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Proses dan Perubahan Biologis

fisiologi yang terjadi oleh karena

tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan
dengan dasar komplementer
Herbs are used to
stimulate the bodys
healing capacity, to
strengthen bodily
systems and to correct
disturbed body
functions rather than to
treat presenting
symptoms directly.
Tonics help cells, tissues, and organs to maintain tone, or balance,
throughout the body. Some tonics activate and invigorate bodily
processes or parts. Other tonics supply important nutrients that
cells, tissues, and organs need to function properly.
Stimulating herbs have much stronger actions and are used to
treat particular ailments. They should be taken in smaller doses
than tonic herbs, and for shorter periods of time.
Medical herbalism is the use of plant remedies in
the prevention and treatment of illness.

Today, medical herbalism, practiced by medical

herbalists, draws on traditional knowledge, but
increasingly this is interpreted and applied in a
modern context.
1. Herbalism takes an holistic approach.
2. Herbalists select herbs on an individual basis for each patient.
3. Herbalists aim to identify the underlying cause (e.g. stress) of
a patients illness and to consider this in the treatment plan.
4. Herbs are used to stimulate the bodys healing capacity, to
strengthen bodily systems and to correct disturbed body
functions rather than to treat presenting symptoms directly.
5. Herbs may be used to provide long-term relief from the
particular condition.
One of the tenets of herbalism is that the different
constituents of a herb act together in some way
that has beneficial effects. These could be:
1. Additive effect: The combined
effect of two drugs is equal to the sum of their
individual actions.
2. Synergistic effect:
The combined effect of two drugs is greater than
the sum of the individual effects.
1. Jamu ( empirical base)
2. Fitofarmaka ( clinical base
3. Obat ekstrak ( scientific base
1. Kebenaran bahan
2. Ketepatan dosis
3. Ketepatan waktu
4.Ketepatan cara
5. Ketepatan informasi
6 Tidak menyalahgunakan
7. Ketepatan indikasi
Keterserapan lebih baik
Meningkatkan sistem imun
Holistik (relief sumbera)
Lambat tetapi konstruktif
Mudah dicari
Efek farmakologis lemah
Bahan baku belum terstandar
Higroskopis ( mudah rusak karena menyerap
air )
Belum uji klinis
Mudah tercemar mikroorganisme
Cortex Serebri

HPA Axis

Hipotalamus Pituitary

GH Growth
PRL Lactation
TSH Thyroid
LH Gonad
Adeno Hipofisis ADRENAL Anterior
ANTERIOR Pigmentation Pituitary



hsueh atau noktah/ cekuk dimana Qi (energi)
dipercaya muncul ke permukaan.
Bersifat low resistancs high electrical voltage.
1. Chi
2. Meridian
3. Jika chi di meridian tersumbat bisa menimbulkan
4. Body manipulasi dapat merangsang untuk
melancarkan aliran chi
5. Body manipulasi mengaktifkan sistem kelenjar
getah bening
6. Body manipulasi bisa merangsang aktivitas
hormon yang merangsang relaksasi
7. Body manipulasi dapat mempertahankan kadar
cortisol dalam darah yang bermanfaat untuk
meningkatkan sistem imun.
8. Merilekskan otot
9. Memperluas gerakan sendi
1. Ahshi point : tidak ada hubungan dengan meridian
2. Lokal point : berhubungan dengan meridian tetapi
lokasi pada penyakit
3. Distal point : terletak pada awal atau akhir meridian di
ujung ekstremitas
4. Lokal Distal point : pada meridian yang sama tetapi
terletak jauh
5. Titik pada garis meridian untuk nyeri
1. Mengukur
2. Melihat atlas akupuntur
3. Meraba ( nyeri, ada tonjolan, sensitif )
4. Yes poin dengan meraba dan melihat jalur
saraf, otot dan jaringan ikat.
hsueh atau noktah/ cekuk dimana Qi (energi)
dipercaya muncul ke permukaan.
Bersifat low resistancs high electrical voltage.
Flat palpation Pincer Snapping
palpation Palpation

Palpasi tekan
massage TENS Heat therapy

Acupuncture Acupressure Combination

1. Mengukur
2. Melihat atlas akupuntur
3. Meraba ( nyeri, ada tonjolan, sensitif )
4. Yes poin dengan meraba dan melihat jalur
saraf, otot dan jaringan ikat.

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