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Plan India

Social Media
You do not need abundant surplus income to
donate and remove inequality.
All you need, is a sense of
responsibility to donate whatever you
can, to help bring significant and
serious change.
So to make things happen,
we came up with...


Campaign Breakout Volunteer

Come Help Them In Living Dreams

Nothing can be better to have a self explanatory hashtag which

communicates the entire objective of a brand in just a single word

The idea is to motivate people to come forward & help children who
are going through difficult circumstances

The campaign itself explains that we are the one who can help them
to build & live their dreams
A picture is worth
a thousand words
A complex idea can be conveyed with just
a single still image
Post Copy: Help us help them achieve their
dreams without worrying about the means.
Every contribution counts. #CHILD
On ground
A social experiment

01 02 03 04
We will reach out to the We will do a Flash mob With the help of flash It will create a major
kids who have talent but with these kids in busy mob we will create buzz on social media
due to their difficult areas, corporate parks awareness among the
circumstances are unable people that this kids are
platforms as it will get
& malls recorded & shared by
to showcase their talent the future of India & it is
our responsibility to help many people at same
them to live their dreams time
Together We Can
Corporate Tie-up plan
What do Corporates expect through associations with

PR Exposure Tax Benefits
So, how do we give them all
of these?
The Idea
Phase I Phase II Phase III
We send out invitations to the We host an on-ground event During the event, the
brand managers of the where we invite individuals speaker encourages brands
popular brands in India to who have previously
from across India to partner
watch a Facebook Live benefitted from Plan Indias
initiative to succeed in life to Plan India in our initiative.
broadcast without actually
insisting them to sign up. speak about their journeys There will be a Digital Live
These can be done via e- Board behind the speaker
mailers &/or direct During the event, the where all the brands willing
correspondence. speaker will encourage to contribute will be
They will be requested to brands to step up & partner showcased
watch the FB Live broadcast & us. Means to connect with
partner us if they connect with Plan India in order to do so
will be highlighted. This gives a sense of
our mission
anticipation about who will
step up to our cause, thus
The event will be attended by
*The benefits will be clearly magnifying the event & the
the most popular journalists
mentioned beforehand (shared in
& bloggers partnership
the next slide)
Benefits for Partner Brands
Primary Secondary
Tax Benefits
PR Exposure
Contributions to NGO agencies definitely means easy tax exemptions which
brands are constantly looking out for
The presence of Journalists
& Bloggers definitely means
that partnering brands will
get a feel-good exposure in Brand Persona
publications & other digital
By associating with an NGO, the persona of a brand instantly changes to a
society-conscious & a responsible brand
Event Flow

Partnership Live Reveal of

Live Event
Invitation partners
How will we reach out to these Brand Managers?

We send out similar yet personalized e-mailers (as shown in the next slide) to different brand
The idea is simple, to let them know our objective & what we expect out of them
How do we leverage Social to reveal Brand Associations
beside Facebook Live?

Each time a brand signs up to partner Plan India, we release a visual on Social which is
personalized with the brand essence, with a customized message

Sample representation as shared in the next slide

To maximize the impact of our event, we will have a few brands ready to partner us
During the event, however, we portray them as brands who made their decision after
understanding the importance of our objectives
Having an initial push from these brands will also encourage others to step up & follow suit
What will make this campaign stand out?
PR Integration (via
A healthy online & offline Journalists) will give it a good
integration is bound to grab boost online & offline Blogger association which will
eyeballs. If executed well, this give a positive word of mouth
is going to be the talk of the in the Digital Universe

Live reveal of brands who

are willing to contribute
to our objectives is not
Smart visuals that go out A portrayal of brands being
something that anyone
to announce brand convinced to contribute
has done. It adds without actually hard-selling
associations is bound to anticipation & thus, our proposal is something
attract traction from our magnify interest levels that will add credibility within
TG the brands TG as well
How will it benefit Plan India?

The objectives
of Plan India
Lasting awareness
doesnt just
Partnerships means more
reach the
with Popular contributions
brands, but
Brands from different
also to their
Together We Can
Supporting Creatives
Tapping Employee

This set of Audience usually don't donate that much, so we came up

with a small idea

Taking the average salary of an employee we created a visual where

we say them that even their small contribution can transform a child

The Campaign will be supported with Influencer Activity

Influencer activity


A influencer activity will be hosted where an influencer will ask users what
they can buy with Rs. 250

Without any doubt the twitterati & fans will say they will buy movie tickets,
have a subway & so on...

Finally the influencers will reveal with the Plan India creative that with just
Rs. 250 they can shape a childs dreams
A picture making it
possible to absorb large
amounts of engagement
Why dont we care about
our society?
Why dont we stand for a cause?
Why do we waste time changing channels
during our free time?
Now, its the Time
to stand for change
What will be the message

By volunteering with us, you will become a vital part of shaping childrens dreams;
and you will make a real difference to the lives of children and their families. An
opportunity that will not only develop your inter-personal skills, allow you to meet
like-minded people; but will also be the most fulfilling and gratifying phase in your
life that will echo with childrens laughter for years to come
Hygiene Targets for Plan India

Fan-base increase of 35-40K per month

Increase Engagement on social
on each social platform

Actively promote Plan Indias work &

Disaster Management
What helps in building fan-base & engagement?
Expressing The objective of the brand needs to be portrayed
clearly, so the audience knows what exactly they
Objectives are standing for

Make their
Content should be worth-while. They should add
time worth it value to the users life

Relating with
Meeting the sentiments of our users halfway, so
sentiments they can relate better with our objectives

Target the Funnel all content to the right audience who will
be potential partners in our objective. This can be
right people done via properly planned media promotions
How do we tackle disasters?

Plan out a solution Deal with the

Understand the
in co-ordination situation within 5
with Plan India working hours
How do we promote Plan Indias efforts?
(Depends on the magnitude of the initiative/event)
Pre-Event Launch Post-Event

The participants (depending

on the nature of the event) Album The best images from the
event will be uploaded on
will be introduced to our Updates social via albums

Intrigue will be built

The impact of the event &
Teasers on social around the
Live On-field coverage of the
event will be done Facts other interesting facts will
Coverage be promoted

Updates will go out at

Influencer Influencers will be roped in
to promote the event &
Hygiene regular intervals reminding
association updates our audience about the
amplify its impact
event & how it fared

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