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Prepared by: Cherry Mae V. Obias

The process whereby the individual is converted

into the person.
Is an educative process wherein the shaping of an
individuals personality is in accordance with the
standard values and norms of society

The term personality was derived from the Latin

word per and sonare meaning to speak
It is the dynamic organization within the individual
of the psychological system that determines his
unique adjustment
Factors that shapes the development of
an individuals personality

1. Heredity
2. Environment (geographical, social ,economic
and cultural)
Freuds theory of Personality

Sigmund Freud formulated a comprehensive

theory of personality and explained its
In his theory, socialization as a process, is
characterized by the internal struggle between the
biological components and the social-cultural
environment of the individual.
Carl Rogers Theory of Personality

Rogers viewed man as being innately good. This

view was also held by Rousseau who believed
that man is born with an innate standard of
Mans behavior is accordingly directed basically
towards socialization and self- fulfillment.
Jungs Theory of Personality

According to Jung, there are two major

dispositions of personality- extroversion and
The extrovert disposition orients the individual
toward the inner world. These two opposing
feelings are both present in the personality; but
one is dominant while the other is subordinate.
Social Institutions and Progress

Social institutions are the pillars of society. Being

very stable, uniform, formal and highly structured,
they have well-established social patterns, roles
and relations that people expected to carry out.
Social Institutions
Social Institutions
The Family
the family as the basic and oldest social institution, is
considered the primary agency of socialization.
It is the first means where socializing influence is
encountered by most children and this effect, influences
them for the rest of their lives.
Also determines the childs social class, religious
orientation and the language used and each of these
factors can have a profound influence on the upbringing
of children.
Traditional Functions of the Family

1. The sexual regulation function

2. The reproductive function
3. The socialization function
4. The affectional function
5. The status function
6. The protective function
7. The economic function
The Role of Family in National Development

the family has a big share to contribute to the

nations development program in general, and to the
government and its economic system in particular.
Firstly, it is considered the cradle of individuals, the
very place where all members of society get their
initial training and preparation for life.
The Role of Family in National Development

Hagen (1962) considered the family among the social

institutions to have the most far- reaching effect on human
the effect on adult behavior of patterns learned in
childhood is always great. In some societies children may
settle their differences by rather aggressive conflict; others
by more peaceful means of settling their differences.
Whatever ways the children have been exposed to and
get used to in the family is most likely the same ways they
will adopt when they become grownups.
Social Institutions

The School-
Is a formal agency where children are socialized by
the educational system and where children are
socialized by the educational system and where
children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic,
rational thinking, good manners and right conduct,
citizenship and other basic skills.
Social Institutions

Peer Groups
Since children spend considerable time in school,
socialization continues in the peer group. This
informal grouping of two or more members, more or
less of the same age, greatly influences their
socialization and, to certain extent, continues even
up to adulthood.
Social Institutions

The Church
The church is an organized congregation forming
Christian denomination which is intended to develop
opportunities for spiritual nourishment and apostolate
Involvement in such organization usually affects the
outlook and attitudes of the individual.
Social Institutions

Work Place
Occupational socialization is a part of the socialization
experiences of the individual because of the exposure
and role expectations related to his job. As people
interact with one another, they get socialized to the
companys norms and values.
Social Institutions

Mass Media
Mass media comprise a new social institution
concerned with the production and distribution of
knowledge in the widest sense of the world with the
use of advanced technology.
It is a socializing agency whose primary functions
are to inform, to entertain and to educate the people.
Types of Social Groups

1. Categorical Group-
Members of this group share particular
characteristics and common identity.
The students, drivers, senior citizens, the senator
and the wealthy(etc.)are all be aware of their

2. Aggregate Group-
An aggregate is any collection of people who are
together in one place without interacting with one
Examples of aggregate are people standing along
the street waiting for a jeepney or bus and people
lining up to pay a ticket for a roadshow presentation.

3. Collective Groups-
A temporary groups which are not generally
governed by established norms of the culture.
Generally, this group has a formal structure.
Examples of collective groups are crowds, public and
social movements which are formed spontaneously
and in most cases are transitory.
4. Association Group-
This group is composed of people who join together
in an organized manner to pursue a common
Examples are the Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities,
Philippine Basketball Association and the Philippine
Public School Teachers Association.
Some kind of agreement that membership that
membership in a social Group-
Some type of interaction
A sense of belonging or membership
Shared interest or agreement on values,norms,and a
The Primary and the Secondary Groups

The term primary group was coined by Charles

W.Cooley and is used to refer to small, informal
groups of people who interact in a personal, direct
and intimate manner. Primary groups includes the
family and play groups which Cooley believed were
the most important in shaping the human personality.
The Secondary Group is a group whose members
interact in a business like manner; relationship is
impersonal; and emotionaties are
loose;Generaly,members come together for a
specific objectives.
Gemeinschaft and Gesselschaft

Developed by Ferdinand Tonnie, a german

This is somewhat similar to the concept of primary
and second groups.
Is a social community in which relationships are
suggestive of mutual cooperation and helpfulness,
and are either personal or traditional, or both.
The activities and interests center around the
families and immediate neighbors.
The high degree of conformity with the norms,
values, customs, traditions, language, and moral
ideas becomes unifying thread of group.
A gesselschaft society differs from a gemeinschaft
social group in that the former is characterized by
impersonal and rationalized relationships.
The gesselschaft social system veers away from
personal to impersonal, from informal to formal and
from dependence to independence,
It is based on realism rather than on
sentimentalism and gives impetus to specialization
is a social community in which most relationships
are suggestive of mutual cooperation and
helpfulness, and are either personal or traditional, or
The Gesselschaft social system veers away from
personal to impersonal,from informal to formal and
from dependence to independence.
Filipinos are sentimental and sympathetic.
To remain an accepted member of the group, one
may have to compromise his principle, even if the
group hampers creativity, resourcefulness,
independence, and ingenuity necessary for
In-group and Out-group

An in-group is a social category of people who feel
they belong to the group and who share a common
orientation, come from common roots and background
and adhere to a common ideology.
This social units has boundaries which separate the
us from the them.

It is also differentiates those who are in from those

who are out.
This differentiation lends meaning in understanding
collective phenomena in the analysis of union and
fellowship arising from common responsibility and
interests of the members of the group.
The in- group is characterized by individuals
whose loyalty to each other brings out the
feeling of togetherness.
The alumni group, the Iglesia ni Cristo group
and the University of the Philippines graduates
are examples of the in- group.
The members experience feelings of
Out- group

People feel they are strangers.

It is a group made up of individuals who do not share
an awareness of kind or of the same class.
The out- group attitude leads to dislike for, avoidance
of, antagonism or even hatred toward people
because of ones predisposition to perceive his own
in- group as superior to others.
Reference Groups

Reference group is a group with which people

identify psychologically and to which they refer
in evaluating themselves and their behavior.
Informal Organizations
Informal groups comes into being out of the
interactions of two or more persons on an
issue affecting their welfare.
The members share a feeling of confidence
and a sense of belongingness.
Basically, the members voluntarily join
themselves together to insure cooperation of a
common action and to promote and safeguard
their interests and welfare.
Formal Organizations

A formal organization is a form of social

organization and is deliberately planned,
constructed and organized to achieve certain
specific goal and objectives.
It is a special purpose group designed and
structured in the interests of maximum
Formal Organizations

In any society, formal organizations fulfill an

enormous variety of personal and societal
needs that shape the lives of every individual.
Every formal organization whether civil,
military, political, economic or ecclesiastical,
has a philosophy defining its vision and
Prepared by: Cherry Mae V. Obias

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