This counts the number of members of staff in main

branches where there are more than 1 staff member.
It groups them by the branchID.

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.18

Group By
As shown it the previous slide...

This clause is used with an aggregate function and

groups the results by some attribute.

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.19

Having Clause
Modifies the group by clause
Select branchID, Count(staff_id)
From workers
Where branchType = Main
Group by branchID
Having Count (staff_id) > 1
Order by branchID

In this case, only select groups where it has been

calculated by the count function that there are more
than one member of staff.

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.20

Select d.department_name, d.location
From departments d, workers w
Where d.dept_no = w.dept_no
And w.age =
(select max(w2.age)
From workers w2);

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.21

Select d.department_name, w.first_name,
From departments d, workers w
Where d.dept_no = w.dept_no;

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.22

Fixing Errors
Not specifying join condition properly
Syntax errors
Spelling errors for keywords
Columns not existing on tables
Data-types being mixed up

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.23

Query Optimisation
Making sure a query runs as efficiently and as
quickly as possible


Examining path a query takes through a database

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.24

Tools that are used to help optimise queries

Available at

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.25

Just Do It!
Like driving a car...

The best way to become proficient with SQL is to

use it.

Laboratory sessions


V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.26

Learning Outcomes Have We

Met Them?
By the end of this topic, students will be able to:
Understand the syntax of the create statement
Understand the construction of more complex
Recognise the issues around error messaging and
query optimisation

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.27

Benyon-Davis, P. (2003). Database Systems, 3rd
edition. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapters 11, 12 & 13.
Connolly, T. & Begg, C. (2004). Database Systems: A
Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management, 4th Edition. Addison Wesley. Chapters 5,
6 & 7.
Dietrich, S. W. (2001). Understanding Relational
Database Query Languages, 1st edition. Prentice Hall.
Chapter 5.
TOAD website

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

SQL 2 Topic 8 - 8.28

Topic 8 SQL 2

Any Questions?

V1.0 NCC Education Limited

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