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Personal Group 4

Akshay Dhingra 160201005

Shoppers Francisco Fernandez 17FRN-538

at Sears:
Jose Escobedo 17FRN-537
Khushboo Acharya 160101050

The Elf Mansi

Dev Roy

Initiative Pranay

Shirin Saluja 160101100
What is Sears trying to accomplish with
the introduction of the Elf Program?

Increase overall
Identifying Increase the
Building Repeat sales volume
consumer average
Customers during holiday
preferences transaction Value

Building not only
competitive Individual
a satisfied but a
advantage in the attention and time
loyal customer
mid price saving
Greater level of service and
Matching the customer needs and
wants with right product from the
length and breadth of the
Convenience of a merchandise
ready for pickup
Enjoyable shopping experience
Enhancing In store customer
experience from the elves specific
product knowledge
Delivering the Sears Value with
superior customer relationship
Can the Elf program help Sears to
increase its sales revenue or
profitability? How?

Providing an advantage in the middle priced group where it was
facing considerable saturation by acting as a helpful brand, by
providing convenience and superior in store experience by
building larger customer life time value.
The elves properly trained to move customer through the entire
sales process could increase the average transactional value and
the overall sales volume.
By focusing on destination categories, they could draw traffic to
the store.
Does the Elf program
represent a competitive

The personal shopper experience was mostly restricted to the high

end stores, by the introduction of the elf program sears was
providing value products with individual attention and interactivity
just like a high end store which no other mid priced store was
offering in Canada.
Elves were not new hires. They were
screened, selected from amongst the
best associates within the company.
They were trained to get to know the
buyers/clients understand their
needs, budget and time constraints,
resulting in a very personalized
customer support system.

Contd.. Focus of the Elf initiative to provide

solutions for the customer from
coordinating a particular dress/look to
providing easy-to-understand product
benefits, features, prices etc.
Hence, the Elf program was designed in
such a manner that it was the ultimate
guide/tool to enhance a consumers
shopping experience within a Sears store
by providing end-to-end solutions.
How likely is it to succeed? What metrics
would you use to monitor the Elf program
and evaluate its success?
The Elf program is likely to succeed as the experience
they will provide the customers will be that of a high end
store. Also during the holiday season time when the rush
in stores is quite high an elf can help the customer
saving the time taken in a purchase. These elves will be
the best associates of the store so the customers can
expect superior quality of service, which may lead to

The matrix that can be used to evaluate the success can be:

Sales per hour per associate and the transaction size as it would determine how efficiently
each elf is performing and would also show the gaps and the low performing elves and the
departments as the elves were performing a more generalist role, this would help the
organization to form a further next level of strategy required to build sales.

Extra metrics that may be used apart from the ones mentioned in the
Time spent per customer: Based on the average transaction size of each customer, more time
and effort to be focused on high transactional value customers
Feedback: Feedback box/forms given to consumers at checkout asking them about their
opinions on the elf associate they were handled by, which would lead to more personalized
feedback for elves.

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