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Jeffrey Kottler and David Shepard
Part 1 The Professional Counselor
Explore what counselling is, how it differs from other
typical mental health professions and the
importance of the therapeutic relationship.
Part 2 Examines Various of Counseling
Counseling approaches including integrating
theories and the use of assessments
Part 3 Specific Areas
Specific areas of counseling
Part 4 Covers Aspects of Professional Practice
Covers aspects of professional practice with
particular attention paid to ethics and self-care.
What Counseling Is and How It Works.
The act of helping the client to see things more clearly,
possibly from a different view-point. This can enable the
client to focus on feelings, experiences or behavior, with
a goal to facilitating positive change.
The Therapeutic Relationship.
Alcohol and drug counselors, along with other mental
health professionals, face a number of challenges and
special issues when working with people who have
suffered abuse or neglect as children. Counselors
become upset or angry when they hear about children
getting hurt or being abused.
Part 2:Examines Various of
Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic Theory
Freely talking to the therapist about whatever comes
up without censoring), dream analysis (examining
dreams for important information about the
unconscious), and transference (redirecting feelings
about certain people in ones life onto the therapist.)
Behavioral Theory
Behavioral therapists work on changing unwanted
and destructive behaviors through behavior
modification techniques such as positive or negative
Cognitive Theory
This counseling theory focuses on how peoples
thinking can change feelings and behaviors.
Humanistic Approach
which focuses on the belief that clients control their
own destinies and show their genuine care and
Holistic/Integrative Therapy
involves integrating various elements of different
theories to the practice. I
Part 3 Specific Areas
Marriage and family counseling.
Mental health counseling.
Educational Counseling.
Marriage and family counseling
Couples therapists and marriage counselors treat
some of the same issues as other psychologists, such
as depression and anxiety, substance abuse, and
Some common issues that family counselors
encounter are marital conflicts, adolescent
behavior problems, domestic violence and issues
related to infertility.
Mental Health Counseling.
Are often one of the first helping professionals
available to people in need of emotional and
psychological support.
Educational Counseling.
They help students work through issues such as
bullying, disabilities, low self-esteem, poor
academic performance, social anxiety, problems
with authority or problems at home.
Part 4 - Professional
Good quality of care
Requires competently delivered services that meet
the clients needs by practitioners be appropriately
supported and accountable.
Maintaining competent practice
All counsellors, psychotherapists, trainers and
supervisors are required to have regular and on-
going formal supervision/consultative support for their
work in accordance with professional requirements.
Keeping trust
attentiveness to the quality of listening and respect
offered to clients
Respecting privacy and confidentiality
Respecting clients privacy and confidentiality are
fundamental requirements for keeping trust and respecting
client autonomy.
Teaching and training
Practitioners are required to be fair, accurate and honest in
their assessments of their students.
Supervising and managing
Practitioners are responsible for clarifying who holds
responsibility for the work with the client.
The research methods used should comply with the
standards of good practice in counselling
and psychotherapy and must not adversely affect clients.
Fitness to practise
Practitioners have a responsibility to monitor and
maintain their fitness to practise at a level
that enables them to provide an effective service.
Providing clients with adequate information
Particular care should be taken over the integrity of
presenting qualifications, accreditation
and professional standing

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