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What is Lead India 2020 TM

Lead India 2020 is a National Youth Movement transforming youth of India as a

global resource cadre with values, personal and National goals.

Lead Youth to Lead India to Lead the World by 2020

Lead youth as change agents to lead India as a
Developed Nation by 2020.
Why do we need a
National Youth Movement ?
Nation is missing a national goal like independence.
55% of Indian Population is below 25 years majority will be the
key stakeholders by 2020
To bridge gap between economic development and human
To grab global opportunities impact Global Skills to make India a
global leader.
To bridge gaps in present Education and Life.
Gaps in the Current Education System

Life Skills & Mission

Spiritual Enlightenment Inheritance of Family Culture


Respecting Nature
Career Requirements

Nations Requirements
Man Making Nation Building
Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao
Lead India
Aap Badho Desh Ko BadhaoTM
Training & Research

Designed by Prof. Dr. N.B. Sudershan Acharya,

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Ignites scientific temper in Academics
Inculcates human values for Human Excellence
Inspires leadership with Patriotism
Imbibes Global Skills to grab Global opportunities-solves
unemployment & Poverty.
Instill power of peer group youth force to solve illiteracy & corruption

Think Globally Act Locally - Reform Villages

Village Development is National Development 7
Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao
Life Skills Development
Physical Skills Development
Mental Skills Development
Global Skills Development
Entrepreneurial Skills Development
Employable Skills Development
Social Skills Development
Spiritual Skills Development
Human Values for Human Excellence
National Skills Development
Implementation as field works
10 point Oath of Dr. Kalam

S.No. Oath Individual Dev. National Dev.

1 I will Excel in education work with dedication Excellence, Dedication Excellent Nation

2 I will Teach Ten people Leadership, Literate Nation

Communication skills

3 I will plant 10 saplings and ensure their growth Care & Responsibility Clean & Green Nation

4 I will stop bad habits of at least 5 persons Aversion to bad Habits Healthy nation

5 I will help the suffering brethren Helping Nature Happy Nation

6 I will be always truthful and righteous Righteousness, Righteous Nation

enlightened citizen
7. I will celebrate the success of my country and my people. Patriotic fervor Patriotic Nation

Individual Development leading to National Development

Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao TM
Lead India National Clubs
at Institutional Level

1. Education and Scientific Temper Development Group

2. Discipline Group
3. Health and Environment Group
4. Sports and games group
5. Cultural and Literary Group
6. Community Development Group
Correlation of National & Youth Problems

Laziness leads to Postponement Less Production

Leads to Poverty
- Be Dynamic
Lack of awareness / information to literacy leads to Illiteracy
Lack of Career Goals leads to unemployment-be hard work

Desires beyond needs Leads to Greed;

- Leads to Corruption.
- Discipline Desires
Attractions, Romance leads to HIV /AIDS Discipline Actions
Groupism of Caste, region, religion creates Disunity
- Be Indian First
Individual Problems leading to National Problems
Change agents are the students trained in Lead India 2020 program,
identified to further promote the Lead India program by practicing the 10
points of oath and maintaining the Lead India National Credits, conducting
programs, and influencing the change in peers, family and friends,
institutions and corporations.

Category Minimum LINCs

Academic Excellence 40
Human Values 50
Social responsibility 50
Personal Skills 60
Total Lead India National 200
Credits required
Collaborative Network of Government, NGOs, NRIs,
Corporations etc
by Lead India National Clubs (LINCs)


State Govt.
State Skill Dev. Corporate
Corpn. Social

LINC- skill
Central Govt.
National Skill
Development NGOs

NRI Initiative
Lead India 2020 Collaborations

Government of Andhra Pradesh

NGOs - Lions Clubs International, Rotary Clubs etc
IT Industry Associations HYSEA, ITsAP
MNCs GE, IBM, Capital IQ etc.,
Corporations Hetero, Vijai Electricals, Shantha Bio Technics etc.,
Lead India 2020 US Chapter

Tracking- nurturing - self reliance support

Ignition & Training

Knowledge centre
Entrepreneurial Sustenance
Unique ID of Trainee
Leadership &
1. Data Collection
& Nurturing
2. Evaluation
Employment Values
3. Analysis
4. Reporting

Skills Development
1. Higher education Skills
2. Technical & Vocational Skills
3. Entrepreneurial skills

Lead India helps students to achieve their goals even after their schooling
Dr. Kalams each one teach ten experimental
pilot project results
(from May 1st to 18th June 2008, in Karimnagar)
Mandal No. of No. of No. of No. of
villages students illiterates in illiterates
covered working the Mandal made literate

Bejjanki 10 52 250 53

Sultanabad 10 102 600 224

Peddapally 6 86 627 120

Kamanpur 10 36 150 43

Medipally 14 121 436 129

Chigurumamidi 9 87 300 110

Husnabad 7 40 460 70

Total : 7 60 524 2823 749

Sd /
(Dy. Director of Adult Education)
Dr. Kalams Oath 1
Excel in education work with dedication
Change Agents Curbing Electoral Corruption
I will be Truthful and honest,
I will not give bribe and take bribe,
I will fight Corruption to make India a
Corruption Free Society

0.5 million such post cards were

presented as a garland to Dr. Kalam

We will not sell out Votes for Notes

- signed by registered voters in family

Digital Empowerment for unemployment youth
Trainings Accomplishments

Students: Teachers: Principals: Youth : Corporate

10,00,080 20.540 5,366 16,870 4653

Training in Collaboration with Govt. of A.P.
Type of Camps
Govt School Students
S.No Period
Teachers ST SC Others
1 2014
5,366 20,540 1,07,524 2,75,262 6,17,284
Do you believe that India can be transformed
into a world leader by 2020?

Dr. Kalam says, Lead India 2020 is the 2nd National

Movement, a mission oriented programme transforming
youth, gave me assurance that this will transform developing
India into a Developed Nation by 2020
Hyderabad Central University
A Unique initiative never in the World
The revolution that we are talking today is the mass
transformation of Indian youth at physical, emotional,
intellectual and spiritual level. Good Governance, Excellent
Citizenship and most importantly igniting the hidden
potential in all students. It is truly unique. That has never
been a national initiative such as this launching any
where in the world. Truly it is a rare opportunity to

Hatim Tyabji
Executive Chairman, Bytemobiles, USA on 28th March, 2008 in his
inaugural address of Lead India 2020 US chapter at Newyork.

Hear Mr.Hatim Tyabjis message through URL link
Im very happy with the response of our staff to the training programme
conducted by the Lead India 2020 Foundation. Individuals Development Leads to
National Development is a good concept and each and every one of us should
realise this. When you stop dreaming, then you are hampering your growth and
when you hamper your growth the development of the nation comes down. I
request all of you to internalise these concepts and follow the same in your daily
- Dr Richards, COO, Shantha Biotech
Calls of
Dr. Kalam and Sri Narendra Modi ji

Developed India Development as a Mass Movement

National Youth Movement Janaandolan
Focus on Youth Youth
Individual Development leading to National Development
Ancient India Cultural Heritage Value Inculcations
Skill Development Technology Empowerment -------

Lead India 2020 National Movement implementing calls

Needs to happen for 2020
(Impacts for 2020)

1.Lead India National Youth Movement and Lead India Bharat Ratnas
Education Movement will produce Lead Indians who will Solve most
of today's National problems like Poverty, unemployment, corruption
etc., because they all realize and solve their own individual problems
of individual laziness, goal setting and honesty etc.

2.Villages will develop health, sanitation, environment etc. leading to

national development.

3. Brings social legislations to solve social inequalities, workaholic

environment increases national production.

4.Links government, NGOs, NRIs, Corporations and people as

Indians first for India.

5.India becomes global leader as youth grab global opportunities with

their skills, knowledge and technology.
Involvement of Govt, NGOs and Corporations

Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Public Corporation/NRI/NGO through
Lead India
1.Deputing Cluster Resource Persons as 1.Sponsoring Training of CRPs
our trainers 1.Master Trainers Honorarium
2.Conduct ABDB training programmes in 2.Materials
schools by CRPs 3.Food Expenses for TOT/CMLDP
3.Teacher Empowerment for Nation 2.Sponsor LINC Sustenance cost
Building 3.Provide Infrastructure to Govt. schools
4.Opening Lead India National Club (whom so ever wants)
(LINC)& sustenance 1.Toilets
1.Dr. Kalam 10 point oath 2.School benches
5.Permissions for the above training 3.Books
programmes 4.Library/ Lab Materials/ Sports
materials etc..

Capital IQ has spent Rs. 1,36,11,390 on infrastructure and Rs. 8,30,000 on
ABDB training programs
GE has spent Rs. 19,91,766 on ABDB training programs
Government may support Lead India 2020 by
1.Imparting Training and Sustenance in all schools and colleges
2.As a front end programme for skill development and women
and youth development
3.Recognize Lead India Social credits for students admission and
employment like NCC/NSS
4.Support grants funds for research and development for
inculcating values
5.Include in public sector and other corporations CSR activities
6.Recognize ABDB programmes for grants under Sarva Shiksha
Abiyan and other Govt., Educational grants in regular budget
Closing Remarks
1. Lead India ABDB trainings and sustenance should be given to
all students, teachers and include in all national official training
of all departments.

2. ABDB course material should be included in value education

of all institutions.

3. LIBR should be established at all mandals of the country.

4.Research support may be given for developing values to solve

human rights problems.
Thank you.

For Details Contact:

Lead India 2020 Foundation
HQ & Training Center

Lead India Bharat Ratna School

Bandlaguda (v) Keesara (m). Ranga Reddy.
Mobile: 9553566466/9246369466


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