Polymers and Their Properties: Basic Topics

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Basic Topics:
Types of Polymers
Classification of Polymers
Characteristics of Polymers
Properties of Polymers
Strength of Polymers
Applications of Polymers

The term polymer (poly many, mer parts) is commonly used

today in the plastics and composites industry, and it is often used to
imply the meaning of "plastic" or "resin". In actuality, the term
polymer means much more.
What is a Polymer?
Polymerare long chain organic molecules
made by repeating monomer units.
Types of Polymers
Polyethene (Polyethelene)

The first commercially produced polymer is also the simplest and most
common: polythene. Its systematic name is poly(ethene) meaning it is a
polymer made from the monomer, ethene.


Is a small molecule containing two carbon atoms linked by a double bond and
four hydrogen atoms, two bonded to each carbon.
Polyethene (C2H4)n
Classification of
High Density Polyethene(HDPE)
Low Density Polyethene(LDPE)
High Density Polyethene(HDPE) - is a polyethene
thermoplastic made from petroleum. It is sometimes
called alkathene or polyethene when used for pipes.
It has a density range of ( 930 kg/m^3 970 kg/m^3)
which is less than the density of water.
Low Density Polyethene(LDPE)- is
a thermoplastic made from the monomer ethene.
It was the first grade of polyethene. is defined by
a density range of 910940 kg/m3.
is a thermoplastic addition polymer made from the
combination of propylene monomers.

Varied Uses
The properties of this type of polymer depend on the regularity of
the arrangement of the chains. If they are lined up in a regular
way, they are strong, hard materials. If they are more irregular, or
there are more side-chains on the molecules, they are more
Nylon is made of repeating units linked by peptide bonds
and is a type of polyamide and is frequently referred to as
such. Nylon was the first commercially successful
synthetic thermoplastic polymer.
A further important group of polymers are polyurethanes. These
are very similar to nylons, but are formed by reacting alcohols
with isocyanates and have an amide linkage with an additional
oxygen atom in the chain. These polymers are softer and more
elastic than nylons and are used as a substitute for rubber and in
elastic and Lycra.

The final types of polymer we will deal with in this article are the
polyesters. The ester linkage is a carboxylic acid group where the
hydrogen has been replaced by the carbon of another organic
group. Polyesters are widely used as fibres for clothes and also
for many drinks bottles. They are also used to make thin films for
applications such as video tape.
Polymer based on origin of source

Natural Polymer - These are polymers which occur naturally

and are found in plants and animals. For example: proteins,
starch, cellulose and rubber.

Semi-Synthetic Polymer- They are derived from naturally

occurring polymers and undergo further chemical modification.

Synthetic Polymer- These are man-made polymers. Plastic is the

most common and widely used synthetic polymer. It is used in
industries and various daily products.
Polymer based on structure

Linear polymers - The structure of polymers containing long

and straight chains fall in this category. PVC, i.e. poly-vinyl
chloride is largely used for making pipes and electric cables, is an
example of a linear polymer.
Branched chain polymers - When linear chains of a polymer
form branches ,then such polymers are categorized as branched
chain polymers. Low-density polythene is an example of
branched chain polymers.
Cross-linked or network polymers - These polymers are
composed of bi-functional and tri-functional monomers. They
have a stronger covalent bond as compared to various linear
polymers. Bakelite and melamine are examples in this category.
Polymer based on molecular forces

Elastomers Polymers that can be easily stretched by applying

small stresses.
Fibers Polymers which have strong intermolecular force like
hydrogen bonds or dipole-dipole interaction between the
Thermoplastics - plastics that soften when heated and become
firm again when cooled. This is the more popular type of plastic
because the heating and cooling may be repeated.
Thermosets - plastics that soften when heated and can be
molded, but harden permanently. They will decompose when
reheated. An example is Bakelite, which is used in toasters,
handles for pots and pans, dishes, electrical outlets and billiard
Polymer based on mode of polymerisation

Addition Polymers - the monomer molecules bond to

each other without the loss of any other atoms. Alkene
monomers are the biggest groups of polymers in this

Condensation Polymers - usually two different

monomer combine with the loss of a small molecule,
usually water. Polyesters and polyamides (nylon) are in
this class of polymers. Polyurethane Foam in graphic.
Characteristics of Polymers
Low Density.
Low coefficient of friction.
Good corrosion resistance.
Good mould ability.
Excellent surface finish can be obtained.
Can be produced with close dimensional tolerances.
Poor tensile strength.
Low mechanical properties.
Poor temperature resistance.
Can be produced transparent or in different colours.
Properties of Polymers
The physical properties of a polymer, such as its strength
and flexibility depend on:

Chain length - in general, the longer the chains the

stronger the polymer;
Side groups - polar side groups give stronger attraction
between polymer chains, making the polymer stronger;
Branching - straight, un branched chains can pack
together more closely than highly branched chains,
giving polymers that are more crystalline and therefore
Cross-linking - if polymer chains are linked together
extensively by covalent bonds, the polymer is harder
and more difficult to melt.
Strength of Polymers
In general, the longer the polymer chain, the stronger the
polymer. There are two reasons for this:

longer chains are more tangled

there are more intermolecular forces between the chains
because there are more points of contact. These forces,
however, are quite weak for polyethene.
Areas in a polymer where the chains are closely packed in
a regular way are said to be crystalline. The percentage
of crystallinity in a polymer is very important in
determining its properties. The more crystalline the
polymer, the stronger and less flexible it becomes.
When a polymer is stretched (cold-drawn), a neck forms. In
the neck the polymer chains line up producing a more
crystalline region. Cold-drawing leads to an increase in
The first polyethene which was made contained many
chains which were branched. This resulted in a relatively
disorganised structure of low strength and density. This was
called low density polyethene (ldpe).
In the crystalline form, the methyl groups all have the same
orientation along the chain. This is called the isotactic
form. In the amorphous form, the methyl groups are
randomly orientated. This is called the atactic form.
Polymers with a regular structure are said to be
Applications of Polymers:
Polymeric materials are used in and on soil to improve
aeration, provide mulch, and promote plant growth and
Many biomaterials, especially heart valve replacements
and blood vessels, are made of polymers like Dacron,
Teflon and polyurethane.
Consumer Science
Plastic containers of all shapes and sizes are light weight
and economically less expensive than the more traditional
containers. Clothing, floor coverings, garbage disposal
bags, and packaging are other polymer applications.
Automobile parts, windshields for fighter planes,
pipes, tanks, packing materials, insulation, wood
substitutes, adhesives, matrix for composites, and
elastomers are all polymer applications used in the
industrial market.
Playground equipment, various balls, golf clubs,
swimming pools, and protective helmets are often
produced from polymers.

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