Energy Resources: By: Reba Ann Paul

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By: Reba Ann Paul


Resources are the producers
of energy.
Renewable resources are Hydroelectricit
resources that can be y
generated again
Non- renewable resources
cannot be replaced Resources Solar Energy

Fossil Fuels
Nuclear Power
Advantages Disadvantages
Clean Source of Power Wind Reliability
The production of wind energy is Wind doesnt generally blow
clean. Creating energy from the reliably, and turbines usually
wind doesntpollute the airor function at about 30% capacity or
require any destructive chemicals. so. In the event that the weather is
As a result, wind energy lessens air not going to support you, you may
pollution. wind up without power Serious
storms or high winds may cause
harm to your wind turbine.
Rapid Growth and Huge Potential Expensive to Set Up
Wind energy has seen enormous Wind turbines and other supplies
growth in last decade. Wind energy needed to make wind energy could
accounts for about 2.5% of the total be extremely costly in advance, and
worldwide electricity production. relying upon where you live, it
Wind turbines are available in might be hard to find someone to
various sizes which means sell them to you and somebody who
businesses can take advantage of it can maintain it over time.
to produce power for them or sell it
to utility to reap some profits.
Geothermal Energy
Advantages Disadvantages
Massive Potential Environmental Issues
Worldwide energy consumption There is an abundance of
about 15 terawatts (TW) is not greenhouse gases below the
anywhere near the amount of surface of the earth, some of which
energy stored in earth.However, moves towards the surface and
most geothermal reservoirs are not into the atmosphere. These
profitable and we can only utilize a emissions tend to be higher near
small portion of the total potential. geothermal power plants.
Realistic estimates for the potential Geothermal power plants are
of geothermal power plants vary associated with sulfur dioxide and
between 0.035 to 2 TW. silica emissions.

Stable Expensive
Harnessing geothermal energy There are heavy upfront costs
does not involve any fuels, which associated with both geothermal
means less cost fluctuations and power plants and geothermal
stable electricity prices. heating/cooling systems.
Advantages ty Disadvantages
Green Droughts
Generating electricity with hydro Electricity generation and energy
energy is not polluting itself. The prices are directly related to how
only pollution occurs during the much water is available. A drought
construction of these massive could potentially affect this.
power plants.

Large source of energy Displacement of inhabitants

Hydroelectricity is the largest Creation of hydro dams cause people
source of energy for electricity to relocate and struggle to adapt to a
production. Example the new environment. Lives, properties,
Akosombo Dam supplies about Food crops and animals are lost.
1020 megawatts of electricity to It results in change in biological
the entire country. There are diversity of living organisms in the
very little fluctuations due to water bodies
seasonal rainfall patterns. As long
as there is water in the reservoir,
electricity can be generated.
Advantages Energy
Abundant Weather Dependent
The potential of solar energy is Although solar energy can still be
beyond imagination.The surface collected during cloudy and rainy
of the earth receives 120,000 days, the efficiency of the solar
terawatts of solar radiation system drops. Solar panels are
(sunlight) 20,000 times more dependent on sunlight to
power than what is needed to effectively gather solar energy.
supply the entire world. Therefore, a few cloudy, rainy days
can have a noticeable effect on the
energy system.
Available and renewable Energy Storage is Expensive
Solar energy is available all over Energy storage systems such as
the world.Not only the countries batteries will help smoothen out
that are closest to the Equator demand and load, making solar
can put solar energy to use power more stable, but these
Germany, for example, has by far technologies are also expensive.
the highest capacity of solar
power in the world.
Fossil Fuels
Advantages Disadvantages
Well Developed Environmental Degradation
The technology we use to harness The main disadvantage of using
the energy in fossil fuels is well fossil fuels, of course, is
developed.The main reason for this thepollutionthat they cause.
is that fossil fuels have been used Carbon dioxide is released into the
to power our world for many air when fossil fuels are burned.
decades. This has been directly linked
toglobal warming, making fossil
fuels very dangerous to the general
health of our planet.

Extremely Efficient Finite energy resource

Fossil fuels are extremely efficient. We are spending our fossil fuel
This means that they can generate reserves in a non-sustainable
huge amounts of energy, even if we manner. Luckily, this forces us to
just use a small amount of, for think different when it comes to
instance, oil or coal. Nothing else energy, which results in the growth
norenewable energies, at least of renewable and green sources of
even comes close to generating the energy.
same amount of energy that fossil
fuels do.
Nuclear Power
Advantages Disadvantages
More Proficient Than Fossil Fuels Uranium is Finite
They have high energy density as Uranium is finite and exists in few
compared to fossil fuels. The of the countries. It is pretty
amount of fuel required by nuclear expensive to mine, refine and
power plant is comparatively less transport uranium. It produces
than what is required by other considerable amount of waste
power plants as energy released by during all these activities and can
nuclear fission is approximately ten result in environmental
million times greater than the contamination and serous health
amount of energy released by fossil effects, if not handled properly.
fuel atom.
Low Pollution: Nuclear Accidents
It releases few greenhouse The radioactive waste produced
emissions. It has been determined can pose serious health effects on
that the amount of greenhouse the lives of people as well as the
gases have decreased by almost environment.
half because of the prevalence in
the utilization of nuclear power.
Nuclear energy has the least effect
on nature since it doesnt discharge
methane and carbon dioxide

Hydroelectricity is considered to be the largest source of energy for

Ghana, very economical and efficient. It makes electricity accessible
to the rural folks. Its associated costs per customer or household is
very economical. It also provides a backbone to the functioning and
existence of industries that require electricity.
ADB(African development bank).(2012)Renewable energy in africa
Web: (accessed 21/08/2017)

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