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ACLS Suspected Stroke Algorithm

If any 1 of these 3 signs is abnormal, the

probability of a stroke is 72%
Step 1
Identify signs of a possible
Facial Droop (have patient
show teeth or smile)
Arm Drift (patient closes eyes
and extends both arms
straight out, with palms up for
10 seconds)
Abnormal Speech (have the
patient say you cant teach
an old dog new tricks)
Step 2
Call 911 immediately (activate EMS system).
This is an important step because EMS
responders can transport the patient to a
hospital that provides acute stroke care and
notify the hospital that the patient is coming.
The hospital staff can then prepare for
efficient evaluation and management of the
patient. Currently, half of all stroke victims are
driven to the ED by family members or friends.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Within 45 minutes of the patient's arrival, the specialist must
decide, based on the CT scan or MRI, if a hemorrhage is present.

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