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VA Comp Assessment 2

Art Criticism
Sir Peter Paul Rubens
What can you learn from the title of the
Drawing of a lion
Colors of a lions key characteristics
What subjects in the artwork can you recognize?
Science/biology because the lion is a living
Math, because in the lion there are lines and
symmetry in the chalk strokes of the lions legs
and fur.
Looking at the elements of design, describe what qualities
you see.
I see line in the chalk strokes of the lions mane and
detailed body.
I see color in the contrast of gray chalk and tan chalk.
I see texture in the lions mane, the strokes of chalk create
the appearance of rough, tangled fur.
I see space in the area around the lion, and inside the
I see value in the contrast of the lion and the background.
What media and techniques did the artist use?
Chalk: in the whole piece
Shading: in the shadows to create dimension
of the lions body and facial features
Blending: in the background to add texture to
the otherwise blank and empty surroundings
Emphasis: Is there a dominant element or focal
point that you see first?
The lions head, face, and mane are
emphasized because of the lions piercing gaze
along with its tangled, textured head of hair- it
has the most detail.
Balance: Is there a special balance, or weight,
among the elements? What mood does it
The large head on the left side are balanced
out with the larger hind legs and tail
It conveys the mood that the lion is a
dangerous, brooding creature that is also at
the same time submissive.
Proportion: Do the proportions look normal,
ideal, or unusual? Why?
The proportions look normal- though there is
nothing in the background to compare it to.
Pattern: Are elements repeated to create a
pattern? Where? Why?
Yes, the way the artist repeats the fur strokes
to create the illusion of fur on the lions head
and body.
Rhythm or Movement: What visual rhythms or
paths of movement do your eyes follow?
Where? Why?
My eyes follow the path from the lions face,
to its mane, to the rest of its body because the
lions face is the most detailed
Unity and Variety: What elements bring
together, or unify many parts of the design.
Why? What elements add variety? Why?
The different colors
Is there symbolism in the artwork? What do you
think it means?
I think the lion symbolizes the untouched
courage in the human soul, but also fierceness
that only reveals itself when necessary.
What feeling do you think the artist wanted to
give the viewer when looking at the work?
Boldness, because the lion is bold
Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced?
I was 4 years old, nave and foolish, and on top of that, I didnt know when to be scared,
and when not to be. I was at school, and my classmates were gossiping about this bully
we had. She was 11 at the time, older than any of us, and she took that to her
advantage. Everyday, she would pick on the little ones, and do things like take their
stickers and push them onto the floor. I was terrified of her, and my friends and I would
hide behind the toy blocks so she wouldnt see us. But one day, she spotted us in our
hideout and demanded that we come out. We shakily stepped out from behind the
blocks to face her. My friends were scared out of their minds, and so was I, but I found
myself growing angry. I thought, Why be scared of this girl? Why do we have to cower
in fear at the mention of her name? Why? Suddenly, before I could even think about it,
I picked up a block, threw it as hard as I could at her face, and kicked her in the shin. She
was rendered speechless with shock, and I took that opportunity to run away as fast as I
could. I found a teacher that I could hide behind, and stood there trembling. I was
frozen with fear and elation. This was the most terrifying moment of my life, but also
the moment when I realized that I, at 4 years old, could conquer the world.
How does the work relate to other ideas or events in
the world and/or in your other classes?
In my 1st period Social Studies class, my classmates
have historical debates over the topic of that day
almost everyday. Everyone has a different point of
view and it often ends up very entertaining. There
are a few main people who share their ideas
everyday, and who end up arguing with each other.
These people are like the lion because they are
fierce, yet submissive, and courageous, yet shy.
What parts of the work make you feel it is a
success or failure?
Successes: shading, texture, detail, balance,
and life-like
Failures: none
What criteria can you list to help others judge
this work?
Color contrast
How life-like it is
How unique is the work? Why do you feel this
work is or is not unique?
Very unique
The artist uses chalk, and only chalk, which is
pretty cool.
The drawing is vey detailed and is extremely
life-like, with only a few choice colors.
What are some improvements you feel the artist
could have made to the work?
The mane could have been a little more
detailed and life-like, because it just looks like
one big mass of hair, instead of a real lions
tangled, textured fur/hair.

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