Chemical Bonding: Asst. Prof. Jean Theresa O. Go

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Asst. Prof. Jean Theresa O. Go

Chemical Bond Concept

Recall that an atom has core and

valence electrons.
Core electrons are found close to the
Valence electrons are found in the
most distant (outermost) s and p
energy subshells.
Valence electrons

are the electrons that

participate in chemical bonding.

Lewis Dot Symbols for the Representative Elements &
Noble Gases

What is chemical bonding?
It is the term for the attraction
a)metallic positive and nonmetallic
negative ions (Ionic bond)
b) 2 nonmetal atoms (Covalent bond)

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Why do atoms form

Atoms tend to lose, gain or share electrons

until they are surrounded by eight (8) valence
electrons; this is known as the octet rule.

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Three Basic Types of Bonds


a. Nonpolar
b. Polar

3. Metallic

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Ionic Bonding

is formed through the transfer

of electron.
Bonding between METAL and NONMETAL

Electrostatic attraction between metallic

cations and nonmetallic anions

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Ionic radius decrease

Ionic radius increase

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Ionic Radii
The radius of a metallic cation is smaller
than the radius of its starting atom.
The radius of an nonmetallic anion is
larger than the radius of its starting

1.Fe atoms lose electrons and sulfur atoms gain electron

2.Fe and S bond by electrostatic attraction

3.The ionic radius of Fe is smaller than the ionic radius of S

4.The formation of bonds between Fe 2+ and S 2-

releases energy

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is a chemical bond in which two or more
electrons are shared by two atoms to form an
when a paired is shared, it forms a single
when 2 pairs are shared, it forms a double
when 3 pairs are shared, it forms a triple bond

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Covalent Bonds

Formed between
atoms from
Groups 4A(14),
5A(15), 6A(16),
and 7A(17)

Bond Length
When a covalent bond is formed, the valence
shells of the two atoms overlap with each other.
In HCl, the 1s energy sublevel of the hydrogen
atom overlaps with the 3p energy sublevel of the
chlorine atom. The mixing of sublevels draws the
atoms closer together.
The distance between the two atoms is smaller
than the sum of their atomic radii and is the bond
The energy required to break or form a
covalent bond is referred to as the bond
The amount of energy required to break a
covalent bond is the same as the amount of
energy released when the bond is formed.
Bond Energy
Energy is released when two atoms form
a covalent bond.
H(g) + Cl(g) HCl(g) + heat

Conversely, energy is needed to break a

covalent bond.
HCl(g) + heat H(g) + Cl(g)
Nonpolar Covalent Bonds

A type of covalent bond that occurs between nonmetals

that have equal sharing of electrons

between 2 nonmetals having the same electronegativity

Electronegativity is the
ability of atoms in a
molecule to attract
electrons to themselves.
On the periodic chart,
increases as you go
from left to right across
a row.
from the bottom to the
top of a column. Chemical

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What type of covalent bond is illustrated?

F + F F F
7e- 7e- 8e- 8e-

Lewis structure of F2

single covalent bond lone pairs F F lone pairs

single covalent bond

lone pairs F F lone pairs

NOTE: Lone pair or nonbonding pair

Polar Covalent Bonds
occurs between nonmetals that has unequal
sharing of electrons
Between 2 nonmetals with big differences in

Chlorine pulls harder on the electrons it

shares with hydrogen than hydrogen does
since it is more electronegative.
Polar Covalent Bonds

When two atoms share electrons

unequally, a bond dipole results.

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Polar Covalent Bonds
The greater the difference in
electronegativity, the more polar is the bond.

Given the values for H (2.1) and F

(4.0),calculate the electronegativity
difference in a hydrogen fluoride
bond, HF.

4.0 - 2.1 = 1.9

Electron dot structure -
valence electrons are represented
by dots placed around the chemical

Structural Formula
When the shared electron pair is drawn
as a dash.

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Guidelines for Drawing Electron Dot
Formulas of Molecules
1. Calculate the total number of valence
by adding all the valence electrons for each
atom in the molecule. The total must be an
number to obey the octet rule. If the total is
an odd number, check your calculations.

2. Divide the total valence electrons by 2 to find

the number of electron pairs in the molecule.
3. Surround the central atom with four electron
pairs. Use the remaining electron pairs to
complete an octet around each of the other
(Hydrogen is an exception as it requires
only one electron pair.)

4. If there are not enough electron pairs to

provide an octet for each atom, move a
nonbonding electron pair between two atoms
that already share an electron pair.
Electron Dot Formula for Water, H 2O
1. Count the total number of valence
6 + 2(1) = 8 e
2. Get the number of electron pairs
8/2 = 4 electron pairs
Electron Dot Formula for
Water, H2O, Continued
3. We can then place the two hydrogen atoms
any of the four electron pair positions. Notice

there are two bonding and two nonbonding

electron pairs.
Electron Dot Formula for
Water, H2O
4. To simplify, we represent bonding electron
with a single dash line called a single bond.
5. The resulting structure is referred to as the
structural formula of the molecule.
Electron Dot Formula for Sulfur Trioxide, SO 3
1. Count the total number of valence electrons:
3(6) + 6 = 24
2. Get number of electron pairs
24/2 = 12 electron pairs.
3. Place four electron pairs
around the central sulfur
atom and attach the three

oxygen atoms. We
started with 12 electron
pairs and have eight left.
Electron Dot Formula for
Sulfur Trioxide, SO3, Continued
3. Place the remaining electron pairs around the
oxygen atoms to complete each octet.
4. One of the oxygen atoms does not have an octet,
so move a nonbonding pair from the sulfur to
provide two pairs between the sulfur and the

2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 12

The two shared electron pairs constitute a
double bond.
The double bond can be placed between the
sulfur and any of the three oxygen atoms. The
structural formula can be shown as any of the
structures below. This phenomenon is called

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Electron Dot Formula for NH4+
1. The total number of valence electrons is
5 4(1) 1 = 8 e. We must subtract one electron
for the positive charge. We have four pairs of
2. Place four electron pairs
around the central nitrogen
atom and attach the four
hydrogen atoms.
3. Enclose the polyatomic ion
in brackets and indicate the
charge outside the brackets.
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Electron Dot Formula for CO32
1. The total number of valence electrons is
4 + 3(6) + 2 = 24 e. We must add one electron
for the negative charge. We have 12 pairs of
2. Place four electron pairs
around the central carbon
atom and attach the three
oxygen atoms. Use the
remaining electron pairs to
give the oxygen atoms their
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Electron Dot Formula for CO32, Continued
3. One oxygen does not have an octet. Make a
double bond and enclose the ion in brackets.

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Coordinate Covalent Bonds
A covalent bond resulting from one atom donating
an electron pair to another atom is called a
coordinate covalent bond.
A good example of a molecule with a coordinate
covalent bond is ozone, O3.

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Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR)
theory is a model used in chemistry to predict
the geometry of individual molecules from the
number of electron pairs surrounding their
central atoms

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Tetrahedral Molecules
Methane, CH4, has four pairs of bonding electrons
around the central carbon atom.
The four bonding pairs (and, therefore, atoms) are
repelled to the four corners of a tetrahedron. Thus,
the electron pair geometry is tetrahedral.
The molecular
shape is also

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Bent Molecules
In water, H2O, the central O atom is surrounded by
two nonbonding pairs and two bonding pairs.
Thus, the electron pair geometry is tetrahedral and
the molecular shape is bent.

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Trigonal Pyramidal Molecules
In ammonia, NH3, the central nitrogen atom is
surrounded by three bonding pairs and one
nonbonding pair.
Thus, the electron pair geometry is tetrahedral and
the molecular shape is trigonal pyramidal.

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Trigonal Planar Molecules
In formaldehyde, CH2O, the central C atom is
bonded to the oxygen by two electron pairs (a
double bond) and to each hydrogen atom by one
electron pair.
The electron pair geometry and the molecular
shape are both trigonal planar.

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Linear Molecules
In carbon dioxide, CO2, the central C atom is
bonded to each oxygen by two electron pairs (a
double bond).
According to VSEPR theory, the electron pairs
will repel each other and they will be at opposite
sides of the C atom.
Thus, the electron pair geometry and the
molecular shape are both linear.

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Summary of VSEPR Theory

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What is the term for the angle formed by two
atoms bonded to the central atom in a molecule?

ans. Bond angle

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A resonance structure is one of two or more Lewis structures
for a single molecule that cannot be represented accurately by
only one Lewis structure.

+ - - +

What are the resonance structures of the

carbonate (CO32-) ion?

- - - -

- - 9.8

Just as green is a synthesis

of blue and yellow

ozone is a synthesis of
these two resonance

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Exceptions to the Octet Rule

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Fewer Than Eight Electrons

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Exceptions to the Octet Rule

The Incomplete Octet

Be 2e-
BeH2 2H 2x1e- H Be H

B 3e- 3 single bonds (3x2) = 6

3F 3x7e- F B F
BF3 9 lone pairs (9x2) = 18
24e- Total = 24

More Than Eight Electrons
The only way PCl5 can
exist is if phosphorus
has 10 electrons
around it.
It is allowed to expand
the octet of atoms on
the 3rd row or below.
Presumably d orbitals in
these atoms participate
in bonding.

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