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The ADTRTM Power Station

Presentation to UNTF2011

12 April 2011

Victoria Ashley, Project Manager

Roger Ashworth, Technical Manager

Copyright 2011, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Jacobs
The ADTRTM Technology
The ADTRTM Business Case

30/08/2017 Slide 2 Copyright 2011, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. All rights reserved.
An introduction to Jacobs
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. is one of the worlds largest and most diverse
providers of professional technical services
2010 revenues of nearly $10 billion
Support to industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple
We provide a range of engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance
services for advanced research facilities, including fusion and fission energy,
nanoscale materials, high-powered lasers and x-rays in the US, Europe, UK

SNS is an accelerator-based neutron

source in Oak Ridge National Lab. This
one-of-a-kind facility provides the most
intense pulsed neutron beams in the
world for scientific research and
industrial development.

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Introduction to Jacobs
The ADTRTM Technology
The ADTRTM Business Case

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Why nuclear?
World population is growing by approx 1.6% annually
Energy usage is increasing by approx 2% annually
Decreasing supply of fossil fuels
Issues of climate change
Alternative energy sources needed
Nuclear safety and waste issues need to be addressed

Based on WNA Nuclear Century Outlook Data June 2010

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Why thorium?
To continuously generate annual power output of 1GW requires:

3,500,000 tonnes of coal 200 tonnes of Uranium 1 tonne of Thorium

Significant impact upon the Low CO2 impact Low CO2 impact
but challenges with Can consume Plutonium
especially CO2 emissions reprocessing and radioactive waste
and very long-term Reduced quantity and much
storage of hazardous shorter duration for storage
wastes of hazardous wastes

In principle, total annual global energy needs could be

provided by 5000 tonnes of thorium (Ref. ThorEA report)
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Estimated World Thorium Resources
Country Tonnes % of world
1. Australia 452 000 18
2. USA 400 000 15
3. Turkey 344 000 13
4. India 319 000 12
5. Brazil 302 000 12
6. Venezuela 300 000 12
7. Norway 132 000 5
8. Egypt 100 000 4
9. Russia 75 000 3
Source: OECD/NEA Uranium 2007:
10. Greenland 54 000 2 Resources, Production and Demand
(Red Book) 2008
11. Canada 44 000 2
12. South Africa 18 000 1
Other countries 33 000 1
World total 2 573 000 100
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Project Background
Norway No. 7 in estimated world thorium reserves, Aker Solutions
investigated potential for utilising thorium
Collaboration with Professor Carlo Rubbia to commercially develop his
original Energy Amplifier concept, EA patent ownership
Feasibility Study from Jan 2008, ms internal investment
Project Objectives
1. Establish technical feasibility of the
2. Apply established technology
3. Develop and protect IP rights
4. Align with Gen IV strategy
5. Develop the business case for
thorium power
6. Establish a consortium with suitable
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Development from Energy Amplifier to ADTR
Energy K-effective 0.98
12-48MW accelerator power output
Reactivity uncontrolled (No control
rods) - larger sub-critical margin
Coolant circulation by natural

K-effective 0.995
3MW accelerator power output
Reactivity controlled by enriched
boron10 control rods
Coolant circulated by axial flow
Source CERN 95/44 pumps
Heat exchangers separate from
main vessel
Slide 9
ADTRTM COMPLEX Passive Air Cooling
System Stack

Accelerator Beam

Refuelling machine
Steam collection tank

1500MW(Th)/600MW(e) Heat Exchangers

& Coolant Pumps
59te MOX fuel, 10 year refuelling
Vessel dimensions 9.5m diameter, 20m high
Molten lead coolant and spallation target Nuclear Core
Decay heat removed by natural convection on shutdown
System operates at atmospheric pressure
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Lead Sodium
Negative temp & void coefficient of reactivity Positive void coefficient of reactivity
MP 327C BP 1748C MP 98C BP 883C
Intermediate cooling loop not required Intermediate cooling loop required
Chemically un-reactive no fire risk Chemically reactive
Operate at atmospheric pressure Pressure vessel
High pumping power as high specific gravity Low pumping power as low specific
High thermal heat sink gravity
Also acts as spallation target Not suitable for spallation target
Corrosive with steel Less corrosive with steel
No hydrogen generation No hydrogen generation

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Conversion of Fertile Thorium to Fissile Uranium
Thorium fuel requires fissionable
starter material +
Plutonium Th232 n1 Th233
Minor Actinides
(22.3 min)
Plutonium selected for ADTRTM
mixed oxide fuel
15.5%Pu (27 d)

Fertile Th232 breeds fissile U233 Fission

Fragment n1

Could burn waste actinides from

conventional reactors
+ n1

U233 n1 n1

No need for fuel enrichment Fission


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Fuel Cycle Tendency to Equilibrium (11 cycles)

Self-sustained fuel
cycle possible
Over a 10 year fuel
Plutonium is burnt
U233 is produced
Delivers balanced
as much fissile
material produced
as is destroyed

All Pu All U

U233 Pa233

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Reactor Control First fuel cycle (10 year operation)
Reactivity vs Fuel Burn Up

Raw Reactivity


0.01 Rods Control
Fuel Burn Up GW day/ton
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Accelerator
Controlled Reactivity keff = 0.995

Raw reactivity swing compensated by control rods

Power output adjusted by accelerator
Load following possible useful for small grid systems
Developed method of measuring Keffective - filed as patent

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Benchmarking against Generation IV Goals
Thorium is 3-5 times more abundant than Uranium
Thorium is by-product from rare earth mining
Minor actinides from a thorium reactor less than from a PWR
Can be configured as a minor actinide burner reducing long term waste
Sustainability burden
ADTRTM consumes ~50% of its Plutonium starter over 10 year cycle
One ADTRTM can consume Pu from approx 1.5 PWRs
Gaseous emissions equivalent to conventional advanced systems
Low carbon emissions

Thorium fuel is cheaper than Uranium fuel

Lead shielding reduces neutron embrittlement & extends reactor
vessel lifespan
10 year refuelling time increases system availability to >95%
Operation at atmospheric pressure means cost savings on
containment vessel
Reduced fuel handling requirement leading to reduced operational
Replaceable reactor components reduces the risk to capital
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Benchmarking against Generation IV Goals

10 year sealed core reduces opportunities for fuel interception

Proliferation The ADTRTM is a net consumer of Plutonium
Resistance Hard gamma U232 daughter products prevent manual handling
No requirement for enrichment technology

Design is for inherent safety, i.e.

Sub-critical operation increases margins to prompt criticality
Virtually instantaneous reduction in power achieved by
accelerator shut-off
Safety & Primary system operates at atmospheric pressure
Reliability Maximum credible accident results in self-limitation of reaction
Reactor below ground enhancing physical protection
Coolant chemically unreactive and provides large heat sink

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Introduction to Jacobs
The ADTRTM Technology
The ADTRTM Business Case

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Programme aligns with GenIV timescales
Aim to build first commercial 600MW(e) reactor by 2030
Capital cost per KW equivalent to current reactors
Further reduced costs due to:
Long refuelling time therefore lower operational costs
Use of thorium fuel requires no enrichment
Technical &
No significant
commercially viable
Concept &
Development Issues
of Site and Design
2 years
Feasibility Licenses issued
5 years
Study Completion Date
Concept 5 years
design &
development System
definition, Plant
3 years
design & Safety
Case Pre-licensing & 7 years
site selection
Detailed design Construction &
& fabrication Completion

2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

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Market Analysis - Types of countries
1. Large countries with nuclear Ideally the first ADTRTM
demonstration plant should be in a
power, but with significant country with established nuclear
energy demand growth infrastructure

2. Countries with no existing Its inherent safety and non-

nuclear infrastructure and proliferation strengths could make
the ADTRTM attractive to countries
recent aspirations to gain requiring energy with minimum
benefits of nuclear power infrastructure and maximum safety

3. Smaller countries less Benefits of load following and

600MW size, the ADTRTM fits market
demand on grid system
gap between small modular systems
<300MWe and conventional reactors

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Introduction to Aker Solutions
The ADTRTM Project and Business Case
The ADTRTM Technology

ADTR Concept Study Slide 20

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Aker Solutions truly believes in the potential of the ADTRTM technology
1. Technically feasible
Challenged assumptions for confidence in design
Transmutation with load following power generation
2. Applying established technology
Reduced commercial risk
3. Developing IP
EA patent
Keffective patent
Other unique design aspects identified
4. Align with GenIV strategy
Meets GenIV goals and timescales
5. Develop the business case for thorium power
Financial potential - Capital cost per KW equivalent to current reactors
Market potential - Niche for size and power producing waste burner
6. Establish consortium with suitable partners
Now engaging with potential partners to further develop this exciting technology

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Victoria Ashley Roger Ashworth

Project Manager Technical Manager

E-mail: E-mail:

Tel: 01642 334072 Tel: 01642 334061
Mobile: 07925 113388 Mobile: 07833 295500
30/08/2017 Slide 22 Copyright 2011, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. All rights reserved.

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