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Social Problems: A Down-to-Earth Guide, 11e

James M. Henslin

Chapter 2
Interpreting Social
Problems: Aging

Social Problems:
Learning Objectives
2.1 Identify the three major theoretical frameworks that sociologists use
to interpret social problems.

2.2 Explain functionalism and apply it to social problems.

2.3 Explain conflict theory and apply it to social problems.

2.4 Explain feminist theory and apply it to social problems.

2.5 Explain symbolic interactionism and apply it to social problems.

2.6 Discuss the possible generational struggle regarding the elderly.


Societies devise ways of covering up

when the elderly have outlived their social

Every society must determine how to

handle the problem of people who grow
old and frail.
2.1 - Sociological Theories and
Social Problems
Sociological Theory
Three Sociological Theories

Explains how two or more concepts (or facts)

are related, such as age and suicide.
A theory provides a framework for organizing
facts, and in so doing, provides a way of
interpreting reality.

Sociological Theory:
Provides a framework for thinking about a social
issue from a perspective that we might otherwise
Three Sociological Theories

A social system composed of parts that work
together to benefit the whole
Conflict Theory
Groups competing with one another within the
same social system
Symbolic Interactionism
Peoples patterns of behavior always
L.O. 2.1

A theory explains how two or more concepts

A. are related
B. interact
C. are researched
D. correlate to one another
A theory explains how two or more concepts
A. are related
B. interact
C. are researched
D. correlate to one another
Theories provide a way of interpreting facts.
A. True
B. False
Theories provide a way of interpreting facts.
A. True
B. False
2.2 - Functionalism and
Social Problems
Introducing Functionalism
The Development of Functionalism
Applying Functionalism to Social Problems
Functionalism and Social Problems: A
Introducing Functionalism

Functionalists compare society to a self-

adjusting machine with many parts.
Each part of the machine has a function.
Failure of a part is a dysfunction.
Social problems result from unresolved
dysfunctions interfering with another part
of society.
The Development of Functionalism
Auguste Comte
Society as organism

Emile Durkheim
Normal and abnormal states

Robert Merton
Functions (Manifest and Latent)
Applying Functionalism to Social
When the parts of society function there is
Social Problem
Some part of society is not working.
Example: Nursing Homes
Based on Freed 1994; Nishio 1994; Otten 1995; Mackellar and
Horlacher 2000; Hello Kitty Robot 2006; Statistical
Handbook of Japan 2009; Mori and Scearce 2010.
L.O. 2.2
According to functionalism, social problems
emerge when __________.
A. groups compete for limited resources
B. a part of society fails to perform a function
C. people label objective reality as a problem
D. the powerful exploit the powerless
According to functionalism, social problems emerge
when __________.
A. groups compete for limited resources
B. a part of society fails to perform a function
C. people label objective reality as a problem
D. the powerful exploit the powerless
Employing 70,000 people is a manifest function of
the Social Security Administration.
A. True
B. False
Employing 70,000 people is a manifest function of
the Social Security Administration.
A. True
B. False
2.3 - Conflict Theory and
Social Problems
Introducing Conflict Theory
The Development of Conflict Theory
Applying Conflict Theory to Social
Conflict Theory and Social Problems: A
Introducing Conflict Theory

Conflict theorist assume disequilibrium

and conflict.
The parts of society are not harmonious.
Below the surface, societys parts compete
for limited resources.
Social problems are the natural and
inevitable outcome of social struggle.
The Development of Conflict Theory

Karl Marx
Capitalism and Conflict

Georg Simmel
Subordinates and Superordinates

Lewis Coser
Conflict in Social Networks
Applying Conflict Theory to Social
At the root of each social problem lies conflict
over the distribution of power and privilege.
To understand a social problem:
Identify the players.
Understand the historical background.
Who has power?

Example: Social Conflict and Social Security

Conflict Theory and Social Problems: A
Conflict and Social Problems
Root of each social problem is the distribution of power and

Two Types of Social Problems

Trouble is experienced by:

people who are exploited by the powerful.
powerful when the exploited resist, rebel, or even appeal
to higher values.
L.O. 2.3

Conflict theory identifies the source of social

problems as __________.
A. group construction of reality
B. the inefficiency of machines
C. the distribution of power and privilege
D. a failure in social institution
Conflict theory identifies the source of social
problems as __________.
A. group construction of reality
B. the inefficiency of machines
C. the distribution of power and privilege
D. a failure in social institution
2.4 - Introducing Feminist Theory

The Development of Feminist Theory

Applying Feminist Theory to Social
Problems: Focusing on Gender
The Development of Feminist Theory

Radical feminism
Liberal feminism
Socialist feminism
Cultural feminism
Applying Feminist Theory to Social
Social problems are a result of the
struggle over resources between men and

Example: sexual division of labor

Define work
Whose work carries more value?
Social norms place the burden of care for elderly
parents disproportionately on daughters.
A. True
B. False
Social norms place the burden of care for elderly
parents disproportionately on daughters.
A. True
B. False
2.5 - Symbolic Interactionism and
Social Problems
Introducing Symbolic Interactionism
The Development of Symbolic
Applying Symbolic Interactionism to Social
Symbolic Interactionism and Social
Problems: A Summary
Introducing Symbolic Interactionism
We see the world through symbols.
Symbols carry meaning and are used to
Symbols shape our understanding of the world.

What is associated with the symbol old?

Changing symbols, changing perception.

Social problems are symbols.
Development of Symbolic
George Herbert Mead
Taking the role of the other
Generalized other

Charles Horton Cooley

Looking-glass self

Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann

Social construction of reality
Applying Symbolic Interactionism to
Social Problems
Social Construction of Social Problems.
Social problems dont have independent
A social problem emerges when it is
labeled a social problem.
Symbolic Interactionism and Social
Problems: A Summary
Social problems are socially constructed.

An objective condition of society is labeled

a social problem.
L.O. 2.5

According to symbolic interactionists, a social

problem emerges when __________.
A. inequality is evident
B. institutions do not meet the needs of society
C. groups struggle for resources
D. society labels a condition as a problem
According to symbolic interactionists, a social
problem emerges when __________.
A. inequality is evident
B. institutions do not meet the needs of
C. groups struggle for resources
D. society labels a condition as a problem
The Emerging Struggle
Today, 1 in 7 or 8 Americans is age 65+.
In about 20 years or so, 1 in 5 Americans will be
This is a powerful political force.

The rapid increase those 65+ means a rapid

increase in Social Security and health care costs.

The young and old are facing crisis situations. As

the dependency ratio drops, Social Security
recipients will feel strain.
L.O. 2.6

A problem with funding Social Security payments

is the _________.
A. declining dependency ratio
B. reduction in the Social Security tax
C. increase of taxes sent to the Social Security
D. decrease in the elderly population
A problem with funding Social Security payments
is the _________.
A. declining dependency ratio
B. reduction in the Social Security tax
C. increase of taxes sent to the Social Security
D. decrease in the elderly population

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