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Diah Susanti, PhD

Heat transfer (or heat) is energy in transit due to
a temperature difference

Whenever there exists a temperature

difference in a medium or between media,
heat transfer must occur
There are 3 modes of heat transfers:
1. Conduction: heat transfer that will occur across the
medium when a temperature gradient exists in a
stationary medium , which may be a solid or a
fluid molecular heat transfer
2. Convection: heat transfer that will occur between
a surface and a moving fluid when they are at
different temperatures.
3. Thermal radiation: all surfaces of finite
temperature emit energy in the form of
electromagnetic waves. Hence in the absence of an
intervening medium, there is net heat transfer by
radiation between two surfaces at different
through a solid or stationary fluid
T1 T2

T1 > T2
from a surface to a moving fluid

Ts > T

Moving fluid, T

Heat exchange between two surfaces

surface, T1

surface, T2

q 2
The three modes of heat transfer

Which one is conduction, convection or radiation??


How smart are you??
1. Conduction is
a. Heat transfer due to a different temperature
across a motionless medium either a solid
or a fluid from molecule to molecule.
b. Heat transfer due to a different temperature
between a medium and a moving fluid.
c. Heat transfer through electromagnetic
2. Heat transfer in a vacuum chamber occurs
according to . mode:
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
3. Whenever you want to eat or drink something
hot, you will breathe air from your mouth to
cool down the food. This mechanism of heat
transfer is classified into..
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
Conduction deals with heat transfer in atomic or
molecular level.

Conduction may be viewed as the transfer of

energy from the more energetic to the less
energetic particles of a substance due to
interactions between the particles.
The energy of a gas related to random translational motion, internal
rotation, and vibrational motion of the molecules.
Energy transfer by conduction occur in the direction of decreasing
temperature (positive x direction)
The net transfer of energy by random molecular motion is defined as
a diffusion of energy.
T T1

qx xo qx

x T2
T1 > T2
Conduction and particle motion
particles at
In kinetic theory, cold end
particles in a solid are vibrate less
closely packed,
they vibrate to & from but
can't change positions.

particles at hot
end vibrate a lot
Conduction and particle motion
particles at
cold end
The fast vibrating particles bump vibrate less
into the slower neighbouring
particles &

make them vibrate more

energy is transferred
particles at hot
(from one particle to the
end vibrate a lot
next & from hot to cold
end of rod)
Why are frying-pans and woks usually
made of metals but their handles are
made of plastic?
How is energy transferred from the cooker to
the pan and then to the food?
Energy transfer by conduction
Energy is transferred
by conduction
from the cooker,
through the pan,
to the food.
Conduction (video)
Studying the heat transferred along a metal rod
insulating board

copper rod


What happens to
drawing pins
these drawing pins?
Conduction (video)

What kind of rod conducts heat?

Feel the ends of the
rods to find out which
rod feels hot first.
iron glass

very hot
Conduction (video)

What kind of rod conducts heat fastest?

aluminium Heat the ends of the
copper metal rods and note
iron which drawing pin at the
other end falls first.

Conduction (video)

Does water conduct heat?

boiling Gently heat the top
tube part of the water & find
out if the ice melts.
water wire gauze

Conduction (video)

Does air conduct heat?

Leave the
cardboard for a
while & then
take the
cardboard tube
Conduction (video)

Does air conduct heat?

Leave the cardboard for
a while & then take the
temperature readings.
Energy transfer by conduction

In conduction, heat (energy) is transferred

from the hot part to the cold part.
Materials conduct heat at different rates.
Metals (e.g. copper and iron) are good
conductors of heat.
Non-metals (e.g. wood, water and air)
are poor conductors (or good insulators).
Properties of some conductors and insulators specific for
certain material
thermal conductivity (k), W(mK)-1

specific heat capacity (cp), J(gK)-1

Energy transfer by conduction

In conduction, heat is transferred from the hot

part to the cold part along an object.
Conduction is efficient in conductors but not in
What happen when these two balloons exposed to fire??

air water

Energy transfer by conduction

Does the orientation of the rod matter?

Does the orientation of the rod matter?

Phoebe heats two metal rods as shown.

Which will be heated up first? Why?

Both of them are heated up

at the same rate.
Energy transferred from the
hot end to the cold end by
conduction is not affected by
the orientation of the rod.
Conduction and particle motion

Examples of conduction
How to keep warm?

A cotton jacket
keeps warm by
trapping air next to
the body.
Examples of conduction
How to keep warm?

Polar bears keep

warm by trapping
air in the fur.
Examples of conduction (video)
How to keep warm?
Birds keep warm
by trapping air in
their feathers.
Examples of conduction
Hot or cold?
Under the same condition, a metal block
feels colder than a wooden block even the 2
objects are at the same temperature.
metal easily conducts energy away from

your hand
you feel cold
In conduction, heat is transferred...

In conduction, heat is transferred in which of

the following direction?
A From high-temperature area to low-
temperature area.
B From low-temperature area to high-
temperature area.
C The direction of heat transferred is different in
metals and non-metals.
Which of the following can explain why a tile
floor feels colder than a wooden floor?

A The temperature of the tile floor is lower.

B Tile is a better conductor of heat than wood.
C Wood is a better conductor of heat than tile.
D Tile is smoother than wood.
Frying-pans are made of...
Frying-pans are made of metals because
they are good conductors
_________ of heat, while
handles of frying-pans are made of plastic
insulators of heat.
because they are good _________
One-dimensional heat transfer by conduction
(diffusion of energy)
T Fouriers Law of heat conduction:
qx = - k (dT/dx) (1.1)
qx = - k (T/x) (1.2)
T1 qx = heat flux (Wm-2 or Js-1m-2)
Tx k = thermal conductivity (WK-1m-1)
T = temperature (K)
q x x = distance (m)
L Heat rate = heat fluxarea
qx = qx A
Example 1.1
The wall of an industrial furnace is constructed from
0.15 m thick fireclay brick having a thermal conductivity
of 1.7 Wm-1K-1. Measurements made during steady state
operation reveal temperatures of 1400 and 1150 K at the
inner and outer surfaces respectively. What are the rate
of heat loss and heat flux through the wall that is 0.5 m
by 3 m on a side?

qx H = 0.5 m
T1 T2

L = 0.15 m
1. Steady state conditions
2. One-dimensional conduction through the wall
3. Constant thermal conductivity
How much did you get??
The right answer is

qx = 2833 Wm-2
qx = 4250 W
Another form of Fouriers Law equation:
Fouriers Law of heat conduction:
qx = qx/A = - k (dT/dx)
qx = - kA (dT/dx)
qx = heat flux (Wm-2 or Js-1m-2)
qx = heat rate (W or Js-1)
k = thermal conductivity (WK-1m-1)
T = temperature (K)
x = distance (m)
A = area (m2)
1. A heat rate of 3 kW is conducted through a section of
an insulating material of cross-sectional area 10 m2 and
thickness 2.5 cm. If the inner (hot) surface temperature
is 415 oC and the thermal conductivity of the material is
0.2 W/mK, what is the outer surface temperature?
2. The heat flux through a wood slab 50 mm thick, whose
inner and outer surface temperatures are 40 and 20 oC
respectively, has been determined to be 40 W/m2. what
is the thermal conductivity of the wood?
3. What is the thickness required a masonry wall having
thermal conductivity 0.75 W/mK if the heat rate is to be
80% of the heat rate through a composite structural wall
having thermal conductivity of 0.25 W/mK and a
thickness of 100 mm? Both walls are subjected to the
same surface temperature difference.
Convection heat transfer mode is comprised of
two mechanism: the random molecular motion
(diffusion) and bulk or macroscopic motion of the
Advection: transport due to bulk fluid motion.
Convection: diffusion + advection.
The Boundary Layer Development in Convection Heat Transfer

y y
u fluid T
Velocity layer
distribution, Temperature
Hydrodynamic u(y)
(velocity) q distribution,
boundary layer
u0 Ts
Heated surface
uy Ty
if Ts >T convection happens
The convection heat transfer mode is sustained both by
random molecular motion and by the bulk motion of the
fluid within the boundary layer.
The contribution due to random molecular motion
(diffusion) dominates near the surface where the fluid
velocity is low. In fact, at the interface between the
surface and the fluid (y=0), the fluid velocity is zero and
heat is transferred by this mechanism only.
The contribution due to bulk fluid motion originates
from the fact that the boundary layer grows as the flow
progress in the x direction.
In effect, the heat that is conducted into this layer is
swept downstream and is eventually transferred to the
fluid outside the boundary layer.
According to the nature of the flow, convection is classified into
two modes:
1. Forced convection: when the flow is caused by the external
means, such as a fan, a pump, or atmospheric wind.
2. Free or natural convection: when the flow is induced by
buoyancy forces, which arise from the density differences
caused by temperature variations in the fluid.

The mixed or combined forced and natural convection may exist

in reality.
Typical energy being transferred in convection is sensible heat or
internal thermal, energy of the fluid. In addition, there may
latent heat exchange due to phase transformation.
Regardless the nature of the convection process, the rate
equation is (Newtons law of cooling):
q = h(Ts T) (1.3)
q is the convective heat flux (Wm-2)
h is the convection heat transfer coefficient (Wm-2K-1)

Heat flux is positive when heat is transferred from the

surface, while negative when heat is transferred to the
Typical values of the convection heat transfer
Process h (Wm-2K-1)
Free convection:
Gases 2 25
Liquids 50 1000
Forced convection:
Gases 25 250
Liquids 50 20,000
Convection with phase change:
Boiling or condensation 2500 100,000
1.11. An electric heater is embedded in a long cylinder of diameter
30 mm. When water with a temperature of 25 oC and velocity of 1
m/s flows crosswise over the cylinder, the power per unit length
required to maintain the surface at a uniform temperature of 90 oC
is 28 kW/m. When air, also at 25 oC, but with velocity of 10 m/s is
flowing, the power per unit length required to maintain the same
temperature is 400 W/m. Calculate and compare the convection
coefficients for the flows of water and air.
1.13. A square isothermal chip is of width w = 5 mm on a side
and is mounted in a substrate such that its side and back surfaces
are well insulated, while the front surface is exposed to the flow
of a coolant at T = 15 oC. From a reliability considerations, the
chip temperature must not exceed T = 85 oC. If the coolant is air
and the corresponding convection coefficient is h = 200 W/m2K,
what is the maximum allowable chip power? If the coolant is a
dielectric liquid for which h = 3000 W/m2K, what is the maximum
allowable chip power?
Radiation may occur from solid, liquid, or gas surfaces.
Regardless of the form of the matter, the emission may be
attributed to changes in the electron configurations of the
constituent atoms or molecules.
The energy of the radiation field is transported by electromagnetic
waves (or alternatively photons)
Gas T, Gas T,
G E h Surroundings h
at Tsur

qconv qrad qconv

Surface of emissivity , absorptivity , Surface of emissivity , absorptivity ,

and temperature Ts and temperature Ts

(a) (b)
Radiation exchange (a) at a surface (b) between a surface and large
Radiation that is emitted by the surface (Fig. a) originates from the
thermal energy of matter bounded by the surface, and the rate at
which energy is released per unit area (Wm-2) is termed the surface
emissive power E.
There is an upper limit to the emissive power, which is prescribed by
the Stefan-Boltzmann law
Eb = Ts4 (1.4)
is Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67x10-8 Wm-2K-4
Such a surface is called an ideal radiator or blackbody.
The heat flux emitted by a real surface is less than that of a
blackbody at the same temperature and is given by
E = Ts4 (1.5)
Where is a radiative property of the surface termed the emissivity.
With values in the range 01, this property provides a measure of
how efficiently a surface emits energy relative to a blackbody.
Radiation may also be incident on a surface from its surroundings.
It may originate from a special source such as the sun. Irrespective
of the source(s), the rate at which all such radiation is incident on a
unit area of the surface as the irradiation G.
A portion or all of the irradiation may be absorbed by the surface,
thereby increasing the thermal energy of the material. The rate of
irradiation absorptivity:
Gabs = G (1.6)
Where 01. If <1 and the surface is opaque, portions of the
irradiation are reflected. If the surface is semitransparent, portions
of the irradiation may also be transmitted. The value depends on
the nature of irradiation and the surface itself.
Absorbed and emitted radiation increase and reduce the thermal
energy of matter, respectively, while reflected and transmitted
radiation have no effect on this energy.
A special case that occurs frequently involves radiation
exchange between a small surface Ts and a much larger,
isothermal surface that completely surrounds the smaller one
(Fig. b). The surroundings could, for example, be the walls of a
room or a furnace whose temperature Tsur differs from that of an
enclosed surface (TsurTs). For such condition, the irradiation
may be approximated by emission from a blackbody at Tsur in
which case G = Tsur4
If the surface is assumed to be one for which = (a gray
surface), the net rate of radiation heat transfer from the surface,
expressed per unit area of the surface is (thermal energy
difference between radiation emission and adsorption):
qrad = q/A = Eb(Ts) - G = (Ts4 Tsur4) (1.7)
Another expression for net radiation heat exchange:
qrad = hrA(Ts Tsur), (1.8)
Where the radiation heat transfer coefficient, hr is from (1.7)
hr = (Ts + Tsur)(Ts2 +Tsur2) (1.9)
The total rate of heat transfer from the surface is then
q = qconv + qrad = hA(Ts-T) + A (Ts4 Tsur4) (1.10)
Example 1.2. An uninsulated steam pipe passes through a room in
which air and walls are at 25 oC. The outside diameter of the pipe is
70 mm and its surface temperature and emissivity are 200 oC and
0.8, respectively. What are the surface emissive power and
irradiation? If the coefficient associated with free convection heat
transfer from the surface to the air is 15 Wm-2K-1,what is the rate of
heat loss from the surface per unit length of pipe?
q Ts = 200 oC
= 0.8
T = 25 oC
h = 15 Wm-2K-1


D = 70 mm Tsur = 25 oC
The Surface Energy Balance
Ex. 1.5. The hot combustion gases of a furnace are separated from the ambient air and
its surroundings, which are 25 oC, by a brick wall 0.15 m thick. The brick has thermal
conductivity of 1.2 W/m K and a surface emissivity of 0.8. Under steady state
conditions an outer surface temperature of 100 oC is measured. Free convection heat
transfer to the air adjoining the surface is characterized by convection coefficient of h =
20 W/m2K. What is the brick inner surface temperature?

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