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Lachy Tennent

Year 10 - Photography
Unit 1
Working in small groups, set your camera to black and white
mode (mono). Explore the school grounds and photograph
objects that mimic the look of a letter. Take a checklist with
you to ensure that you do not miss out any letter. Attempt to
take a range of 2-3 images of each letter.
Edit and crop your individual images. Open your images in
Photoshop and crop it to the desired size/orientation. Decide
if you want to use square or rectangular images. You can
enhance the images by selecting image - adjustments -
curves. This is a very useful tool when working with
monochrome images.
Create an A3 collage using Photoshop. Your teacher will
demonstrate how to use Photoshop to organise and edit your
alphabet. Save your work as a jpeg upon completion.


Paste your A3 poster here

A) I enjoyed the improvisation of this task. It

Evaluation: was a lot of fun to instead of finding the

letter a, finding a natural occuring object to
develop the letter A.
Reflect on the project and discuss the following topics:
B) The only part if found difficult was finding
a) What did you enjoy about the project and why? the right angle. Everything else wasnt that
b) List one feature of this project that you found difficult? hard to do.
c) What do you think we could do to improve this project.

C) To improve this project id probably explore

more places within the school because I feel
like we only looked in a limited amount of

Why not try the extension task on the next slide...

Extension task:
Create a 5-6 letter picture word using your found alphabet.

[Paste your picture word here]

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