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Confederation Of NGO
• CONGO is the new Confederation of
the top international and national
NGOs, which will lobby with the
government, corporates, civil society
and prime associations, national
bodies for the credibility and special
rights of the development sector.

Make social giving a religion and culture

among Indian Citizens.
To make CONGO the highest regulatory
and reforming body in the social sector,
which will bring professionalism into the
development sector for ethical fundraising
and resource generation initiatives

• Integrate all the Marketing efforts of various

NGOs, into a single professional body. 
• Reduce cost of fund raising to NGOs 
• Incorporate Brand Management and loyalty
models along with full scale Events management,
Communication, PR, Advertising, Sales
Management and Promotional techniques.
• Provide Social Fund Audit services to
large/corporate donors
• Lend a professional approach to the activities of
the NGOs, with a commercially viable business
• To expand the overall philanthropic and social
giving market, and target 0.5% of Income Tax
• To bridge gap between ordinary Tax payers/
Corporates and NGOs’.
Objectives (cont.)
• Use modern and upcoming marketing tools
and models for raising resources. 
• Attract talented Marketing professionals to a
rewarding career in Social Marketing.
• Bring more innovative fundraising ideas,
products and services, which will attract and
catch fancy of the corporates and the
• Organizational advisors for Corporate Social
Responsibility initiatives
• Designing Ethical Fundraising products in tandem
with organizational goals and policies.
• Corporate advisors for loyalty programs and
Cause related marketing.
Services (cont.)
• Films and public service campaigns for electronic
• Advertisements for the NGOs and their projects,
which will stand out in the clutter.  
• Highly discounted rates from the print media
(Newspapers & Magazines) and free airtimes from
Television channels.
• Event management
• PR activities
Services (cont.)
• Donor Communication
• Sales Management & promotional techniques.
• B2b working model for NGOs
• Online shopping portal for greeting cards and
articles made by needy artisans and craftsmen. 
• Online donations through credit cards.
DDFM to be positioned DDFM will act as a catalyst
for “ thought , plan and action ”
as a governing body for for all the issues of concern to the
Philanthropic Organizations Social Sector in India.


DDFM would work on the DDFM shall work with various

platform to create much credibility NGOs for whom they shall set up
and accountability for the social SMAs and new team
Direct Dialogue Fundraising Mission (DDFM)
shall be positioned like a governing body for
Philanthropic Organizations. DDFM would set
and create benchmarks for fundraising and
Resource mobilization in the Indian subcontinent
acting as a regulatory and facilitating body in
between the NGOs and the DDFM social
marketing advisors recruited for promoting the
DDFM will act as the catalyst for “thought, plan
and action” for all the issues of concern to the
Social Sector In India. Special attention would be
paid to small and grassroots NGOs. The basic idea
would be to strengthen the role of NGOs in the
economic & social betterment of the country,
while setting world-class benchmarks.
DDFM as an organization would also work on the
platform to create much credibility and accountability for
the social sector. Many of the development organizations
have not been very donor friendly in their reporting for
the raised resources and their expenses. This in turn has
brought a bad name for the development sector as a
whole. Through our research, we have tried to understand
the issues, which are affecting the development sector.
(Attachment no.2) DDFM will be relentlessly working to
bring back the faith and glory associated with the Social
work, along with a coalition of NGOs.
DDFM shall work with various NGOs for whom
they shall set up SMAs (Social Marketing
Associates) and new team. DDFM will be working
for various NGOs like GREENPEACE,
TISS and others to raise funds for issues related to
environment, animated welfare, old aged people,
education for children etc
Corporate Structure
S/he would be
the head of the organization
will have
representation from
b. Government / bureaucrats
c. Corporates
GOVERNING d. Fundraisers ( DSAs )
COUNCIL e. Media
Joint Ventures with other NGOs
ActionAid has always believed in the policy of sharing
and partnering for the cause.
  Some of our exemplary joint ventures with other NGOs,
which has been highly successful is listed below.

• Sound of Sea, a musical extravaganza on the gateway of India,

with different genres of musicians and bands including Sivamani,
Niladri, Silk Route, Ind Tranzit, Mrigya & Bobby cashe sharing
the platform to voice their concern for the homeless & Street
children of Mumbai. This event was the launch for Mumbai
Chapter of India 4 Change program and was co-organized by
“Save the children, India” and “ActionAid”.
• Cricket World Cup for Blind, in league with Association for Cricket for
Blind in India. Teams from 7 countries participated, in this tournament, which
was supported by a nos. of large corporates like ONGC, Indian Oil, HSBC &

• National Disability Film Festival with Brotherhood 

• Basant Festival with Communicator’s Co-operative.

• PR support for Deepalaya for their fundraising exercise, where they received a
grant from AMC, an American retail co.

• Cricket for Peace, a peace promoting process by sending a team of street

children for playing a series of Cricket matches, with the children of Pakistan.
• Peace concert with Anhad at Ahmedabad & New Delhi.

• Sadak ki Gugli, with Chetna.

• Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) get together to create a degree

course for women and men for communities in rural India.

• PUCL event, where ace Tamil actor Kamal Hassan and other celebrities
talked to people about good governance, issues around elections, and
being prudent in choosing our representatives.

• Premiere of movie LOC, with Nafisa Ali’s Action India, for the cause of
HIV positive people.
CONGO is accepting memberships under
the following five categories.
1. Founder members
2. Patron Members
3. Privilege members
4. Ordinary members
5. Pro Bono members
6. Corporate members (defunct for now)
Founder members
Membership limited to only 6 NGOs, each
from a different work area.
- Dedicated DSAs and exclusive team of 6
fundraisers promoting the NGO, and raising
funds across major metros and mini metros.
- Credit on all promotional material as a part
of the CONGO.
- Logos on the website, a small write-up, and
hot links to their website.
Founder members
- Logos and small write up in all the ads of CONGO
- Free subscription of the dedicated magazine for NGO
sector “The real page –3”, for 3 years.
- A special article on their projects in the magazine,
plus four pages dedicated to them every year, to
highlight their work.
- Free consultancy on the events and fundraising
- Listing on website as the preferred charity for online
- Formulating the strategy for fundraising.
Founder members
-  Two complimentary tickets of the big-ticket event.
-  Two appeals in form of insert in “the real page – 3”
every year.
- Support for donor database management and
-    Special proposal writing for dedicated support.
-  Support and ideas for designing the ads. And the
One time Sign up fee: Rs 5 lacs
Yearly fee: Rs. 50,000/= (for a period of five years
Patron Members
Membership limited to only 20 NGOs for
the first year.
-  Exclusive team of 2 fundraisers
promoting the NGO, and raising funds
across 6 major metros and mini metros.
-  Credit on all promotional material as a
part of the CONGO.
-   Logos on the website with a small write-
Patron Members
-   Logos in all the ads of CONGO.
-  Free subscription of the dedicated magazine
for NGO sector “The real page –3”, for 1
-  A special article on their projects in the
magazine, plus two pages dedicated to them
every year, to highlight their work.
- Free consultancy on the events and fundraising
-  Listing on website as the preferred charity for
online giving.
-   Formulating the strategy for fundraising.
Patron Members
-   One complimentary tickets of the big-ticket
-   One appeal in form of insert in “the real page –
3” every year.
-  Support for donor database management and
-      Special purpose proposal writing.
-    Support and ideas for designing the ads. And
the newsletters.
One time Sign up fee: Rs 2 lacs
Yearly fee: Rs. 20,000/=
Privilege members
Membership limited to only 30 NGOs
for the first year.
-  A team of 2 fundraisers promoting
the NGO, and raising funds across 6
major metros and mini metros.
-   Credit on all promotional material
as a part of the CONGO.
-   Mention on the website.
Privilege members
-   Mention in the ads.
- 50% discount on the subscription of
the dedicated magazine for NGO
sector “The real page –3”, for 1 year.
- A special article on their projects in
the magazine, plus one pages
dedicated to them every year, to
highlight their work.
Privilege members
- Free consultancy on the events and
fundraising initiatives
-  Listing on website as the preferred
charity for online giving.
-  Formulating the strategy for
- One complimentary tickets of the big-
ticket event.
- One appeal in form of insert in “the real
page – 3” every year.
Privilege members
-   Support for donor database
management and communication.
-     Special purpose proposal writing.
-   Support and ideas for designing the
ads. And the newsletters.  
One time Sign up fee: Rs 1 lac
Yearly fee: Rs. 10,000/=
Ordinary members
Membership limited to only 20 NGOs for the
first year.
- A team of fundraisers supporting the
promotion the NGO, and help in raising
funds across 6 major metros and mini
- Credit on all promotional material as a part
of the CONGO.
Ordinary members
-    Mention on website.
-   Mention in all the ads of CONGO.
- 25% discount on the subscription of the dedicated
magazine for NGO sector “The real page –3”, for 1
-  A special article on their projects in the magazine,
plus half page dedicated to them every year, to
highlight their work.
-  Free consultancy on the events and fundraising
-  Listing on website as the preferred charity for online
Ordinary members
-    Formulating the strategy for fundraising.
-    One complimentary tickets of the big-ticket event.
-   One appeal in form of insert in “the real page – 3”
every year.
- Support for donor database management and
-   Special purpose proposal writing.
- Support and ideas for designing the ads. And the
One time Sign up fee: Rs 50,000
Yearly fee: Rs. 5,000/=
• These
Pro Bono members
would basically be the honorary members of the
confederation for duration of one year, for which CONGO
will be raising funds and other resources, without charging
them any fees.
•  The duration for honorary members on beneficiary panel
would be for a period of one year, and would be on
rotational basis.
• For year one the NGOs, which would be joining as pro
bono members, are 
1.      NBA 2. Anhad / Aman Biradri
3.    TISS 4. CSE
5.    Population First 6. War Wounded foundation
Membership limited to only 6 members in the Pro Bono
NGOs in the Alliance
• Christel House India
• Society for Education of Crippled.
• People for Ethical treatment of Animals
• Spastic Society
• Make a wish Foundation.
• Greenpeace
• Helpage
• The Leprosy Mission Trust
How to become a member
To enroll as a member
a.Fill in the membership application form (online
membership is also available)
b. Attach the following 
i.  The copy of registration certificate
ii. The copy of the articles of association and
memorandum of understanding.
iii. A list of the members on the board with their name
address and contact nos.
iv. A resolution signed by the board members authorizing
the organization to join CONGO.
The Road Ahead
• Fundraising Schools: To empower the smaller NGOs to
start their own fundraising initiative, in order to raise
resources locally.

• A specially fabricated corner in a shopping malls or mega

store, which will have a special area for selling posters,
books/ literature, greeting cards, diaries, calendars, and
small wares made by the communities supported by the
NGOs. We will also have uniquely designed theme based
donation boxes for different NGOs. These stores will also
have trained counsellors who would brief people about the
work all NGOs in the collection, undertake.
• The Charity MLM: On the lines of Multi level
marketing, ActionAid is initiating the multi level
marketing initiative for taking fundraising
initiatives to the Housewives, students, retired
people, executives and individuals. This will
complement the marketing approach of the DSAs.

• PR Hub: The PR Hub will work on the lines of

the UNI/ PTI for the social sector. They will fed
the various publications with the unique initiatives
on the ground and newer initiatives in offing.
• Corporate giving and support: Ethical
fundraising from the Corporates that are socially

• Online Giving: DDFM will facilitate the process

for giving online, based on the choice of the
donors for the NGO and the cause they want to be
associated with.

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