EGM 5653 Advanced Mechanics of Materials: Theories of Stress and Strain

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EGM 5653


Theories of Stress and Strain

EGM 5653
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Namas Chandra
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-1
EGM 5653

Definition of stress/strain as tensor
Stress/strain on arbitrary planes
Principal quantities, Mohrs circle in 2-D and 3-D
Small displacement theories
Strain rosettes

2.1,2.2 Stress Definition
2.3 Stress tranformation, 2.4 Principal quanities
2.5 Equilibrium equation, 2.6 strain in any direction
2.7 strain transformation, 2.8 strain theory
2.9 Strain measurment
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-2
EGM 5653

2.1 Stress at a point

A0 t

N Lt
A0 tN
S Lt
A0 tS
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2.2 Stress Notation (Tensor)

xx xy xz Body force vector is

T xy yy yz Bx , By , Bz
xz yz zz

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2.2 Alternate Stress Notation

xx xy xz xx xy xz

T xy yy yz T xy yy yz
xz yz zz xz yz zz

11 12 13

T 12 22 23 Diagonal Normal
23 23 33 Eng. Shear= 2*Tensor Shear

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-5
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2.2 Stress on arbitrary planes

xx xy xz N cos i cos j cos k

li mj nk
T xy yy yz
xz yz zz N x i NY j N Z k

Stress on arbitrary plane is t T N

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2.4 Stress Transformation (3-D to another 3-D)

Consider two systems

, e 2
e 2 X e1 , e2 , e3 and X e1, e2 , e3
ei is obtained from ei
using a rigid body rotation.

We are interested to relate the unit vectors

e 3
e 1
e 3 in X from that of X
e 1
We can see that,

e1 Q11e1 Q21e2 Q31e3

e2 Q12e1 Q22e1 Q32e3
. Transformation matrix component e3 Q13e1 Q23e1 Q33e3
Qij cos(ei , ej )
cos(old , new)
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-7
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2.4 Stress Transformation (Vector)

Vector from old to new system,
ai' Qmi am
e 2
e 2

[a]' [Q]T [a]

a1 Q11Q21Q31 a1
a Q Q Q a
2 12 22 32 2
e 3
e 1 a3 Q13Q23Q33 a3
e 3 '
e 1 Given, a 2e1 Find in terms of {e }

0 1 0
Q 1 0 0
0 0 1
a Q a
' T

0 1 0 2 0

1 0 0 0 2
0 0 1 0 0
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2.4 Stress Transformation (Tensor)

e 2 Tensor from old to new system,

e 2

Tij' Qmi e m .TQnj e n

QmiQnj (e m .T e n )

e 3 Tij' QmiQnjTmn
e 1
e 3
e 1
T11' T12' T13' Q11 Q12 Q13 T11 T12 T13 Q11 Q12 Q13
' ' Q Q . T T T . Q Q
T T '
21 22 23 12 22 Q32 21 22 23 12 22 Q32
T31' T32' T33' Q13 Q23 Q33 T31 T32 T33 Q13 Q23 Q33
' T

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-9
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2.4 Stress Transformation (Tensor)

0 1 0
T 1 2 0

0 0 1

0 1 0
1 0 0


0 0 1
' T

2 1 0
1 0 0

0 0 1

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-10
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2.4 Stress Transformation (All tensors)

, 0 1 0
1 0 0


0 0 1

' Scalar
ai' Qmi am Vector
Tij' QmiQnjTmn Second Order Tensor
Tijk' QmiQnj QrkTmnr Third Order Tensor
Tijk ... QmiQnj Qok .....QspTmno... n th Order Tensor

n n

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2.4.2 Principal Stresses

n n In I n 0
11 12 13 is the one of the principal values
21 22 23 0 This is a cubic equation in
31 32 33 Solution to this equation gives the
three principal stress values.
1 2 3
( 11 )1 12 2 13 3 0
For each of the values, find the
211 ( 22 ) 2 23 3 0 direction corresponding to that
311 32 2 ( 33 ) 3 0 principal value,

1 , 2 ,3 are the direction cosines 12 22 32 1

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-12
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2.4.2 Principal Stresses-example

2 0 0
Given: T 0 3 4 Find principal values and directions.
0 4 3

2 0 0
1 5
T I 0 3 4 (2 )( 2 25) 0 2 2
0 4
3 5
For 1 5 2n2 4n3 0
2 1 n1 0n2 0n3 0
4n2 8n3 0
0 (3 1 ) n2 4n3 0
1 2
n1 n2 n3 1 n3 and n2
2 2 2
0 4n2 (3 1 ) n3 0 5 5
n 1 2e2 e3
3n1 0 n1 0 5
n 2 e1
n 3 e2 2e3
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2.4.2 Stress Invariants

I1 xx yy zz
xx xy yy yz xx zx
xy yy yz zz zx zz
xx yy yy zz zz xx 2 xy 2 yz 2 zx
xx xy zx
I 3 xy yy yz
zx yz zz
I1 1 2 3
I 2 1 2 2 3 3 1
In terms of principal
Stresses, I 3 1 2 3
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-14
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2.4.4 Octohedral Stresses

cos2 cos2 cos2 1 n 1

(i j k)

oct 13 I1 13 1 2 3

oct 13 1 2 1 2 1 2
2 2 2

oct 13 I1 13 xx yy zz

yy zz xx yy xx 6( 2 xy yz2 zx2 )
2 2
oct 1 2
3 xx

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-15
EGM 5653

2.4.5 Mean and Deviatoric Stresses

I1 xx yy zz 1 2 3
3 3 3

T Tm Td Tm T

Tij 13 Tkk ij Tij

m 0 0 xx m xy xz

Tm 0 m 0 Td xy yy m yz
0 0 m xz
yz zz m

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-16
EGM 5653

2.4.6 Coordinate Transformation in 2-D


xx xx cos 2 yy sin 2 2 xy sin cos

yy xx sin 2 yy cos 2 2 xy sin cos
xy xx yy sin cos xy (cos 2 sin 2 )

xx 12 xx yy 12 xx yy cos 2 xy sin 2
yy 12 xx yy 12 xx yy cos 2 xy sin 2
xy 12 xx yy sin 2 xy cos 2

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-17
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2.4.7 Mohrs Circle in 2-D

Center 12 xx yy , 0

Radius R 1
4 xx yy 2

xx yy
1 1
4 xx yy 2

xx yy
1 1
4 xx yy 2

max 1
4 xx yy 2

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-18
EGM 5653

2.4.7 Mohrs Circle in 3-D

The best way to draw Mohrs

circle in 3-D is first to find
the principal stresses.
Using the three principal
stresses, the three circles can
then be drawn.
The horizontal direction then
indicates the principal

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-19
EGM 5653

Problem 2.5 (page72)

Given: Stress components xx 80 Mpa; yy 60 Mpa; zz 20 Mpa

xy 20 Mpa; xz 40 Mpa; yz 10 Mpa

Find: Stress vector on a plane normal to i 2 j k

1 80 20 40
n (1, 2,1) T 20 60 10
40 10 20

Stress vector
Tn 65.32i 61.24 j 32.66k

Namas Chandra
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-20
EGM 5653

Problem 2.5 (page72)

Given: Stress components xx 80 Mpa; yy 60 Mpa; zz 20 Mpa

xy 20 Mpa; xz 40 Mpa; yz 10 Mpa

Find: Invariants

First Invariant I1 xx yy zz 160 Mpa

Second Invariant I2
xx yy
yy zz
zz xx 2
xy 2
yz 2
zx 5500

xx xy zx
Third Invariant I 3 xy yy yz 0
zx yz zz
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-21
EGM 5653

Problem 2.5 (page72)

Given: Stress components xx 80 Mpa; yy 60 Mpa; zz 20 Mpa

xy 20 Mpa; xz 40 Mpa; yz 10 Mpa

Find: Principal Values, max. shear and oct. shear stress

Characteristic Equation
max 12 1 3 55 Mpa
3 160 2 5500 0 0
2 oct 19 1 2 2 3 3 1
2 2 2

( 2 160 5500) 0
1 110 Mpa
2 50 Mpa
1 0

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-22
EGM 5653

2.5 Equation of Motion

xx yx zx
Bx 0
x y z
xy yy zy
By 0
x y z
xz yz zz
Bz 0
x y z
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-23
EGM 5653

2.2 Equation of Motion (deformation)

x x (x, y, z)
* *

y y (x, y, z)
* *

z z (x, y, z)
* *

x x(x , y , z )
* * *

y y(x , y , z )
* * *

z z(x , y , z )
* * *

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-24
EGM 5653

2.2 Strain of a Line Element

Engineering strain: Definition

ds* ds
Finite or Green Strain

u 1 u v w
2 2 2

x 2 x x x

v 1 u v w
2 2 2

y 2 y y y

w 1 u v w
2 2 2

z 2 z z z

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2.7.3 Shear Strain (Angle Change between elements)

PA : (l1 , m1 , n1 ) PB : (l2 , m2 , n 2 )
P*A* : (l1* , m1* , n1* ) P*B* : (l*2 , m*2 , n*2 )

cos * l1*l*2 m1*m*2 n1*n*2

Let PA & PB be along x and y axes

12 xy 2 xy
23 yz 2 yz
31 zx 2 xz

12 (1 E1 )(1 E 2 ) cos *

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-26
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2.7.4 Principal Strains

This theory is analogous to stress theory

xx M xy xz
xy yy M yz
xz yz zz M where,
I 1 xx yy zz
xx xy xx xz yy yz
M I 1M I 2 M I 3 0 I 2
3 2

xz zz

xy yy yz zz
1 2
M E E xx yy xx zz yy zz 2xy 2xz 2yz
xx xy xz
I 3 xy yy yz
xz yz zz
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2.8 Small Displacement Theory

Here the strains are infinitesimal and rigid body motion is negligible.
u v w
xx , yy , zz
x y z
1 v u 1 w u 1 w v
xy , xz , yz
2 x y 2 x z 2 y z

and the Magnification factor is,


Namas Chandra
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-28
EGM 5653

2.9 Strain Measurements

The direction cosines or arms a,b,and c are

(la , ma , na ) (1,0,0),(lb , mb , nb ) (cos ,sin ,0),(lc , mc , nc ) (cos 2,sin 2,0)
The extensional strains are
a xx
b xx (cos 2 ) yy (sin 2 ) 2 xy (cos )(sin )
c xx (cos 2 2) yy (sin 2 2) 2 xy (cos 2)(sin 2)

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-29
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2.9 Strain Measurements contd.

xx a
( a 2b ) sin 4 2c sin 2
4sin 2 sin 2
2 a (sin 2 cos 2 2 sin 2 2 cos 2 ) 2(b sin 2 2 c sin 2 )
4sin 2 sin 2
When 60o
2(b c ) a b c
xx a , yy , xy
3 3
When 45o
xx a , yy c , xy b ( a c )
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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-30
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Solved Problem 2.55

2.55 A Square panel in the side of a ship is loaded so that the panel is in a
state of plane strain ( zz zx zy 0 )
a. Determine the displacements for the panel given that the
deformations shown and the strain components for the (x,y)
coordinate axes.
b. Determine the strain components for the (X,Y) axes.

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-31
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Problem 2.55 (contd)

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Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-32
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Problem 2.74

2.74 Show that for Ex 2.12 when =600 the principal strains are given by
1 1
1 ( a b c ) R; 2 ( a b c ) R
3 3
1 2 1/ 2
R (2 ) 2
3( )
3 a b c b c
and the maximum strain is located at angle ccw from x axis
3( b c )
tan 2
2( a b c )

Namas Chandra
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-33
EGM 5653

Problem set in chapter 2 (HW2)

No Suggested Problems In-class and others
(due date)

2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.21,2.25, 2.45, 2.4, 2.10,2.13, 2.18, 2.26,

2.54, 2.57, 2.58, 2.67 2.42, 2.56, 2.59, 2.64, 2.71,
2,77, 2.73,2.76
(9 Feb 2006)

Namas Chandra
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Chapter 2-34

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