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Neurofisiologi dan Transmisi

Titis Nurmasitoh, dr, M.Sc.
Departemen Fisiologi FK UII

Kuliah Blok 1.2

Yogyakarta, 9 November 2015
Homeostasis: an overview

(homeo similar; stasis condition)

The body ability to maintain internal stability

The condition of equilibrium in the bodys internal

environment due to the constant interaction of the
bodys many regulatory process
What are the role of nervous
system to maintain
Some important

1. Receptor
2.Control center
Respon tubuh terhadap perubahan lingkungan luar dan
dalam tubuh homeostasis



Lebih cepat - Lebih lambat

Neurotransmiter - Hormon
Seperti sambungan telepon - Seperti layanan pos

Functional unit of nervous system
Excitability and conductivity characteristics
1011 neurons (10 bilion) in CNS

Glial cells/Neuroglia
Non-conductive cell
Protect, maintain, and support the nervous system
10-50 x of neurons
Cell body/ soma
Axon hillock
Myelin sheath
Synaptic knobs/
terminal buttons/
axon telodendria
The Main Function

Dendrites & soma receptive segment

Axon closest to axon hillock initial


Axon conductive segment

Axon terminal transmissive segment


Ion Channels
1. Leakage channels K+ leakage channels > Na+ leakage
2. Voltage-gated channels open/ close in response to a
change in membrane potential Na+, K+, Ca+
3. Ligand-gated channels open/ close in response to a
specific chemical stimulus (neurotransmitter, hormones,
ions) directly or indirectly (second messenger system)
Na+, Ca+ inward, K+ outward
4. Mechanically gated channel open/ close in response to
mechanical stimulation (vibration, pressure, stretching)
auditory receptors, stretch receptors of internal organs,
touch receptors of skin
Recording with an electrode inside an axon resting
membrane potential/ polarization typically -70 mV
(the potential difference between the inside and outside of the
axon, the inside being more negative than the extra-cellular
ECF Na+ and Cl-
ICF K+ and phosphates (attached to ATP and amino
Factors causing the negativity inside neurons:
1. Leakage of K+ to ECF
2. Negative ions inside neurons cannot leave cells
(attached to proteins/ larger molecules)
3. Na+/K+ ATPase pumps (3 Na+ out for 2 K+ in)
contributes only -3 mV
Resting membrane potential small build-up of negative
ions along the inside of membrane, and positive ions along
the outside
Neurons range: -40 to -90 mV (ranges of membrane
potential of cells: +5mV to -100 mV)

Stimulus: Any change in the environment that is strong enough to
initiate an action potential
Action potential: An electrical signal that propagates along the surface
of the membrane of a neuron
Graded potential: A small deviation from the resting membrane
potential that occurs because ligand-gated or mechanically gated
channels open or close hyperpolarizing or depolarizing graded
Receptor potential (sensory receptors) -- EPSP like
Post-synaptic potential (mainly in dendrites & soma):
Excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP)
Inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP)
Hyperpolarizing graded potential
(Tortora&Derrickson, 2014)
Depolarizing graded potential
(Tortora&Derrickson, 2014)
Action potential generator potential/ receptor potential
Receptor - sensory receptor
- proteins bind to
Sensory receptors: Transducers which alter various energy in
the environment into action potentials in neurons
Sensory organs = receptor + non neural cells
Stimulus receptor/ generator potential (EPSP

like; does not spread, graded, local) reach

firing level/ neuronal threshold action

Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potentials (EPSP)
Partial depolarization which decreases membrane potential/

increases neuronal excitability

Cation channels open (Na+, K+, Ca+2)

Na+ enters cells > Ca+2 inflow or K+ outflow

Local depolarization action potential, but facilitating

action potential
Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potentials (IPSP)
The increase of negative potential inside cells -90 mV
(hyperpolarizing post-synaptic potential)
Opening of Cl- or K+ channels (Cl- enter to the cells and K+ exit from the
cells), or
Na+ and Ca+2 channels are closed
Cells body/ soma integrates EPSP and IPSP
An example of excitatory and inhibitory system skeletal muscles
motor neuron
Examples of inhibitory system organization:
Negative feedback (Renshaw cell), spinal motor neuron
Cerebral cortex, limbic system, cerebellum
The process by which graded potentials add
Spatial and temporal summation
The net summation of EPSPs and IPSPs
determines whether an action potential will be
generated at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic
Spatial summation Temporal summation

Simultaneous stimulation Repeated stimulation of one pre-

synaptic neuron on a post-
of many pre-synaptic
synaptic neuron
neurons on one post-
synaptic neurons
Action potential
An action potential occurs in the membrane of
the axon of neuron when depolarization reaches
a certain level (threshold)
Generated in response to a threshold stimulus
All-or-none principle
Threshold stimulus
Na+ channels open Na+ enters the cell
Depolarization: The reversal of potential membrane +
inside and outside
Firing level/ threshold: The point where depolarization
accelerates (following the increase by 15 mV)
Overshoots exceeds the isopotential + 35 mV
Repolarization: The potential returns K+ channels open
(slower than Na+ channels) K+ exits
Spike potential: The sharp upward and downward curve
of action potential

After-hyperpolarization: Under the level of polarization
Refractory periods: Unresponsive period to adequate
Absolute: firing level 1/3 repolarization
Relative: 1/3 repolarization the beginning of after-
depolarization (neurons can be stimulated by a larger-
than-normal stimulus)
Refractory period
(Tortora&Derrickson, 2014)
The action potential travels along the membrane
of axon
Continuous and saltatory conduction
Factors that affect the speed:
1. Amuont of myelination
2. Axon diameter
3. Temperature
Characteristics Graded Potential Action Potential

Origin Dendrites/ Soma Trigger zone of an

Channels Ligand-gated/ Voltage-gated (Na+ and
mechanically gated K+)
Conduction Local, not propagated Propagated

Amplitude Stimulus intensity (1 All-or-none (100 mV)

mV 50 mV)
Duration Longer (msec min) Shorter (0.5 2 msec)

Polarity Hyperpolarizing/ Depolarizing

Depolarizing Polarizing
Refractory period Not present Present
Once the action potential reaches the axon terminal:
Voltage-gated Ca+2 channels open Ca+2 enters the cells
exocytosis of synaptic vesicles neurotransmitters released

(Tortora&Derrickson, 2014)
Tortora GJ & Derrickson BH. 2014. Principles of Anatomy and
Physology. 14th ed. John Wiley & Sons. Asia.
Partadiredja G. 2010. Essentials of Physiology of the Nervous
System. Lecture module. Unpublished.
Partadiredja G. 2010. Lecture slides for master students in the
Departement of Physiology. The Basic Medical and Biomedical
Science Program GMU Yogyakarta. Unpublished.
Bear MF, Connors BW, Paradiso MA. 2007. Neuroscience:
Exploring the Brain. Lippincott William & Wilkins. Philadelphia.
Ganong WF. 2005. Review of Medical Physiology. 22 nd ed. McGraw
Hill. Asia
Carola R, Harley JR, Noback CR. 1990. Human Anatomy and
Physiology. McGraw Hill Publishing Co. New York.

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