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Anemia is a condition in which a deficiency in the
size or number of erythrocytes, or the amount of
hemoglobin they contain.

Hemoglobin is the red pigment in red blood cells

that transports oxygen.

Not a disease but a symptom of conditions including

extensive blood loss, excessive blood cell
destruction, or decreased blood cell formation.
Assessment of the complete blood count
and select biochemical markers will aid in
determination of the etiology of most


Includes :
Red Blood Cells Count (RBC count):.. in millions/L

(normal range : 4,5 5,5 millions/L)

Hb (g/dl)

Ht (%) : the percentage of blood by volume that is

occupied by the red cells

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) : the average size

of the red blood cells expressed in femtoliters (fL)

MCV (fL) = Ht (%) x 1000
RBC count (in millions/L)
(normal range : 80-94 fL, 1 fL= 10 -15L)
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) : the
average amount of hemoglobin inside an RBC
expressed in picograms (pg)
MCH (pg) = Hemoglobin (g /dL) x 10
RBC count (in millions/L)
(Normal range: 27-31 pg,1 pg =10-12 g)

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

(MCHC) : the average hemoglobin concentration
per unit volume of packed red blood cells
expressed in g/dl.
The MCV reflects the size of red blood
MCH and MCHC reflect the hemoglobin
content of red blood cells.
These RBC measures are used to diagnose
types of anemia.
Classification of Anemia

Based on cell size (MCV)

Macrocytic (large) : MCV > 94 fL.

Normocytic (normal) : MCV = 82-92 fL.

Microcytic (small) : MCV < 80 fL.

Based on hemoglobin content (MCH)

Hypochromic (pale color)

Normochromic (normal color)

1. Normochromic Normocytic Anemia

These include :
anemias of chronic disease
hemolytic anemias
anemia of acute hemorrhage
aplastic anemias
Kidney diseases

2. Normochromic Macrocytic Anemia :

These include :
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Folic acid deficiency
3. Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
These include :
Iron deficiency anemia
Thalassemia, sikcle cell anemia
Anemia sideroblastik.
Biochemical Markers

Biochemical markers, though often nonspecific,

may support specific diagnoses.
These include :
Serum or plasma ferritin

Serum or plasma iron


Trasferrin saturation

Transferrin IBC

RBC Protoporphyrin

Potential causes include :

- infections
- certain diseases
- certain medications (medical reactions)
- lack of nutrients required for normal erythrocyte
synthesis : nutritional anemia
- blood loss
Who Are At Risk For Developing
Anemia ?

infants who may not have adequate iron intake

children going through a rapid growth spurt,
during which the iron available cannot keep up
with the demands for a growing red cell mass
women in childbearing years who have an
excessive need for iron because of blood loss
during menstruation
pregnant women, in whom the growing fetus
creates a high demand for iron.
Symptoms of Anemia

Most symptoms of anemia Heart palpitations (rapid or

are a result of the decrease irregular beating)
of oxygen in the cells or Headache
"hypoxia." Ringing in the ears
Symptoms of anemia Difficulty sleeping
include : Difficulty concentrating



Tanda/sign meliputi:

Kulit pucat
Kelopak mata pucat
Irama jantung cepat (tachycardia)

Severity Hb Range Symptoms

Mild 9.5-13.0 Often no signs
or symptoms
Moderate 8.0 9.5 May presents
with symptoms
Severe < 8.0 Symptoms
usualy presents
Effects of Anemia

Reduced work capacity
Reduced mental capacity
Reduced immune competence
Poor pregnancy outcomes
Increased risk of maternal death

Infants and children

Reduced cognitive development
Reduced immune competence
Reduced work capacity

Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Decreased supply of iron due to inadequate

intake of iron and reduced in bioavailability of

dietary iron
Decreased absorption of iron : Cause of iron

Increased requirement of iron : during the

periods of growth as in infancy and

adolescence, lactation, pregnancy.
Increased blood loss or excretion
Fase Fase terjadinya anemia defisiensi
Serum or plasma ferritin
Serum or plasma iron
Trasferrin saturation
Transferrin IBC
RBC Protoporphyrin
Anemia Megaloblastik
Sel darah merah penderita tidak
normal dengan ciri-ciri bentuknya
lebih besar, jumlahnya sedikit dan
belum matang.
95% kasus berhubungan dengan defisiensi
asam folat dan vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can result from
pernicious anemia, achlorhydria due to
decreased iron stores, or other disorders
leading to reduced cobalamin intake or
Pernicious Anemia
Merupakan salah satu bentuk defisiensi vit B12.
Pernicious anemia is caused by failure of gastric
parietal cells to produce sufficient intrinsic factor
(IF) for vitamin B12 absorption : dihubungkan
dgn reaksi autoimun.
IF : suatu protein (glikoprotein) pada cairan
Vitamin B12
Absorption Physiology
Etiologi Defisiensi Vitamin B12

1. Diet:
Diet vegetarian yang ketat : pada kaum vegan tanpa
suplementasi vitamin B12
Poor diet in infant

Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy

2.Infeksi (parasit pada usus, infeksi bakteri)

3.Penyakit pada saluran cerna, seperti celiac disease
(sprue), Crohns disease, gastrektomi.
4.Obat : colchicine, neomycin, ethanol, metformin,
tuberculosis treatment dengan para amino salicylic acid).
5.Kelainan metabolik (homosistinuria, methylmalonic
Folic Acid Deficiency
Associated with excessive alcohol
Associated with pregnancy
20% are folate-deficient
Occurs with decreased intake,
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
Kadar asam folat serum rendah (< 3
Kadar asam folat dalam sel darah
merah rendah (<140 ng/ml).
Treating Nutritional Anemia
: Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron Supplementation :
Oral iron salts
Ferrous forms better absorbed than ferric (ferrous
sulfate, ferrous lactate, ferrous fumarate)
Best absorbed on an empty stomach but if irritation
occurs, give with meals.
Gastrointestinal effects of iron supplementation :
nausea, epigastric discomfort, hearburn, diarrhea,
Dosage 50-200 mg of elemental iron for adults; 6
mg/kg body weight for children.
Generally supplement for 3 months (4-5 months if
taken with meals)
Oral iron supplementation may result in
normal hemoglobin levels after a few weeks.
There is no benefit to taking iron
supplement with orange juice because vit C
does not enhance absorption from
supplement as it does from foods.

If patient fails to respond

May not be taking supplements

May not be absorbing iron (celiac disease, steatorrhea,

May be bleeding

May need parenteral administration of iron, in the form of

IV iron dextran more expensive & not as safe as
oral administration
Nutritional Management of Iron-Deficiency

Increase absorbable iron in the diet

Include vitamin C at every meal
Include meat, fish or poultry at every meal
Decrease tea and coffee consumption with
Restoring Iron Levels
Factors to consider:
Bioavailability of iron

Vitamin Cbinds iron to form a readily

absorbed complex
Heme sources (meat, poultry, fish) about

15% absorbable
Nonheme iron (grains, vegetables, eggs)

about 3% to 8% absorbable. Iron in egg yolk is

poorly absorbed the presence of phosvitin.
Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Penyerapan Fe
Bentuk besi di dlm makanan. Besi-hem (banyak terdapat dlm daging hewan) dpt
diserap dua x lipat drpd besi non hem.
Asam organik, seperti vitamin C dan asam sitrat.
Asam fitat dan faktor lain dlm serat serealia dan asam oksalat di dlm sayuran
menghambat penyerapan Fe.
Tanin, merupakan senyawa polifenol, terutama terdapat
dalam kopi/teh : menghambat penyerapan Fe.
Tingkat keasaman lambung : meningkatkan daya larut Fe.
Kekurangan asam klorida di dalam lambung atau
penggunaan obat2an yg bersifat basa seperti antasid
menghambat absorbsi Fe.
Keb. tubuh akan Fe. Bila tubuh kekurangan Fe atau
kebutuhan meningkat pada masa pertumbuhan, absorbsi
besi non-heme dapat sampai 10 x, sdgkan besi hem 2
Nutritional Management of Iron-Deficiency

Increase absorbable iron in the diet

Include vitamin C at every meal
Include meat, fish or poultry at every meal
Decrease tea and coffee consumption with
Diet for Iron
Avoid excess caffeine
Eat iron-rich foods
Protein foods
Meats Greens
Fish & Shelfish Dried peas & beans
Fruits Grains
Dried fruit Iron-fortified breads
Juices Dry cereals
Most fresh fruits Oatmeal cereal
Treating Nutritional Anemia :
Vit B 12 Deficiency Anemia

Individuals with abnormal B12 absorption but without

pernicious anemia : high protein diet (1.5 g/kg) with meat,
liver, eggs, milk, milk products, green leafy vegetables

Individuals with B12 deficiency due to pernicious

anemia usually must receive injections of vitamin
Treating Nutritional Anemia :
Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia

Individuals with folic acid deficiency usually

benefit from oral folic acid supplementation
Diet : Diberikan makanan yang mengandung
banyak asam folat : sayuran hijau, hati, daging
tanpa lemak, serealia, biji-bijian, kacang-
kacangan, dan jeruk.
Other Nutritional Anemias
Copper deficiency anemia
Anemia of protein-energy malnutrition
Sideroblastic (pyridoxine-responsive) anemia
Vitamin Eresponsive (hemolytic) anemia

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