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January 2, 1942 Japanese Military Administration

was set up to supervise the political, economic and

cultural affairs of the Philippines
Yoshishide Hayashi first director general
Major General Takazi Wachi second and last
Every Japanese killed, two prominent Filipino would
be shot
Filipino was banned and singing of the National
Anthem and American songs are prohibited
Jorge B. Vargas was ordered to organize a new
January 23, 1942 Vargas and 31 of his associates sent a
Letter of Response to Japanese High Command
Dr. Fabella, the prewar secretary of health and welfare
and Alfonzo Mendoza, an opposition leader in the
Commonwealth did not sign the letter
Jorge B. Vargas chairman
Benigno S. Aquino Sr. commissioner of the interior
Antonio de las Alas commissioner of finance
Jose P. Laurel commssioner of justice
Rafael R. Alunan commissioner of agriculure
Claro M. Recto commissioner of public education,
health and public welfare
Quintin Paredes commissioner of public works and
Jose Yulo former Speaker of the National Assembly,
and later become the chief Justice of Supreme Court
Teofilo Sison head of budget and auditing office
Serafin Marabut executive secretary to the
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo promised to grant
independence to the Philippines
Preparatory Commission for the Philippine
Independence (PCPI) headed by Dr. Laurel, was
created to write a constitution for the forthcoming
September 4,1943 Constitution was signed by the
PCPI members
Constitution was written in Tagalog and English
There was to be no vice president
Adoption of Tagalog as the national language
September 7 Constitution was ratiied by a general
assembly composed of 117 handpicked delegates
October 14, 1943 the Republic of the Philippines was
inaugurated in Manila
Dr. Laurel took his oath as president
Executive power president: 6 six years and should not be
Legislative power national assembly: 108 members
Ex-officio members were the provincial governors and the
city mayors
Elective members were those chosen from provinces and
cities by the KALIBAPI chaptersone from each province or
KALIBAPI (Kapisan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas or
Association for Service to the New Philippines) the only
political party allowed by the Japanese
Judicial power Supreme court
Justices and all judges were appointed by the President
Philippine Republic was a mere puppet of Japan
Kempetai or MAKAPILI ( Makabayang Katipunan ng mga
Pilipino) a pro-japanese group of Filipinos
Simbun-sya (later renamed Philippine Publication)
Station KZRH (later called PIAM)
Japanese language (Nippongo) and Japanese culture
were aggressively propagated and offered as
compulsory courses in the schools and included in
civil service test
Filipino Guerilla Leaders:
Macario Peralta Jr. Panay
Wenceslao Q. Vinzons Camarines Norte
Roque B. Ablat Ilocos Norte
Guillermo Nakar Cagayan
Salvador Abcede - Negros
Agustin V. Marking Laguna,Rizal & Tayabas
Ruperto Kangleon Leyte
Carlos P. Garcia Bohol
Muhammed Dimaporo Ali Lanao
SalipadaPendatun Cotabato
May 8, 1944 V-E Day ( Victory in Europe), Berlin, the
last rampant of Nazi-German, surrendered
October 20 General-of-the-Army MacArthur ,
leading a mighty armada of 650 ships and 150,000
troops, landed in Leyte
People of the Philippines, I have returned
July 5, 1945 Gen. MacArthur announced that the
Philippines had been liberated
July 26, 1945 the three Allied ForcesGreat Britain, the
USSR and US, issued an ultimatum to Japan demanding
unconditional surrender
The ultimatum was known as Potsdam Declaration
The atomic bomb brought Japan to its knees
August 6- first atomic bomb was dropped on the City of
Hiroshima, destroying 60% of the city and instantly killed
78,000 Japanese
August 9 second bomb was dropped on the city of
Nagasaki, destroying 40% of the city and killed 100,000 of
its resident
August 17 President Laurel dissolved the Japanese-
sponsored republic of the Philippines
September 2 Japan signed the historic document of
This is called V-J ( Victory-over-Japan) Day
September 3 Yamashita surrendered in Baguio by
Major-Gen. E.H. Leavey
Yamashita also called Tiger of Malay
Major-General E.H. Leavey was a deputy commander
of the chief of staff of the armed forces in the Western
The Philippines was the most devastated by war
A total of 1,111,938 Filipinos finished in the war

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