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VA Comp Assessment 2

Art Criticism
Albreht Durer
What can you learn from the title of the
I have learned rom he title hat the image is
about a rhino.
What subjects in the artwork can you recognize?
I can se a rhino, and lots of repeating patterns of
other animals.
Looking at the elements of design, describe
what qualities you see.
I see lines tying in as the shadow, I see texture in
the rhino defining its looks.
What media and techniques did the artist use?
The artist used repetition, detail, shading,
making the rhino appealing to the eye.
Emphasis: Is there a dominant element or focal
point that you see first?
The emphasis or main point that I see is the
head, with all its detail, it forces you to look at it.
Balance: Is there a special balance, or weight,
among the elements? What mood does it
The balance is perfect, with the patterns and the
size, it gives a happy fantasy mood.
Proportion: Do the proportions look normal,
ideal, or unusual? Why?
The proportion is very nice, the body with the
head and the legs make it all tie together.
Pattern: Are elements repeated to create a
pattern? Where? Why?
Patterns, it covers the rhino, having a section for
its own pattern, or it consumes the rhino.
Rhythm or Movement: What visual rhythms or
paths of movement do your eyes follow?
Where? Why?
The movement is the lines defining the curves of
the rhino making your eyes consume the rhino.
Unity and Variety: What elements bring
together, or unify many parts of the design.
Why? What elements add variety? Why?
All of the rhino gives a unifying, making all parts
equal with the power of patterns.
Is there symbolism in the artwork? What do you
think it means?
I feel it symbolized to how animals are gods
What feeling do you think the artist wanted to
give the viewer when looking at the work?
The artist wanted us to feel how this rhino has a
little of everything and is unique.
Does the work remind you of other things you
have experienced?
The rhino reminds me of a time I went to the
Atlanta Zoo and I saw a rhino emerge from a
How does the work relate to other ideas or
events in the world and/or in your other
The rhino symbolizes other endangered animals
around the world.
What parts of the work make you feel it is a
success or failure?
The artwork seems to be a success because of
all the thought and detail.
What criteria can you list to help others judge
this work?
The artist waned you to believe its a sketch, a
pattern like a piece of art.
How unique is the work? Why do you feel this
work is or is not unique?
This artwork is very unique with the patterns
and the rhino with its magnificent stance.
What are some improvements you feel the artist
could have made to the work?
A wonderful improvement would have been
color, that would help understand what's going

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