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A Very Short Introduction to LaTeX

For AMS 200, 2009

Dept. of Applied Math & Statistics

School of Engineering
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
What are TeX and LaTeX?

LaTeX is a typesetting systems suitable for producing

scientific and mathematical documents
LaTeX enables authors to typeset and print their work at the highest
typographical quality.
LaTeX is pronounced Lay-tech.
LaTeX uses TeX formatter as its typesetting engine.

TeX is a program written by Donald Kunth for typesetting text

and mathematical formulas
Why Use LaTeX?

J[x(),u()] F(x(t),u(t),t)dt Word
High quality t0


Easy to use,especially for typing mathematical formulas

Portability (Windows, Unix, Mac)

Stability and interchangeability (Office 97 Office 2000)

Most journals have their LaTeX styles (just download and

use them).

Final reason: most likely, you will be forced to use it, since
everyone else around you is using it.
Process to Create a Document Using LaTeX

TeX input file Your source LaTeX

file.tex document

Run LaTeX

DVI file Device independent

file.dvi output

Run Device
Driver Unix Commands

Out input file > latex file.tex runs latex

> xdiv file.dvi previewer or file.pdf
> dvips file.dvi creates .ps
> pdflatex file.tex creates .pdf directly
How to Setup LaTeX for Windows

Download and install MikTeX LaTeX package

Install Ghostscript and Gsview PS device driver

Install Acrobat Reader

Install Editor For MAC Users

TeXShop iTexMac
TexnicCenter Texmaker
Emacs, vi, etc.
How to Use LaTeX to Create Documents

Start with a skeleton document (create it by yourself, get it

from you classmates, download it from journals website)

Fill stuff (text, formula, figure, table ) into your skeleton


Run LaTeX to generate output and make modifications

Learn as you go
The not so short introduction to LaTeX2e
Comprehensive TeX archive network
Beginning LaTeX
Basic Structure of LaTeX Document

\documentclass [12pt]{article} Define the types of the document

(article, book, thesis )

\usepackage {color} Preamble. Incorporate packages or

\usepackage {graphicx} define macros here

Main body, stuff to be printed, title,
authors, abstract, sections,
references, .

Title/Author Information and Document Structure


\title {A Very Simple Introduction to LaTeX}

\author {names}

\thanks{AMS UCSC}



\subsection{Subsection Heading Here}

Example Document From IEEE

Suppose you want to write a paper

for IEEE journals

Download LaTeX template from

IEEE website

Open example LaTeX file

(bare_jrnl.tex) and modify it

No need to worry about things

like margin, font,
click to open it in TeXShop
Standard Environments

stuff Environment name (env_name) can be
\end{enc_name} document, itemize, enumerate, tabular, etc.

\item The first item
\item The second item

\item The first item
\item The second item
How to Input Math Formulas

Use \( \) for in-line and \[ \] for displaying math formulas

Spaces inside \( \) and \[ \] are ignored. If needed, use \

to add space

Use \mbox{} for words inside math formulas


You can insert figures in pdf, jpg, eps, and other formats
into your document.

\includegraphics {name of the figure file}
\caption{Put the caption here}

Multiple figures can be inserted using \subfigure

Cross Referencing

LaTeX generates numbers for Theorem, Equation, Section,

Figure and other environments automatically. You can access
them with \label and \ref

\section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro}

In Section \ref{sec:intro}, we .
Reference and Citation

The \thebibliography environment produces a bibliography or

reference list. In the article style, this reference list is labeled
"References"; in the report style, it is labeled "Bibliography".

\begin{thebibliography} {widest-label}


widest-label: Text that, when printed, is approximately as wide

as the widest item label produces by the \bibitem commands.
Reference and Citation

If you know you have between 10 and 99 publications, you can start
with \begin{thebibliography}[99]. Use any two digit number in the
argument, since all numerals are the same width.

If you are using customized labels, put the longest label in argument,
i.e., type \begin{thebibliography}[Longest-name]
Reference and Citation

\begin{thebibliography} {widest-label}


cite_key is used to cite publication inside the document.

To cite a publication from the reference list, use the \cite


The argument to \cite may be one key, or two or more

keys, separated by commas.

You can also use bibTeX package to generate reference list

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