Jain Construction Company

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Case Summary
JAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is large and old construction
company. It undertakes big projects like building dams, road
construction, bridges airports, large five star hotels, hospitals. It has
over 3000 employees of its own besides it employees contractors
and their workers in various fields. There are about 1000 qualified
architects, engineers, project managers, purchase managers,
administrators, personnel managers. The other 2000 are
supervisory staff, clerical staff, office staff, field staff and site staff
involving in stores, purchase, accounting, security etc. The
company is operating for over 12 years. There is a widespread
discontent among all level of staff including managers. There are no
systematic hiring, training and development practices. The
compensation packages and fringe benefits are not based on any
progressive policy. There is no grievance handling system.
Employees, have low morale commitment, no formal
communication, no communication. The turnover of employees is
high. The management pays little attention to the safety health of
employees. Welfare facilities are just average. These have resulted
in frustration, low productivity commitment, lack of mutual trust and
on the whole relationship is poor.
Steps to overcome
Proper Training and Development policies.

Progressive compensation and fringe benefit


Full workers participation in Management.

Proper grievance handling system.

Taking care of safety and health of employees.

Training and development policies
(Steps in tr. programmes)

 Discovering or identifying the training

 Getting ready for the job.
 Preparation of the learner.
 Presentation of operation and
 Performance try-out.
 Follow up and evaluation of the
Fringe benefits
 To keep in line with the prevailing
practices of offering benefits and
services which are given by similar
 To recruit and retain the best
 To provide for the needs of
employees and protect them against
certain hazards of life, particularly
which an individual cannot himself
provide for,
 To increase the employee morale
and create a helpful and positive
attitude on the part of workers
towards the employees.
 To make the organization dominant
influence in the lives of its
employees with a view to gaining
their loyalty and cooperation
encouraging them to greater
productive efforts.
Is there enough
workers’ participation in
Positive implications of
• Workers have ideas which can be useful.
• Effective communication upwards are essential to
sound decision making at the top
• Workers may accept decision better if they
participate in them
• Workers may work more intelligently, if through
participation in decision making they are better
informed about the reasons for the initiation of
the decision
• Workers may work harder, if they share in
decisions that effect them
• Workers participation may foster a more co-
operative attitude amongst workers and
management, thus raising efficiency arising by
improving team work and reducing the loss of
efficiency, arising from internal disputes
• It may act as a spur to managerial efficiency.
Good grievance redressal
procedure provides:
• A channel or avenue by which any aggrieved
employee may present his grievance.
• A procedure which ensures that there will be a
systematic handling of every grievance
• A method by which an aggrieved employee can
relieve his feelings of dissatisfaction with his
job , working conditions or with the management
• A means of ensuring that there is some measure
of promptness in the handling of the grievance.
Thank you

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