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Cultural Geography

Monday, August 28th

Warm Up
Mindset Monday

Write the above quote in your own words.

In your opinion, what is true knowledge? Do
you agree or disagree with Copernicus?
Answer the following questions in your
Name the 7 continents.
Name the 4 oceans.
What is the highest mountain in the world?
What is the largest desert in Africa?
What is the largest river in the U.S.?
Name the 7 continents.
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe,
North America and South America
Name the 4 oceans.
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic
What is the highest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everest
What is the largest desert in Africa?
What is the largest river in the U.S.?
What is Geography?
Geography is the study of space and place.
Geography is what we use to describe the
world around us.
The tools we use for this are maps.
2 Branches of Geography
Physical & Human
Physical Geography the study of the earth and its
Examples include:
Hydrology: the earths water
Glaciology: ice sheets and glaciers
Oceanography: oceans and seas
Pedology: the earths soil
Climatology: the earths climate
Branches of Geography
Human Geography the study of humans as
we live on the earth and use its resources.
Examples include:
Cultural: religion, language and
Development: standards of living and
quality of life.
Population: density and where people live.
World Population Density
Physical or Human?
A map that shows where different languages
are spoken.
Physical or Human?
A map that shows where different
languages are spoken.
Why? Because it shows something that is
related to people.
Physical or Human?
A map of the world that shows the
different mountain ranges and their
Physical or Human?
A map of the world that shows the
different mountain ranges and their
Why? Because it shows something that is
occurring in the natural and physical world;
its not related to humans.
Physical or Human?
A map that shows which countries have
the biggest oil and natural gas reserves.
Physical or Human?
A map that shows which countries have
the biggest oil and natural gas reserves.
PHYSICAL - this shows a natural resource
in the physical world.
Physical or Human?
A map that shows which countries export
the most oil and natural gas.
Physical or Human?
A map that shows which countries export
the most oil and natural gas.
Why? Because its showing something that
involves humans theyve extracted and are
transporting the natural resource for their
own economic gain.
Themes of Geography:
Remember: Mr. Lip
Movement: humans interacting on the earth and
the flow of resources between and within regions.
Regions: places that share common characteristics
and how they form or change.
Location: position on the earths surface, both
absolute and relative.
Interaction: both human and environmental.
Place: physical and human characteristics of an
God & Geography
God created the earth and placed man in it!
Day 1: God created the sun and separated
Day and Night.
Day 2: God created the Heavens
Day 3: God created both land and sea; He
created vegetation and plants and
Day 4: God created the stars, planets and galaxies.
He created the sun and moon.
Day 5: God created fish and birds.
Day 6: God created land animals (mammals,
reptiles, insects, etc). He also created humans.
Genesis 1:28-31
And God said to them, Be fruitful and
multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and
have dominion over the fish of the sea and over
the birds of the heavens and over every living
thing that moves on the earth. And God said,
Behold, I have given you every plant yielding
seed that is on the face of all the earth and every
tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for
Genesis 1:28-31
And to every beast of the earth and to every
bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps
on the earth, everything that has the breathe of
life, I have given every green plant for food. And
it was so. And God saw that everything that he
had made, and behold, it was very good.
Creation Mandate
The unique calling that the Lord has
given to us, His people, to exercise
dominion over the earth.
We have a high and glorious
responsibility to take care of the world that
God has created.
Sin complicated that. How?
History of Geography
As long as humans have been on the earth,
theyve been exploring the world around them.
Eratosthenes: Greek mathematician, first person to
use the word geography and closely calculated the
Earths circumference.
Ptolemy: Roman geographer, promoted geocentric
theory (the sun revolves around the earth).
History of Geography
Copernicus: believed in a heliocentric theory (the
earth revolves around the sun). This was proved by
Galileo in the 17th century).
Mercator: designed and published a grid map and his
system is still in use today.
Colonization and expansion saw the growth and
development of cartography as rulers wanted to map
new land.

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