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Lighting Calculations

Lumen Method determines average

light levels in large open areas

Point Calculations determines light

levels at a specific point on an object or
Lumen Method Calculations
1 foot candle (FC) = 1 Lumen (Lms)
divided by 1 square foot (area / A)
1 FC = 1 LM A
Illuminance (E) (amount of light falling
onto an object measured in foot
candles) = Lumens divided by Area (in
sq. ft.)
E = Lms A (sq. ft.)
Lumen Method Example 1
Solving for Illuminance(E) Level
Room 10 x 15
5 down lights
1000 Lumens each down light

E = Lms A
Illuminance = Lumens divided by Area
A = 10 x 15 = 150 sq. ft.
1000 Lumens x 5 down lights = 5000 lumens
E = 5000 Lms 150 sq. ft.
E = 37.5 Lms per sq. ft.
E = 37.% foot candles (FC)
Lumen Method Example 2
Solving for Lumens or Luminaires needed
Room 10 x 15 (A = 150 sq. ft.)
Illuminance level (E) = 60 foot-candles
Need Lumens / Luminaires
E = Lms A - original equation
Lumens needed = Illuminance x Area
Lms = E x A
Lms = 60 E x 150 sq. ft.
Lms = 9000 Lumens
Lumen Method Example 2
Solving for Lumens or Luminaires needed
Lumens needed = Illuminance x Area
Lms = E x A
Lms = 60 E x 150 sq. ft.
Lms = 9000 Lumens
550 lumens = per luminaire
Luminaires needed = Lumens needed
divided by Lumens per luminaire
Luminaires (X) = 9000 (lumens) 550 Lumens
per Luminaire
9000 550 = 16.36
Always round up with any point.
Luminaires needed = 17
Lumen Method Safety Factors
Light loss factor (LLF) light loss due to
deteriorating lamps
Industry standard of .85 for a light loss factor

Coefficient of Utilization (CU) effectiveness of

luminaires working on surfaces of the space to
deliver light to the target surface.
Direct fixture or downlight CU = 85% (0.85)
Indirect fixture CU = 50% (0.50)
Spot or Accent CU = 95 (0.95)
Wash or ambient CU = 75% (0.75)
Lumen Method Calculations with
Safety Factors
Illuminance = Lumens Area
Illuminance = (Lumens x LLF x CU) Area
Lumens needed = Illuminance target x Area
Lumens needed = (Illuminance target x
Area) (LLF x CU)
The Point Calculation Method
Estimate location of lighting equipment
Light density = Candle power = Candela
Candela information given by Manufacturer
Center Bean Candle Power CBCP
center of a directional light
Illuminance = Candela value Distance
(squared)(in feet)
E = CD D2
Point Calculation Example 1
10-0 ceiling
Accent Fixture
Above a plate on a table 3; above the finished
floor (A.F.F.)
Illuminance = Candela value Distance2
E = CD D2
CD = 10,000 Candelas
D2 = 7 ft 2 = 49 square feet (units get squared too)
E = 10,000 CD 49 sq.ft.
E = 204 Foot-candles
Point Calculation Example 2
10-0 ceiling
Accent Fixture
Above a plate on a table 3; above the
finished floor (A.F.F.)
Candela value needed = Illuminance level
desired x distance squared
CD = E x D2
E = 150 Foot-candles
D2 = 7 ft2 = 49 sq. ft.
CD = 150FC x 49 sq. ft.
Candela value needed = 7350 Candelas
Luminaire and Lamp Type
Candela represented in form of a
distribution diagram
Provided by manufacturers
When sources is not perpendicular (90
degree angle to surface)
Candela value needed = (Illuminance level
desired x distance squared) cosine of the
CD = (E x D2) cosine of angle
E = (CD x cosine of angle) x D2
Point Calculation Example 3
10-0 ceiling
Accent Fixture
Above a plate on a table 3; above the finished floor
30 degree angle for fixture
100 foot-candles
Candela value needed = (Illuminance level desired x distance
squared) cosine of angle
CD = (E x D2) cosine of angle
E = 100 FC (foot-candles)
D2 = 8.1 feet = 65 sq. ft.
Cosine of angle = cosine of 30 degrees = 0.87
CD = (100 FC x 65 sq. ft.) 0.87
Candela value needed = 7471 Candelas.

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